

Real time military news

Published date: 1/9/2025, 2:42:02 PM
1/9/2025, 2:42:02 PM
Managed by local civil cadres in cooperation with the "Military Operations Department" .. "Al-Hadath" monitors a large turnout at the security settlement center in the city of Masyaf in the Hama countryside #Syria #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
تديره كوادر أهلية محلية بالتعاون مع "إدارة العمليات العسكرية".. "الحدث" ترصد إقبالا كبيرا على مركز التسوية الأمنية في مدينة مصياف بريف حماة #سوريا #قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
由当地文职干部与军事行动部合作管理……哈达斯在哈马乡村马斯亚夫市的安全安置中心监视着大批参加者。 #叙利亚 #Al-Hadath_Channel...您手机上的 Al-Hadath 应用程序📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event 电报@alhdth_now
Gerenciado por quadros civis locais em cooperação com o "Departamento de Operações Militares"... "Al-Hadath" monitora uma grande participação no centro de segurança na cidade de Masyaf, na zona rural de Hama #Síria Canal #AlHadath... Aplicativo AlHadath no seu telefone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Evento urgente Telegram @alhdth_now
Gestionado por cuadros civiles locales en cooperación con el "Departamento de Operaciones Militares"... "Al-Hadath" supervisa una gran participación en el centro de asentamiento de seguridad en la ciudad de Masyaf en el campo de Hama. #Siria Canal #AlHadath... Aplicación AlHadath en tu teléfono📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Evento urgente Telegram @alhdth_now
Управляется местными гражданскими кадрами в сотрудничестве с «Департаментом военных операций»... «Аль-Хадат» контролирует большую явку в центре поселения безопасности в городе Масьяф в сельской местности Хамы. #Сирия #КаналAlHadath... Приложение AlHadath на вашем телефоне📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Срочное мероприятие Telegram @alhdth_now
सैन्य संचालन विभाग के सहयोग से स्थानीय नागरिक कैडरों द्वारा प्रबंधित... अल-हदथ हमा ग्रामीण इलाके में मस्यफ़ शहर में सुरक्षा निपटान केंद्र में एक बड़े मतदान की निगरानी करता है। #सीरिया #अल-हदथ_चैनल...अल-हदथ एप्लिकेशन आपके फोन पर t.me/alarabia_alhadath1 🚨अर्जेंट_इवेंट टेलीग्राम @alhdth_now
Géré par des cadres civils locaux en coopération avec le « Département des opérations militaires »... « Al-Hadath » surveille une forte affluence au centre de sécurité de la ville de Masyaf, dans la campagne de Hama #Syrie #Chaîne AlHadath... Application AlHadath sur votre téléphone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Événement urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
تديره كوادر أهلية محلية بالتعاون مع "إدارة العمليات العسكرية".. "الحدث" ترصد إقبالا كبيرا على مركز التسوية الأمنية في مدينة مصياف بريف حماة #سوريا #قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Verwaltet von lokalen Zivilkadern in Zusammenarbeit mit der „Abteilung für Militäroperationen“ … „Al-Hadath“ beobachtet eine große Beteiligung am Sicherheitssiedlungszentrum in der Stadt Masyaf im Umland von Hama #Syrien #AlHadath-Kanal ... AlHadath-Anwendung auf Ihrem Telefon📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Dringendes Ereignis Telegramm @alhdth_now
Gestito da quadri civili locali in collaborazione con il "Dipartimento delle operazioni militari"... "Al-Hadath" monitora una grande affluenza al centro di insediamento di sicurezza nella città di Masyaf nella campagna di Hama #Siria Canale #AlHadath... L'applicazione AlHadath sul tuo telefono📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Evento urgente Telegram @alhdth_now
「軍事作戦部」と協力して地元の民間幹部が管理しています...「アル・ハダス」はハマ郊外のマシャフ市の治安集落センターで大規模な集会を監視しています #シリア #AlHadath チャンネル... AlHadath アプリケーションを携帯電話で📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨緊急イベント Telegram @alhdth_now
Onder leiding van lokale burgerkaders in samenwerking met de "Militaire Operatieafdeling"... "Al-Hadath" houdt toezicht op een grote opkomst bij het veiligheidscentrum in de stad Masyaf op het platteland van Hama #Syrië #AlHadath-kanaal... AlHadath-applicatie op je telefoon📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Dringend evenement Telegram @alhdth_now
Διευθύνεται από τοπικά στελέχη πολιτών σε συνεργασία με το Τμήμα Στρατιωτικών Επιχειρήσεων... Η Al-Hadath παρακολουθεί μια μεγάλη προσέλευση στο κέντρο εγκατάστασης ασφαλείας στην πόλη Masyaf στην ύπαιθρο της Χάμα. #Συρία #Al-Hadath_Channel...Εφαρμογή Al-Hadath στο τηλέφωνό σας📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now

12/30/2024, 1:19:17 PM
Journalist Safaa Makna: The Israeli army expelled employees from government departments in the Quneitra countryside in southern Syria under the pretext of inspection #Syria #Israel #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/12/2025, 11:10:26 AM
A "semi-ready" deal is approaching Gaza.. and the Israeli army is preparing for a "rapid withdrawal" from the Strip #Gaza #Palestine #Al-Hadath_Studio #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/12/2025, 11:12:21 AM
After the army took control of it for the first time since December 2023.. "The map" reveals the importance of Wad Madani in Sudan #Wad_Madani #Sudan #Al-Hadath_Studio #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/30/2024, 3:32:33 PM
UN Assistant Secretary-General for Near East Affairs Khaled Khiari: Exchange of attacks between the Houthis and Israel threatens greater escalation in the region #Yemen #Israel #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/30/2024, 2:59:52 PM
We transmitted the events from the front line and were often the only "Ain Al Arab" .. Harvest 2024 for "Al-Hadath" coverage of the developments of the Russian-Ukrainian war #Russia #Ukraine #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now