Saraya Al-Quds: Nossos combatentes conseguiram atirar em um soldado sionista a leste da Cidade de Gaza.
Saraya Al-Quds: Nuestros combatientes lograron matar a un soldado sionista al este de la ciudad de Gaza.
Сарайя Аль-Кудс: Нашим бойцам удалось подстрелить сионистского солдата к востоку от города Газа.
सरया अल-कुद्स: हमारे लड़ाके गाजा शहर के पूर्व में एक ज़ायोनी सैनिक को मारने में सफल रहे।
Saraya Al-Quds : Nos combattants ont réussi à abattre un soldat sioniste à l'est de la ville de Gaza.
سرايا القدس: تمكن مجاهدونا من قنص جندي صهيوني شرق مدينة غزة.
Al-Quds-Brigaden: Unseren Mudschaheddin ist es gelungen, einen zionistischen Soldaten östlich von Gaza-Stadt zu erschießen.
Saraya Al-Quds: I nostri combattenti sono riusciti a colpire un soldato sionista a est di Gaza City.
Saraya Al-Quds: Onze strijders slaagden erin een zionistische soldaat ten oosten van Gaza-Stad neer te schieten.
Saraya Al-Quds: Οι μαχητές μας κατάφεραν να βάλουν μπεκάτσα έναν Σιωνιστή στρατιώτη ανατολικά της πόλης της Γάζας.
1/3/2025, 9:42:40 AM
Hebrew website "Walla" - Tal Shelev:
21 words, this is what former Defense Minister Yoav Galant devoted to taking responsibility for the greatest security disaster in the history of "Israel", in his resignation speech from the Knesset this week. 21 words out of 630, less than 5%. Galant chose to end his political career with a poem praising "Israel's" achievements in the "War of the Seven Fronts", while repeating his own praise: I led, I laid the foundations, I clarified, I warned, I decided, I worked, and finally - I was dismissed, because of my position against the law exempting from military service.
This is the narrative he wants to establish regarding his past, present and political future, because as he explained at the end of his speech, from his point of view, this is just a temporary farewell, he will return again. As for the resounding and bloody failure of October 7, it pushed him to the margins to become invisible within the story.
1/3/2025, 10:10:14 AM
Sirens sound in the settlement of "Be'eri" in the Gaza envelope.
1/3/2025, 10:19:31 AM
Israeli media: A rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip towards the settlements of the envelope.
1/3/2025, 10:22:09 AM
Israeli media: For the eighth consecutive day, rockets are being launched from the Gaza Strip.
1/3/2025, 10:27:33 AM
Israeli media: The moment two rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip.