

Real time military news

Published date: 1/7/2025, 7:30:53 PM
1/7/2025, 7:30:53 PM
🔴Carrying individuals armed with a rifle. Entezam. -Persian information center in Sistan and Baluchestan: A group of armed individuals, armed with a weapon, visited Zahedan, Tirandazi, Kurdand, with Hoshyari and Achi Bartri, two of the police officers, confronted him and fled. See the decision to prefer Dadand. In this accident, there is damage to someone and someone who is financially damaged./Fares What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴حملۀ افراد مسلح به پاسگاه انتظامی چشمه زیارت زاهدان شکست خورد ▪مرکز اطلاع‌رسانی پلیس سیستان‌وبلوچستان: دیروز افراد مسلح به سمت پاسگاه چشمه زیارت زاهدان تیراندازی کردند که با هوشیاری و آتشِ برترِ مأموران پاسگاه مواجه شدند و فرار را برقرار ترجیح دادند. در این حادثه هيچ‌گونه تلفاتِ جانی و مالی نیز رخ نداد./فارس سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴武装人员在扎黑丹进行定期巡逻 ▪ 锡斯坦和俾路支斯坦警察信息中心:武装人员前往扎黑丹边境检查站探望恐怖分子,恐怖分子与 Houshiari 和 Atchibert 一起面临严重威胁并逃离。此次事故造成严重人员伤亡和财产损失。/法尔斯 西班牙网络卫士👇🏻 ☑️@SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Transportando indivíduos armados com rifle Entezam. -Centro de informação persa no Sistão e Baluchistão: Um grupo de indivíduos armados, armados com uma arma, visitou Zahedan, Tirandazi, Curdand, com Hoshyari e Achi Bartri, dois policiais, confrontaram-no e fugiram. Veja a decisão de preferir Dadand. Neste acidente há danos a alguém e a alguém que está financeiramente prejudicado./Tarifas O que você tem? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Portan individuos armados con fusil Entezam. -Centro de información persa en Sistán y Baluchistán: Un grupo de individuos armados, armados con un arma, visitó Zahedán, Tirandazi, Kurdand, con Hoshyari y Achi Bartri, dos policías, se enfrentaron a él y huyeron. Vea la decisión de preferir a Dadand. En este accidente hay daño para alguien y alguien que resulta perjudicado económicamente./Tarifas ¿Qué sucede contigo? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Перевозка лиц, вооруженных винтовкой «Энтезам». -Персидский информационный центр в Систане и Белуджистане: группа вооруженных лиц, вооруженных оружием, посетила Захедан, Тирандази, Курданд, а Хошьяри и Ачи Бартри, два полицейских, столкнулись с ним и скрылись. См. решение отдать предпочтение Даданду. В этой аварии кто-то понес ущерб, а кто-то понес финансовый ущерб./Тарифы Что с тобой не так? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴एंटेज़ाम से लैस व्यक्तियों को ले जाना। -सिस्तान और बलूचिस्तान में फ़ारसी सूचना केंद्र: हथियारों से लैस व्यक्तियों का एक समूह, होशयारी और अची बार्ट्री, दो पुलिस अधिकारियों के साथ, ज़ाहेदान, तिरंदाज़ी, कुर्दंड का दौरा किया, उनका सामना किया और भाग गए। दादंद को प्राथमिकता देने का निर्णय देखें. इस हादसे में किसी को नुकसान होता है तो किसी को आर्थिक तौर पर नुकसान होता है./किराया तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Transport d'individus armés d'un fusil Entezam. -Centre d'information persan au Sistan-Baloutchistan : Un groupe d'individus armés, armés, se sont rendus à Zahedan, Tirandazi, Kurdand, avec Hoshyari et Achi Bartri, deux policiers, l'ont affronté et ont pris la fuite. Voir la décision de préférer Dadand. Dans cet accident, il y a des dommages à quelqu'un et à quelqu'un qui est financièrement endommagé./Tarifs Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴حملۀ افراد مسلح به پاسگاه انتظامی چشمه زیارت زاهدان شکست خورد ▪مرکز اطلاع‌رسانی پلیس سیستان‌وبلوچستان: دیروز افراد مسلح به سمت پاسگاه چشمه زیارت زاهدان تیراندازی کردند که با هوشیاری و آتشِ برترِ مأموران پاسگاه مواجه شدند و فرار را برقرار ترجیح دادند. در این حادثه هيچ‌گونه تلفاتِ جانی و مالی نیز رخ نداد./فارس سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Tragen von Personen, die mit einem Entezam-Gewehr bewaffnet sind. -Persisches Informationszentrum in Sistan und Belutschistan: Eine Gruppe bewaffneter Personen, bewaffnet mit einer Waffe, besuchte zusammen mit Hoshyari und Achi Bartri, zwei Polizisten, Zahedan, Tirandazi, Kurdand, konfrontierte ihn und floh. Sehen Sie sich die Entscheidung an, Dadand zu bevorzugen. Bei diesem Unfall entsteht ein Schaden für jemanden und jemand wird finanziell geschädigt./Tarife Was ist los mit dir? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Trasportare persone armate di fucile. -Centro informazioni persiano in Sistan e Baluchestan: un gruppo di individui armati, armati di un'arma, ha visitato Zahedan, Tirandazi, Kurdand, con Hoshyari e Achi Bartri, due agenti di polizia, lo hanno affrontato e sono fuggiti. Vedi la decisione di preferire Dadand. In questo incidente c'è un danno a qualcuno e qualcuno che è danneggiato finanziariamente./Fares Cos'hai che non va? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴ライフルで武装した人物を運ぶ。 -シスターンとバルーチェスターンのペルシャ情報センター:武器を持った武装集団がホシャリとアチ・バルトリの警察官2人とともにクルダンのティランダジ・ザヘダンを訪れ、彼と対峙して逃走した。 Dadand を優先する決定を参照してください。この事故により、人身損害及び金銭的損害が発生しました。/運賃 どうしたの? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Het vervoeren van personen gewapend met een geweer. -Perzisch informatiecentrum in Sistan en Baluchestan: Een groep gewapende individuen, gewapend met een wapen, bezocht Zahedan, Tirandazi, Koerdand, met Hoshyari en Achi Bartri, twee politieagenten, confronteerde hem en vluchtte. Zie de beslissing om de voorkeur te geven aan Dadand. Bij dit ongeval is er sprake van schade aan iemand en iemand die financiële schade lijdt./Tarieven Wat is er mis met jou? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🔴Μεταφορά ατόμων οπλισμένα με τουφέκι. -Περσικό κέντρο πληροφοριών στο Σιστάν και το Μπαλουτσιστάν: Ομάδα ένοπλων ατόμων, οπλισμένων με όπλο, επισκέφτηκε το Zahedan, το Tirandazi, το Kurddand, με τους Hoshyari και Achi Bartri, δύο αστυνομικούς, τον αντιμετώπισαν και τράπηκαν σε φυγή. Δείτε την απόφαση να προτιμήσετε το Dadand. Σε αυτό το ατύχημα, υπάρχει ζημιά σε κάποιον και σε κάποιον που ζημιώνεται οικονομικά./Φάρες Τι σου συμβαίνει; ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY

3/6/2025, 9:28:37 AM
# المريية Ignorance of Razmic, the Skul-Washington, 15 momentum, Burji, Gaddasht. 🔹 Der Razmish, a south and united days, as a result of which he will be seen by it Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @Sepahcybery
3/6/2025, 9:38:56 AM
Kanal 14, a Zionist, with the transfer of a politician: Akhawastam Mizwanstam, the fields of strains, as a matter of Hamas, Glujiri, Kenim. المل Failors are the strategies of Amika Ba Hamas, the subject of Trams Dar, against Hamas Ra, Taghar Nakhdad Dad. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @Sepahcybery
3/6/2025, 9:48:08 AM
Casto Wittaf, Ferstadah Amarika: Idd Ayche, but Ra Rsadin, who has the area of ​​memorizing a cand. Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @Sepahcybery
3/6/2025, 10:43:59 AM
Image 2025-03-06T10:43:59
📌 The honors of tenders ۵ Hazarmaliadir and a ministry denied that Khater Bradar Mudarham?! 🔹 Important support for corruption in the transactions of the transactions of the company of Mella, which was denied by Desthta, Ista, Bramla Miyend, as it is a company, Zerm, a group of Mella, Naft, a decision of the limits of ۵ Hazarmallari, Ra Ba Dalal, with a surface car with a company with the company of Baradar Maddar, the company of Melch. (Hamid Board) and Araka 🔹 Where is the support of Nashan, the Durd Der Haouz, and a monument for the significance of the Beymancar Digiri Brend, and I have the income of Der Bayman, and by the words of Khodshan, “a continuous connection” with the company of Aydko (it has a muddy Jawad Bard Bardad Hamid Board) by alleviating a penalty. Heroes are left with Bardad Miracrend. 🔹 Harind is general links, the company of Meli, I denied Badabal, Kurdan, a response, where is the backwardness and return of the time with a time when I did not, and to the support of Nashan, a thicker, where you will leave a role in the actual acts of deny, with knowledge, and they are the agreement of his dedication, Pedast Joji Garrush, where he was left behind by Bazers, Nizh, I was intense. 🔹 Darbakhi, a bond, a dedication, a park, a thunderbolt, the director of the company, Zermah, the group, a group, the type of Khoud Jalb, and its similarity, and they are where the director of Zermah, with a valley, has a clarity of Namayyan Est. His nickname is a book, where is it, where is the decision without Berjazari, and without sponsorship of the origin of the censorship of its escape! 🔸 Mentioning where it is necessary to leave it with the righteousness of leaving the honors of Dir al -Bayman, the basis of two laws that contradict benefits, Berrad Ya Basta The intensity and expectation of Idhahai, my view, immediately, where the backgrounds of Sennin are the same. ☑️ @Sepahcybery
3/6/2025, 10:44:38 AM
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Shamtit Ra Barr Dand 💌 And what you do not have in the way of God and the weakening of the men, the women and the birth 🔸 🔸 🔸 🔸 🔸 Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 ☑️ @Sepahcybery