

Real time military news

Published date: 1/7/2025, 5:13:51 PM
1/7/2025, 5:13:51 PM
Football Association: Arrest of the accused of assaulting the international referee Hussein Falah during the Karbala vs. Dohuk match https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html To download the Iraqi News Agency INA News application https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
اتحاد الكرة: اعتقال المتهم بالاعتداء على الحكم الدولي حسين فلاح خلال مباراة كربلاء مع دهوك https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html لتحميل تطبيق وكالة الأنباء العراقية INA News https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
足协:在卡尔巴拉与杜胡克的比赛中袭击国际裁判侯赛因·法拉赫的被告被捕 https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html 下载伊拉克通讯社 INA 新闻应用程序 https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
Federação de Futebol: Prisão do acusado de agredir o árbitro internacional Hussein Falah durante o jogo Karbala-Dohuk https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html Para baixar o aplicativo INA News da Agência de Notícias Iraquiana https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
Asociación de Fútbol: Arresto del acusado de agredir al árbitro internacional Hussein Falah durante el partido de Karbala contra Dohuk https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html Para descargar la aplicación de noticias INA de la agencia de noticias iraquí https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
Футбольная ассоциация: Арест обвиняемого в нападении на международного арбитра Хусейна Фалаха во время матча Кербелы с Дохуком https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html Чтобы загрузить приложение иракского информационного агентства INA News https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
फुटबॉल एसोसिएशन: दोहुक के साथ कर्बला मैच के दौरान अंतरराष्ट्रीय रेफरी हुसैन फलाह पर हमला करने के आरोपी की गिरफ्तारी https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html इराकी समाचार एजेंसी आईएनए न्यूज एप्लिकेशन डाउनलोड करने के लिए https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
Fédération de football : Arrestation de l'accusé pour avoir agressé l'arbitre international Hussein Falah lors du match de Karbala contre Dohuk https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html Pour télécharger l'application INA News de l'agence de presse irakienne https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
اتحاد الكرة: اعتقال المتهم بالاعتداء على الحكم الدولي حسين فلاح خلال مباراة كربلاء مع دهوك https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html لتحميل تطبيق وكالة الأنباء العراقية INA News https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
Fußballverband: Festnahme des Angeklagten wegen Angriffs auf den internationalen Schiedsrichter Hussein Falah während des Spiels Kerbela-Dohuk https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html Zum Download der irakischen Nachrichtenagentur INA News-Anwendung https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
Federcalcio: Arresto dell'accusato di aver aggredito l'arbitro internazionale Hussein Falah durante la partita di Karbala contro Dohuk https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html Per scaricare l'applicazione INA News dell'agenzia di stampa irachena https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
サッカー協会:カルバラのドホーク戦で国際審判フセイン・ファラーに暴行を加えた容疑者を逮捕 https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html イラク通信社 INA News アプリケーションをダウンロードするには https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
Voetbalbond: arrestatie van de verdachte van het aanvallen van internationale scheidsrechter Hussein Falah tijdens de Karbala-wedstrijd met Dohuk https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html Om de Iraakse persbureau INA News-applicatie te downloaden https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
Ποδοσφαιρική Ομοσπονδία: Σύλληψη του κατηγορούμενου για επίθεση στον διεθνή διαιτητή Χουσεΐν Φαλάχ κατά τη διάρκεια του αγώνα της Καρμπάλα με την Ντοχούκ https://www.ina.iq/225279--.html Για να κατεβάσετε την εφαρμογή INA News του Ιρακινού Πρακτορείου Ειδήσεων https://www.ina.iq/apps.html

1/13/2025, 6:02:46 AM
Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani begins an official visit to the United Kingdom today
1/13/2025, 6:03:34 AM
Official statement: The Prime Minister will hold a series of meetings, most notably with the King of the United Kingdom, His Majesty Charles III, and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
1/13/2025, 6:04:33 AM
Official Statement: The Prime Minister's visit comes within the framework of enhancing prospects for cooperation between Iraq and the United Kingdom
1/13/2025, 6:04:44 AM
Official statement: The visit will witness the signing of agreements and memoranda of understanding in various tracks, especially in the economic, investment and security fields.
1/13/2025, 6:05:35 AM
Official statement: The Prime Minister is accompanied on his official visit to the United Kingdom by a high-level delegation including a number of ministers, members of the House of Representatives, the Governor of Basra, a number of advisors, in addition to representatives of the private sector, businessmen and industrialists specializing in various economic sectors.