Correspondente da Rádio do Exército Israelense: Também desta vez, foguetes foram lançados em Sderot a partir de Beit Hanoun.
Corresponsal de la radio del ejército israelí: Esta vez también, se lanzaron cohetes contra Sderot desde Beit Hanoun.
Корреспондент Армейского радио Израиля: И на этот раз ракеты были запущены по Сдероту из Бейт-Хануна.
इज़रायली सेना रेडियो संवाददाता: इस बार भी, बीट हनौन से सेडरोट में रॉकेट लॉन्च किए गए।
Correspondant de la radio de l'armée israélienne : Cette fois encore, des roquettes ont été tirées sur Sderot depuis Beit Hanoun.
مراسل إذاعة جيش العدو الإسرائيلي: هذه المرة أيضًا، تم إطلاق الصواريخ إلى سديروت من بيت حانون.
Korrespondent des israelischen Armeeradios: Auch dieses Mal wurden Raketen von Beit Hanun aus auf Sderot abgefeuert.
Corrispondente della radio dell'esercito israeliano: Anche questa volta i razzi sono stati lanciati su Sderot da Beit Hanoun.
Correspondent van de Israëlische legerradio: Ook deze keer werden vanuit Beit Hanoun raketten op Sderot gelanceerd.
Ανταποκριτής του ραδιοφώνου του ισραηλινού στρατού: Και αυτή τη φορά, ρουκέτες εκτοξεύτηκαν στο Sderot από το Beit Hanoun.
3/7/2025, 7:35:06 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": When the Chief of Staff, Eyal Zamir, visited yesterday an Israeli army site near Beit Hanoun, the northern Gaza Strip, he conducted a sudden maneuver for the scenario of Hamas attack on the site and told a secret leader on the site that the attack is not an issue if it will fall, but when it will fall.
#Warm media
3/7/2025, 8:14:06 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": In recent weeks, Hamas has prepared extensively to fight against "Israel" with the end of the first stage of the ceasefire without negotiations on the second stage. The organization is also likely to have conducted extracts of the lessons of the fighting rounds, planted dozens of new explosive devices, deployed thousands of militants in Gaza City after their return from the southern Gaza Strip, directed the rocket launchers, and reorganized the fighting frameworks in the form of companies and battalions.
#Warm media
3/7/2025, 8:30:02 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot":
The Israeli army presented a summary of its investigations into failure in the "Black Saturday", but what reached the public is just a small part of what was revealed by full investigations. We reveal hidden information between thousands of pages of military investigations and their materials:
- In a dramatic discussion at 4:00 am, the Chief of Staff made the possibility that there would be an error in intelligence estimates, but he did not act accordingly.
- The barrier on the Gaza border was originally built as a security wall and not as a barrier to prevent infiltration, but only few were aware of that.
- Muhammad al -Sinwar ordered the continued drilling of tunnels, despite the presence of the barrier and the Israeli army, did not realize that this is a misleading trick.
#Warm media
3/7/2025, 8:30:48 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": During the early hours of the attack on October 7, the Iron Dome system was unable to intercept about half of the missiles fired from Gaza.
#Warm media
3/7/2025, 8:32:12 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": The summary of the investigations published by the Israeli army is not mentioned, for example, that the Air Force Intelligence received suspicious indicators on the night of October 7, or that the army failed to intercept sailing aircraft of the elite commando in Hamas, or to shoot down the drones that destroyed sites "see and launched" on the Gaza border.
#Warm media