In Sumy region, 10 people have already been injured in a KAB strike on a residential building
A five-story building in the city of Svesa, Shostkynsky district, suffered significant damage, rescuers evacuated 14 people and rescued an grandmother. A total of 4 apartment buildings were damaged.
Emergency recovery and search operations are underway.
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На Сумщині вже відомо про 10 постраждалих внаслідок у удару КАБ по житловому будинку
Значних пошкоджень зазнав п'ятиповерховий будинок у місті Свеса Шосткинсткого району, рятувальники евакуювали 14 людей і врятували бабусю. Всього пошкоджені 4 багатоквартирні будинки.
Тривають аварійно-відновлювальні та пошукові роботи.
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No Oblast de Sumy, já são conhecidas cerca de 10 vítimas como resultado de um ataque KAB a um edifício residencial
Um prédio de cinco andares na cidade de Svesa, distrito de Shostkyn, sofreu danos significativos, as equipes de resgate evacuaram 14 pessoas e salvaram uma avó. Um total de 4 prédios de apartamentos foram danificados.
As operações de resgate e busca estão em andamento.
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En la provincia de Sumy ya se sabe de 10 víctimas del ataque del KAB a un edificio residencial
Un edificio de cinco pisos en la ciudad de Svesa, distrito de Shostkyn, sufrió daños importantes, los rescatistas evacuaron a 14 personas y salvaron a una abuela. En total, 4 edificios de apartamentos resultaron dañados.
Las operaciones de rescate y búsqueda están en curso.
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На Сумщине уже известно о 10 пострадавших в результате удара КАБ по жилому дому
Значительные повреждения получил пятиэтажный дом в городе Свеса Шосткинсткого района, спасатели эвакуировали 14 человек и спасли бабушку. Всего повреждены 4 многоквартирных дома.
Продолжаются аварийно-восстановительные и поисковые работы.
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सुमी ओब्लास्ट में, एक आवासीय इमारत पर केएबी हमले के परिणामस्वरूप 10 पीड़ितों के बारे में पहले से ही ज्ञात है
शोस्टकिन जिले के स्वेसा शहर में एक पांच मंजिला इमारत को काफी नुकसान हुआ, बचाव दल ने 14 लोगों को निकाला और एक दादी को बचाया। कुल 4 अपार्टमेंट इमारतें क्षतिग्रस्त हो गईं।
बचाव एवं तलाशी अभियान जारी है।
✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
Dans la région de Soumy, on connaît déjà environ 10 victimes suite à l'attaque du KAB contre un immeuble résidentiel.
Un immeuble de cinq étages dans la ville de Svesa, district de Chostkin, a subi d'importants dégâts, les sauveteurs ont évacué 14 personnes et ont sauvé une grand-mère. Au total, 4 immeubles d'habitation ont été endommagés.
Les opérations de sauvetage et de recherche se poursuivent.
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وفي منطقة سومي، أصبح من المعروف بالفعل سقوط حوالي 10 ضحايا نتيجة هجوم KAB على مبنى سكني
تعرض مبنى مكون من خمسة طوابق في مدينة سفيسا بمنطقة شوستكين لأضرار جسيمة، وقام رجال الإنقاذ بإجلاء 14 شخصا وأنقذوا جدة. ولحقت أضرار بإجمالي 4 مباني سكنية.
ولا تزال عمليات الإنقاذ والبحث مستمرة.
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In der Region Sumy wurden nachweislich bereits 10 Personen durch einen KAB-Angriff auf ein Wohngebäude verletzt
Ein fünfstöckiges Gebäude in der Stadt Swesa im Bezirk Schostka wurde erheblich beschädigt. Rettungskräfte evakuierten 14 Personen und retteten eine Großmutter. Insgesamt wurden 4 Mehrfamilienhäuser beschädigt.
Die Notfallbergungs- und Suchvorgänge sind im Gange.
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Nella regione di Sumy si conoscono già circa 10 vittime a seguito di un attacco del KAB contro un edificio residenziale
Un edificio di cinque piani nella città di Svesa, distretto di Shostkyn, ha subito danni significativi, i soccorritori hanno evacuato 14 persone e salvato una nonna. Sono rimasti danneggiati complessivamente 4 condomini.
Sono in corso le operazioni di salvataggio e ricerca.
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In de regio Sumy zijn al 10 mensen gewond geraakt als gevolg van een KAB-aanval op een woongebouw
Een gebouw van vijf verdiepingen in de stad Svesa, district Shostka, liep aanzienlijke schade op. Reddingswerkers evacueerden 14 mensen en redden een grootmoeder. In totaal raakten 4 appartementengebouwen beschadigd.
Er vinden noodhulp- en zoekacties plaats.
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Στην περιφέρεια Sumy, είναι ήδη γνωστό για 10 θύματα ως αποτέλεσμα επίθεσης KAB σε κτίριο κατοικιών
Ένα πενταώροφο κτίριο στην πόλη Svesa, στην περιοχή Shostkyn, υπέστη σημαντικές ζημιές, οι διασώστες εκκένωσαν 14 άτομα και έσωσαν μια γιαγιά. Συνολικά υπέστησαν ζημιές 4 πολυκατοικίες.
Οι επιχειρήσεις διάσωσης και έρευνας βρίσκονται σε εξέλιξη.
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1/10/2025, 9:52:55 AM
EU sends Ukraine €3 billion in proceeds from frozen Russian assets
This is the first such tranche from the European Union that Ukraine will direct to priority budget expenditures. It came as part of the G7 ERA initiative, which envisages sending Ukraine $50 billion, of which $20 billion will be provided by the EU.
"In this way, we are implementing the principle of "Russia will pay" and strengthening Ukraine's financial stability in 2025," Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said.
1/10/2025, 10:13:36 AM
More than 7,000 soldiers have already returned to the army from the SZH, - DBR
4,300 soldiers have already been reinstated, the rest are in the process. Benefits and social guarantees established by the state are restored to them. Every day, the number of returnees from the SZH is increasing.
We are talking about servicemen who voluntarily left their units for the first time and wanted to return without consequences, which became possible thanks to the law that decriminalized the first SZH.
1/10/2025, 10:52:31 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours
According to updated information, 123 people were injured as a result of the Russian attack on the city of Zaporizhzhia on January 8. During the day, the occupiers launched 527 strikes on 10 settlements. 21 reports of the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure were received.
📍Kyiv region
At night, the enemy attacked the capital with strike UAVs: in the Solomyansky district, a drone hit the technical floor of a 16-story residential building. No fire or casualties.
📍Chernihiv region
the enemy struck Semenivka with a "Geran-2" UAV: an elderly woman was injured. 2 houses and a business were damaged.
📍Kherson region
At around 10:00, Russian troops attacked Kherson from a drone: a 43-year-old man received an explosive injury and shrapnel wound to the back. During the day, 1 person died and 16 more were injured due to Russian aggression. The Russian Armed Forces damaged 6 high-rise buildings, 42 private houses, gas pipelines, garages, farm buildings and cars.
📍Dniprovsk region
At night, the Russian Army twice targeted the Nikopol region with heavy artillery (more than 5 shells).
📍Kharkiv region
2 people were injured at the hands of the Russians. Damage was recorded to 4 houses, 2 farm buildings, 3 cars and a building of a civilian enterprise.
📍Donetsk region
The Russian army killed 2 residents of Siversk and damaged 11 high-rise buildings, 24 residential buildings, 2 industrial buildings and shopping pavilions.
📍Sum region
At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 7 attacks. There were 38 explosions.
📍Mykolaiv region
Yesterday, the occupiers shelled Mykolaiv: a 49-year-old man was wounded. The enemy also shelled the Kutsurubska community: in the village of Dmytrivka, 4 private houses, an outbuilding and a power line were damaged. Power supply has been restored. The community was also attacked three times with FPV drones.
1/10/2025, 11:06:37 AM
Ministry of Justice restores Unified State Register services after massive cyberattack
Now, on the Unified State Register portal, you can again search for information in the register for free, generate extracts, and receive results of administrative services by access code, and state bodies have access to information from the register through access identifiers, the Ministry of Justice reports.
Let us recall that on December 19, 2024, the largest hostile attack on the resources of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine took place.
1/10/2025, 11:20:14 AM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - PS