Urgente| Correspondente da Rede Quds: Um mártir no bombardeio da ocupação contra vários palestinos na rua Al-Mukhabarat, a noroeste da cidade de Gaza.
Urgente| Corresponsal de la Red Quds: Mártir en el bombardeo de la ocupación contra varios palestinos en la calle Al-Mukhabarat, al noroeste de la ciudad de Gaza.
Срочно| Корреспондент сети «Кудс»: Мученик в результате бомбардировки оккупационными властями нескольких палестинцев на улице Аль-Мухабарат, к северо-западу от города Газа.
अत्यावश्यक| कुद्स नेटवर्क संवाददाता: गाजा शहर के उत्तर-पश्चिम में अल-मुखबारत स्ट्रीट पर कब्जे वाले बमबारी में कई फिलिस्तीनी शहीद हो गए।
Urgent| Correspondant du Réseau Quds : Un martyr dans le bombardement par l'occupation d'un certain nombre de Palestiniens dans la rue Al-Mukhabarat, au nord-ouest de la ville de Gaza.
عاجل| مراسل شبكة قدس: شهيد في قصف الاحتلال عددا من الفلسطينيين في شارع المخابرات شمالي غرب مدينة غزة.
Dringend| Korrespondent des Quds-Netzwerks: Ein Märtyrer bei der Bombardierung mehrerer Palästinenser durch die Besatzung in der Al-Mukhabarat-Straße nordwestlich von Gaza-Stadt.
Urgente| Corrispondente della rete Quds: un martire nel bombardamento da parte dell’occupazione di un certo numero di palestinesi in via Al-Mukhabarat, a nord-ovest di Gaza City.
Dringend | Correspondent van Quds Network: Een martelaar bij de bomaanslag van de bezettingsmacht op een aantal Palestijnen in de Al-Mukhabaratstraat, ten noordwesten van Gaza-stad.
Επείγον| Ανταποκριτής του Δικτύου Quds: Ένας μάρτυρας στον κατοχικό βομβαρδισμό ορισμένων Παλαιστινίων στην οδό Al-Mukhabarat, βορειοδυτικά της πόλης της Γάζας.
1/15/2025, 1:06:19 PM
Urgent | Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces: We carried out a joint military operation targeting the US aircraft carrier "USS Harry Truman" and its naval units in the northern Red Sea
1/15/2025, 1:06:33 PM
Yemeni Armed Forces: The operation was carried out by the missile force and the air force with cruise missiles and drones during the carrier's attempt to attack Yemen, and it successfully achieved its goals, thanks be to God. The targeting of the aircraft carrier "Truman" is the sixth since its arrival in the Red Sea.
1/15/2025, 1:12:14 PM
Urgent | Saraya Al-Quds: Soon.. Scenes from targeting the headquarters of the engineering unit of the enemy army in the "Netzarim" axis.
1/15/2025, 1:19:48 PM
Urgent | Saraya Al-Quds: After contacting our fighters again, we confirm that we carried out a raid yesterday towards the areas of "Mazaya and Ezbet Malin" in Jabalia camp, and planted two anti-tank "Thaqib" bombs. Six hours later, we detonated the bombs with two Merkava vehicles, killing and wounding their crews.
1/15/2025, 1:33:17 PM
Settlers cut down olive trees on Palestinian lands in the Ein Fares area in the town of Nahalin, west of Bethlehem.