A wounded woman lost her eye and fingers as a result of the occupation blowing up pager devices on resistance fighters and volunteers from Hezbollah elements and supporters during the aggression on Lebanon.
جريحة فقدت عينها وأصابعها جراء تفجير الاحتلال لأجهزة "البيجر" بمقاومين ومتطوعين من عناصر ومناصري حزب الله خلال العدوان على لبنان.
Uma mulher ferida perdeu os olhos e os dedos como resultado do bombardeio de dispositivos de pager da ocupação com combatentes da resistência e voluntários de membros e apoiadores do Hezbollah durante a agressão contra o Líbano.
Una mujer herida perdió los ojos y los dedos como resultado del bombardeo de los dispositivos de localización con combatientes de la resistencia y voluntarios de miembros y partidarios de Hezbolá durante la agresión contra el Líbano.
Раненая женщина потеряла глаза и пальцы в результате бомбардировки оккупационными пейджерными устройствами бойцов сопротивления и добровольцев из членов и сторонников «Хезболлы» во время агрессии против Ливана.
लेबनान पर आक्रमण के दौरान हिजबुल्लाह तत्वों और समर्थकों के प्रतिरोध सेनानियों और स्वयंसेवकों पर पेजर डिवाइस को विस्फोट करने के परिणामस्वरूप एक घायल महिला ने अपनी आंख और उंगलियां खो दीं।
Une femme blessée a perdu ses yeux et ses doigts à la suite du bombardement de dispositifs de téléavertisseur par l'occupation avec des combattants de la résistance et des volontaires des membres et partisans du Hezbollah lors de l'agression contre le Liban.
جريحة فقدت عينها وأصابعها جراء تفجير الاحتلال لأجهزة "البيجر" بمقاومين ومتطوعين من عناصر ومناصري حزب الله خلال العدوان على لبنان.
Eine verwundete Frau verlor Augen und Finger, als die Besatzung während der Aggression gegen den Libanon Pagergeräte mit Widerstandskämpfern und Freiwilligen von Hisbollah-Mitgliedern und -Unterstützern bombardierte.
Una donna ferita ha perso gli occhi e le dita a causa del bombardamento da parte dell'occupazione dei cercapersone con combattenti della resistenza e volontari di membri e sostenitori di Hezbollah durante l'aggressione contro il Libano.
Een gewonde vrouw verloor haar ogen en vingers als gevolg van bombardementen door de bezetting op semafoons met verzetsstrijders en vrijwilligers van Hezbollah-leden en aanhangers tijdens de agressie tegen Libanon.
Μια τραυματισμένη γυναίκα έχασε τα μάτια και τα δάχτυλά της ως αποτέλεσμα των κατοχικών βομβαρδισμών συσκευών τηλεειδοποίησης με αντιστασιακούς και εθελοντές από μέλη και υποστηρικτές της Χεζμπολάχ κατά τη διάρκεια της επίθεσης κατά του Λιβάνου.
1/16/2025, 12:38:02 PM
Issa Qaraqe: Stopping the bloody genocide in the Gaza Strip and putting an end to the silent genocide in the occupation prisons and camps is considered a Palestinian national achievement and a victory for Palestinian rights in light of the fascist and criminal Zionist plans that aimed to erase and strike the Palestinian people and their national cause off the map and deny their inalienable right to freedom and self-determination.
1/16/2025, 12:39:21 PM
Former Minister of Prisoners, Issa Qaraqe: The release of prisoners serving life sentences, hundreds of those with long sentences, sick and wounded children, women, and Palestinian leaders is a victory for Palestinian blood over the Zionist sword and over the policy of killing, massacres, executions, and burying prisoners in prisons that have turned into hell, graves, and places of death and human and spiritual destruction for thousands of Palestinian detainees.
1/16/2025, 12:46:35 PM
Israeli security and political affairs expert, Ariel Osran: "Israel needed a ceasefire agreement because returning Israeli prisoners from Gaza did not succeed through military operations, in addition to the losses in the ranks of soldiers, international isolation and the destruction of Gaza, but the benefits of the deal for Israel are limited."
1/16/2025, 1:15:21 PM
Urgent | Deputy Secretary-General of Islamic Jihad, Muhammad al-Hindi: Everything is over, the deal is done, and Netanyahu has no room to maneuver or create obstacles.
1/16/2025, 12:48:13 PM
Urgent | Lebanese sources: The occupation's drones have been flying in the skies of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, since the morning.