On the occasion of Eid Friday Rajab, the anniversary of the Yemenis' conversion to Islam
Participate in a tweet campaign to commemorate this occasion on the hashtag:
Tonight at 9:00 PM, Sana'a time
Tweet Bank: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
بمناسبة عيد جمعة رجب، ذكرى دخول اليمنيين للإسلام
شارك في حملة تغريدات لإحياء هذه المناسبة على هاشتاق:
الليلة الـ9:00م بتوقيت العاصمة صنعاء
بنك التغريدات: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
Por ocasião da sexta-feira de Rajab, aniversário da conversão dos iemenitas ao Islã
Participe de uma campanha de tweets para comemorar esta ocasião usando a hashtag:
Hoje à noite, 21h, horário da capital Sanaa
Banco de Tweets: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
Con motivo del viernes de Rajab, aniversario de la conversión de los yemeníes al Islam
Participa en una campaña de tweets para conmemorar esta ocasión utilizando el hashtag:
Esta noche, 21:00 horas, hora de la capital de Saná
Banco de tweets: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
По случаю пятницы Раджаба, годовщины обращения йеменцев в ислам.
Примите участие в твит-кампании, посвященной этому событию, используя хэштег:
Сегодня вечером, 21:00 по столичному времени Саны.
Банк твитов: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
रजब के शुक्रवार के अवसर पर, यमनियों के इस्लाम में रूपांतरण की वर्षगांठ
हैशटैग का उपयोग करके इस अवसर को मनाने के लिए एक ट्वीट अभियान में भाग लें:
आज रात, 9:00 बजे, सना राजधानी समय
ट्वीट बैंक: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
A l’occasion du vendredi de Rajab, anniversaire de la conversion des Yéménites à l’Islam
Participez à une campagne tweet pour commémorer cette occasion en utilisant le hashtag :
Ce soir, 21h00, heure de la capitale Sanaa
Banque de tweets : rebrand.ly/rajabeid
بمناسبة عيد جمعة رجب، ذكرى دخول اليمنيين للإسلام
شارك في حملة تغريدات لإحياء هذه المناسبة على هاشتاق:
الليلة الـ9:00م بتوقيت العاصمة صنعاء
بنك التغريدات: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
Anlässlich des Eid von Rajab, dem Jahrestag der Konvertierung der Jemeniten zum Islam
Nehmen Sie an einer Tweet-Kampagne teil, um diesen Anlass mit dem Hashtag zu markieren:
Heute Abend um 21:00 Uhr Sana'a Zeit
Tweet-Bank: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
In occasione del venerdì di Rajab, anniversario della conversione degli yemeniti all’Islam
Partecipa a una campagna tweet per commemorare questa occasione utilizzando l'hashtag:
Stasera, 21:00, ora della capitale Sanaa
Tweet Banca: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
Ter gelegenheid van de vrijdag van Rajab, de verjaardag van de bekering van de Jemenieten tot de islam
Neem deel aan een tweetcampagne om deze gelegenheid te herdenken met behulp van de hashtag:
Vanavond, 21:00 uur, Sanaa hoofdstad
Tweetbank: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
Με αφορμή την Παρασκευή του Ρατζάμπ, την επέτειο της μεταστροφής των Υεμένης στο Ισλάμ
Συμμετέχετε σε μια καμπάνια tweet για να τιμήσετε αυτήν την περίσταση χρησιμοποιώντας το hashtag:
Απόψε, 9:00 μ.μ., πρωτεύουσα ώρα Σαναά
Τράπεζα Tweet: rebrand.ly/rajabeid
1/6/2025, 9:14:34 AM
Islamic Jihad Movement: The heroic operation is a natural response to the enemy’s crimes against our people in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, and a slap in the face of war criminals
1/6/2025, 9:14:36 AM
Islamic Jihad Movement: We bless the heroic operation near the "Kedumim" settlement, east of Qalqilya, in the occupied West Bank
1/6/2025, 9:37:14 AM
The Broadcasting Authority in the enemy entity: 3 dead and 9 wounded, one of them in critical condition, as a result of the shooting operation in Qalqilya
1/6/2025, 2:58:07 AM
🔸 Monday's Supplication
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, who did not make anyone witness when He created the heavens and the earth, nor did He take a helper when He created the souls. He did not share in divinity, nor did He appear in oneness. Tongues are unable to describe the full extent of His attributes, minds are unable to know the essence of His knowledge, tyrants are humbled by His awe, faces are humbled by His fear, and every great thing submits to His greatness. So to You is due praise, consistently, continuously, and consistently. And His prayers be upon His Messenger forever, and His peace be upon Him forever and ever. O Allah, make the beginning of this day of mine righteous, its middle successful, and its end successful. I seek refuge in You from a day whose beginning is fear, whose middle is anxiety, and whose end is pain.
O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness for every vow I made, every promise I made, and every covenant I made, but then did not fulfill it.
And I ask You concerning the injustices of Your servants with Me. So, any of Your servants, or any of Your female servants, who has had an injustice against me that I have wronged him in his person, or in his honor, or in his wealth, or in his family and children, or in which I have backbitten him, or in which I have been biased against him out of inclination or passion, or pride, or zeal, or hypocrisy, or partisanship, whether he is absent or As a witness, whether he is alive or dead, my hand has become too short and my ability has become too limited to return it to him and to be freed from him. So I ask You, O He who possesses needs, and they respond to His will [to His will Kh], and are quick to His will, to send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and to please Him regarding me as You wish, and to bestow upon me mercy from You, for forgiveness does not diminish You, nor does gifting harm You, O Most Merciful of the merciful. O Allah, grant me in every day two blessings from You: happiness at the beginning of it through Your obedience, and a blessing at the end of it through Your forgiveness, O He who is Allah, and none forgives sins except Him.
May Allah's prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his pure family
1/6/2025, 4:57:20 AM
Al Masirah Newspaper Monday 6 Rajab 1446 - January 6, 2025