Russian army hits Stepnohirsk in Zaporizhia region with hail
A pensioner was killed by Russians, and his wife was hospitalized. Residential buildings were destroyed. A fire broke out, - OVA.
армія рф вдарила "градами" по Степногірську у Запорізькій області
Від рук росіян загинув пенсіонер, а його дружину госпіталізовано. Зруйновані житлові будинки. Виникла пожежа, - ОВА.
o exército da Federação Russa atingiu Stepnohirsk, na região de Zaporizhzhia, com "granizo".
Um aposentado morreu nas mãos dos russos e sua esposa foi hospitalizada. Edifícios residenciais destruídos. Houve um incêndio, - OVA.
El ejército de la Federación Rusa golpeó con "granizo" a Stepnohirsk, en la región de Zaporizhzhia.
Un jubilado murió a manos de los rusos y su esposa fue hospitalizada. Edificios residenciales destruidos. Hubo un incendio, - OVA.
армия РФ ударила "градами" по Степногорску в Запорожской области
От рук россиян погиб пенсионер, а его жена госпитализирована. Разрушены жилые дома. Возник пожар, - ОВА.
रूसी संघ की सेना ने ज़ापोरीज़िया क्षेत्र में स्टेपनोहिर्स्क पर "ओलावृष्टि" की।
एक पेंशनभोगी की रूसियों के हाथों मृत्यु हो गई, और उसकी पत्नी को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया। आवासीय भवनों को नष्ट कर दिया. आग लग गई थी, - ओवीए।
l'armée de la Fédération de Russie a frappé Stepnohirsk dans la région de Zaporizhzhia avec de la « grêle ».
Un retraité est mort aux mains des Russes et sa femme a été hospitalisée. Bâtiments résidentiels détruits. Il y a eu un incendie, - OVA.
ضرب جيش الاتحاد الروسي ستيبنوهيرسك في منطقة زابوريزهيا بـ "البَرَد".
توفي متقاعد على يد الروس، وأُدخلت زوجته إلى المستشفى. المباني السكنية المدمرة. كان هناك حريق، - أوفا.
Die Armee der Russischen Föderation schlug Stepnohirsk in der Region Saporischschja mit „Hagel“ ein.
Ein Rentner starb durch die Hand der Russen, seine Frau wurde ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Zerstörte Wohngebäude. Es gab ein Feuer, - OVA.
l'esercito della Federazione Russa ha colpito Stepnohirsk nella regione di Zaporizhzhia con la "grandine".
Un pensionato è morto per mano dei russi e sua moglie è stata ricoverata in ospedale. Edifici residenziali distrutti. C'è stato un incendio, - OVA.
het leger van de Russische Federatie trof Stepnohirsk in de regio Zaporizja met "hagel".
Een gepensioneerde stierf door toedoen van de Russen en zijn vrouw werd in het ziekenhuis opgenomen. Vernietigde woongebouwen. Er was brand, - OVA.
ο στρατός της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας χτύπησε με «χαλάζι» το Στεπνοχίρσκ στην περιοχή Ζαπορίζια.
Ένας συνταξιούχος πέθανε στα χέρια των Ρώσων και η σύζυγός του νοσηλεύτηκε. Κατεστραμμένα κτίρια κατοικιών. Υπήρχε μια φωτιά, - OVA.
1/15/2025, 9:52:05 AM
The Rada voted for another extension of general mobilization from February 8 to May 9 this year
310 people's deputies voted for bill No. 12405. It still needs to be signed by the president.
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1/15/2025, 9:57:17 AM
Russians hit two critical infrastructure facilities in Stryi and Drohobych districts of Lviv region at night
There is destruction due to the impact of cruise missiles, but there were no casualties. Currently, the region's life support systems are operating normally. No power outages were introduced there, said the head of the Lviv OVA Maksym Kozytsky.
In the Carpathian region, the Russian attack also targeted critical infrastructure facilities. Relevant services are working on the spot. There are no casualties.
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1/15/2025, 11:16:46 AM
Russians attacked Kherson's Dniprovskyi district with UAVs
Due to the dropping of explosives from a drone, a 63-year-old man received an explosive injury, shrapnel wounds to the head, chest and arm. The victim went to the hospital on his own. He is currently receiving medical care.
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1/15/2025, 11:18:45 AM
Kharkiv, Donetsk regions - missile danger, - Ukrainian Armed Forces
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1/15/2025, 11:40:12 AM
Our defenders neutralized another 1,580 enemy soldiers
Loss of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 02/24/22 to 01/15/25:
▪️personnel - 812,670 (+1,580)
▪️tanks - 9,780 (+13)
▪️armored vehicles - 20,348 (+22)
▪️artillery systems - 21,975 (+52)
▪️MLRS - 1,262
▪️air defense systems - 1,046 (+2)
▪️aircraft - 369
▪️helicopters - 331
▪️UAVs - 22,383 (+107)
▪️cruise missiles - 3,018
▪️ships/boats - 28
▪️submarines - 1
▪️automobiles+tankers - 33995 (+204)
▪️special equipment - 3696