

Real time military news

Published date: 1/2/2025, 7:49:57 AM
1/2/2025, 7:49:57 AM
Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani inaugurates gasoline improvement, gas and industrial water desalination, liquefied gas production, and white oil hydrogenation units at the Northern Refinery in Baiji District, Salah al-Din Governorate
رئيس مجلس الوزراء محمد شياع السوداني يفتتح وحدات تحسين البنزين وتحلية الغازات والمياه الصناعية وإنتاج الغاز السائل وهدرجة النفط الأبيض في مصفى الشمال بقضاء بيجي في محافظة صلاح الدين
总理穆罕默德·希亚·苏丹尼 (Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani) 为萨拉丁省拜吉地区的北方炼油厂揭幕了用于改进汽油、脱盐气体和工业用水、生产液化气以及加氢白油的工厂。
O primeiro-ministro Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani inaugura unidades de melhoria de gasolina, dessalinização de gás e água industrial, produção de gás liquefeito e hidrogenação de óleo branco na Refinaria do Norte no Distrito de Baiji, Governadoria de Salah al-Din
El Primer Ministro Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani inaugura unidades para mejorar la gasolina, desalar gases y agua industrial, producir gas licuado e hidrogenar aceite blanco en la Refinería Norte en el distrito de Baiji en la gobernación de Salah al-Din.
Премьер-министр Мухаммад Шиаа Аль-Судани открывает установки по улучшению бензина, обессоливания газов и технической воды, производству сжиженного газа и гидрогенизации белой нефти на Северном нефтеперерабатывающем заводе в районе Байджи в провинции Салах-эд-Дин.
प्रधान मंत्री मुहम्मद शिया अल-सुदानी ने सलाह अल-दीन गवर्नरेट में बैजी जिले में उत्तरी रिफाइनरी में गैसोलीन में सुधार, गैसों और औद्योगिक पानी को शुद्ध करने, तरल गैस का उत्पादन करने और सफेद तेल को हाइड्रोजनीकृत करने के लिए इकाइयों का उद्घाटन किया।
Le Premier ministre Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani inaugure les unités d'amélioration de l'essence, de dessalement du gaz et de l'eau industrielle, de production de gaz liquéfié et d'hydrogénation du pétrole blanc à la raffinerie du Nord dans le district de Baiji, gouvernorat de Salah al-Din
رئيس مجلس الوزراء محمد شياع السوداني يفتتح وحدات تحسين البنزين وتحلية الغازات والمياه الصناعية وإنتاج الغاز السائل وهدرجة النفط الأبيض في مصفى الشمال بقضاء بيجي في محافظة صلاح الدين
Premierminister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani weiht in der Nordraffinerie im Bezirk Baiji im Gouvernement Salah al-Din Anlagen zur Benzinverbesserung, zur Entsalzung von Gas und Brauchwasser, zur Flüssiggasproduktion und zur Hydrierung von Weißöl ein.
Il primo ministro Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani inaugura unità per il miglioramento della benzina, la dissalazione dei gas e dell'acqua industriale, la produzione di gas liquido e l'idrogenazione del petrolio bianco presso la raffineria Nord nel distretto di Baiji nel governatorato di Salah al-Din.
Premier Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani huldigt eenheden in voor het verbeteren van benzine, het ontzilten van gassen en industrieel water, het produceren van vloeibaar gas en het hydrogeneren van witte olie in de Noord-raffinaderij in het Baiji-district in het gouvernement Salah al-Din.
Ο πρωθυπουργός Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani εγκαινιάζει μονάδες για τη βελτίωση της βενζίνης, την αφαλάτωση αερίων και το βιομηχανικό νερό, την παραγωγή υγρού αερίου και την υδρογόνωση του λευκού πετρελαίου στο North Refinery στην περιοχή Baiji στο Κυβερνείο Salah al-Din.

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Air Defense Commander announces the imminent arrival of modern weapons systems https://www.ina.iq/225119--.html To download the Iraqi News Agency INA News application https://www.ina.iq/apps.html
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The President of the Republic on the occasion of the (104) anniversary of the founding of the Iraqi army - We recall with great pride and honor the heroism of the Iraqi army as it confronted the forces of terrorism that wanted to harm Iraq. - Building a national army capable of facing challenges and rearming it with the latest weapons and equipment must be a top priority. - The planning and hopes of everyone who thought and is thinking of returning the dictatorial regime, whose tragedies still bear witness to its injustice, tyranny, brutality and aggression, have been disappointed. - Our message in building our national army is to protect the people, protect their freedom and constitution, and defend the borders of the homeland, not to threaten the security of the neighborhood and the stability of the region
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