O primeiro-ministro Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani inaugura (cidade residencial Al-Masafi) no distrito de Baiji
El primer ministro Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani inaugura la ciudad residencial de refinerías de resina en el distrito de Baiji
Премьер-министр Мухаммад Шиа Аль-Судани открывает (жилой город Аль-Масафи) в районе Байджи
प्रधान मंत्री मुहम्मद शिया अल-सुदानी ने बैजी जिले में (अल-मसाफ़ी आवासीय शहर) का उद्घाटन किया
Le Premier ministre Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani inaugure la ville résidentielle d'Al-Masafi dans le district de Baiji
رئيس مجلس الوزراء محمد شياع السوداني يفتتح (مدينة المصافي السكنية) في قضاء بيجي
Premierminister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani eröffnet Wohnanlage „Resin Refineries Residential City“ im Bezirk Baiji
Il primo ministro Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani inaugura la (città residenziale di Al-Masafi) nel distretto di Baiji
Premier Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani inaugureert (woonstad Al-Masafi) in het district Baiji
Ο πρωθυπουργός Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani εγκαινιάζει (οικιστική πόλη Al-Masafi) στην περιοχή Baiji
1/12/2025, 10:23:04 AM
The Palestine Committee of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly holds its meeting in the capital, Baghdad, and calls for an immediate end to the aggression on Gaza
12/30/2024, 1:20:35 PM
Counter-Terrorism Service: 7 ISIS members killed and 22 guest houses destroyed on the borders between Salah al-Din, Kirkuk and Diyala
The Council of Ministers approves the authorization of the Minister of Finance or her authorized representative to sign the loan agreement to finance the implementation of combined cycle projects for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity, for the Kirkuk Gas Station.