

Real time military news

Published date: 1/1/2025, 4:41:25 PM
1/1/2025, 4:41:25 PM
Kharkiv region - threat of enemy use of strike UAVs, - Ukrainian Armed Forces ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
Харківська область - загроза застосування ворогом ударних БпЛА, - ПС ЗСУ ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
哈尔科夫地区 - 敌人使用攻击无人机的威胁, - 乌克兰武装部队的PS ✅ 我们使用 WhatsApp |维伯|电报
Região de Kharkiv - a ameaça do uso inimigo de UAVs de ataque, - PS das Forças Armadas da Ucrânia ✅ Estamos no WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Región de Járkov: la amenaza del uso enemigo de vehículos aéreos no tripulados de ataque, - PS de las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania ✅ Estamos en WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Харьковская область – угроза применения врагом ударных БпЛА, - ПС ВСУ ✅ Мы в WhatsApp | Вибер | Telegram
खार्किव क्षेत्र - दुश्मन पर हमले के यूएवी के उपयोग का खतरा, - यूक्रेन के सशस्त्र बलों के पीएस ✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
Région de Kharkiv - menace d'utilisation par l'ennemi de drones d'attaque, - PS des Forces armées ukrainiennes ✅ Nous sommes sur WhatsApp | Viber | Télégramme
منطقة خاركيف - التهديد باستخدام العدو للطائرات بدون طيار الهجومية، - PS للقوات المسلحة الأوكرانية ✅متواجدون على الواتساب | فايبر | برقية
Region Charkiw – die Gefahr des feindlichen Einsatzes von Angriffs-UAVs, – PS der Streitkräfte der Ukraine ✅ Wir sind auf WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramm
Regione di Kharkiv - la minaccia dell'uso da parte del nemico di UAV d'attacco, - PS delle forze armate ucraine ✅ Siamo su WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramma
ハリコフ地域 - 敵による攻撃用無人航空機使用の脅威 - ウクライナ国軍PS ✅ 私たちは WhatsApp を利用しています |バイバー |電報
Regio Kharkiv - de dreiging van vijandelijk gebruik van aanvals-UAV's, - PS van de strijdkrachten van Oekraïne ✅ Wij zijn op WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
Περιοχή Χάρκοβο - η απειλή εχθρικής χρήσης UAV επίθεσης, - PS των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων της Ουκρανίας ✅ Είμαστε στο WhatsApp | Viber | Τηλεγράφημα

2/19/2025, 6:07:47 AM
Another minus 1300 Russian invaders Rosarmia losses in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 02/19/25: ▪️Pership - 862390 (+1300) ▪️The tank - 10120 (+19) ▪️ Armored Machines - 21098 (+23) ▪️ Artistem - 23347 (+72)   ▪️CRSV - 1288 (+3) ▪️IFA - 1072 (+4) ▪️Lear - 370 ▪️Hegoliple - 331 ▪️BLS - 25861 (+175) ▪️Crimate rockets - 3064 ▪️Dow/boats - 28 ▪️ submarines - 1   ▪️TA vehicles+tanker trucks- 37825 (+146) ▪️ SPECIA - 3752 (+1
2/19/2025, 6:21:22 AM
Image 2025-02-19T06:21:22
The Russian army attacked the densely populated area of ​​Odessa with drones Without light and heating more than 500 homes, 14 schools, 13 kindergartens, hospitals, clinics and social infrastructure. Operational headquarters unfolds in the city.    The kindergarten and the children's clinic. Educational establishments where there is no heat and light will not take children to improve the situation. The Russians were injured by 1 person (hospitalized), the mayor of Gennady Trukhanov.
2/19/2025, 6:27:25 AM
The launches of managed aviation bombs with hostile tactical aviation in Sumy region - PS
2/19/2025, 6:51:10 AM
At night in Russia under the blows of unknown UAVs was Sizran's refinery The governor of Samara region informs about it. The locals heard about 3 explosions, and then a fire broke out there. Its processing capacity is 8.9 million tons of oil per year. It produces fuel, aviation kerosene and bitumen. It provides Russian troops, - the head of the NSDC CPD Kovalenko.
2/19/2025, 7:02:48 AM
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106 enemy drones were knocked over Ukraine 56 UAV - did not reach the goals (locquino lost without negative consequences). In total, 167 drones and 2 Spander-M/KN-23 ballistic missiles in Sumy region launched the rashists. Air goals were neutralized in Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Khmelnitsky, Zhytomyr, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kherson, Odessa and Mykolaiv regions. Odesa, Kyiv, Sumy, Cherkasy region and Zaporizhzhya were injured.