Como parte da atividade em Rafah:
Os combatentes de Kiryat destruíram um complexo de produção de foguetes e canhões antiaéreos
Como parte de la actividad en Rafah:
Los combatientes de Kiryat destruyeron un complejo de producción de cohetes y cañones antiaéreos
В рамках мероприятия в Рафахе:
Боевики Кирьята уничтожили комплекс по производству ракет и зенитных орудий
राफ़ा में गतिविधि के भाग के रूप में:
किर्यत के लड़ाकों ने रॉकेट और विमानभेदी तोपों के उत्पादन के लिए एक परिसर को नष्ट कर दिया
Dans le cadre de l'activité à Rafah :
Les combattants de Kiryat ont détruit un complexe de production de roquettes et de canons anti-aériens
ومن ضمن النشاط في رفح:
ودمر مقاتلو كريات مجمعا لإنتاج الصواريخ والمدافع المضادة للطائرات
Im Rahmen der Aktivität in Rafah:
Die Kämpfer von Kiryat zerstörten einen Komplex zur Herstellung von Raketen und Flugabwehrgeschützen
Nell’ambito dell’attività a Rafah:
I combattenti di Kiryat hanno distrutto un complesso per la produzione di razzi e cannoni antiaerei
Als onderdeel van de activiteit in Rafah:
De strijders van Kiryat vernietigden een complex voor de productie van raketten en luchtafweergeschut
Στο πλαίσιο της δραστηριότητας στη Ράφα:
Οι μαχητές του Kiryat κατέστρεψαν ένα συγκρότημα για την παραγωγή πυραύλων και αντιαεροπορικών όπλων
1/16/2025, 6:03:53 AM
IDF spokesman:
Initial: An alert was activated in Nir with the details under investigation.
1/16/2025, 6:38:16 AM
IDF Spokesperson:
Following an alert issued in Nir Am at 08:01, a fall was detected in an open area.
Details are being reviewed.
1/16/2025, 9:03:39 AM
IDF Spokesperson:
Following a report of a fall identified in an open area in Nir Am earlier today, after investigating the matter, it became clear that this was a false identification.
1/16/2025, 9:30:27 AM
IDF Spokesperson:
Last night (Wednesday), three IDF soldiers were moderately injured and seven more were lightly injured as a result of a weapon explosion at a training base in southern Israel. The injured were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital and their families were notified. The incident is being investigated.
1/16/2025, 12:15:00 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
The IDF announced its intention to confiscate and demolish the apartment of terrorist Muhammad Mask, who carried out a serious terrorist attack at the Jaffa light rail station
Yesterday (Wednesday), the military commander announced his intention to confiscate and demolish the apartment where terrorist Muhammad Mask lived in Hebron. On October 1, 2024, the terrorist carried out a terrorist attack at the Jaffa light rail station in which seven Israelis and foreigners were murdered, and 15 additional civilians were injured.