

Real time military news

Published date: 12/31/2024, 7:11:21 PM
12/31/2024, 7:11:21 PM
Image 2024-12-31T19:11:21
📷 Photos | A magnificent military parade with 7,000 fighters from the General Mobilization Forces, graduates of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" courses in the #Jabal_Ras Directorate in #Al-Hodeidah Governorate 06-30-1446 | 12-31-2024 #Palestine_is_our_first_cause #We_challenge_the_Israeli_enemy 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 صور | عرض عسكري مهيب بعدد 7 ألف مقاتل من قوات التعبئة العامة خريجي دورات "طوفان الأقصى" في مديرية #جبل_رأس بمحافظة #الحديدة 30-06-1446 | 31-12-2024 #فلسطين_قضيتنا_الأولى #نتحدى_العدو_الإسرائيلي 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 照片 | 1446 年 6 月 30 日,#Al-Hudaydah 省 #Jabal_Ras 区举行盛大阅兵,总动员部队的 7,000 名战士是“阿克萨洪水”课程的毕业生。 2024年12月31日 #巴勒斯坦_我们的第一个问题 #Wechallenge_the_Israeli_enemy 🔹t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 Fotos | Um majestoso desfile militar com 7.000 combatentes das Forças de Mobilização Geral, graduados dos cursos “Al-Aqsa Flood”, no distrito #Jabal_Ras da província de #Al-Hudaydah 30-06-1446 | 31/12/2024 #Palestina_nossa_primeira_edição #Wechallenge_the_israeli_enemy 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 Fotos | Un majestuoso desfile militar con 7.000 combatientes de las Fuerzas de Movilización General, graduados de los cursos “Al-Aqsa Flood”, en el distrito #Jabal_Ras de la gobernación de #Al-Hudaydah 30-06-1446 | 31-12-2024 #Palestina_nuestro_primer_tema #Desafiamos_al_enemigo_israelí 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 Фотографии | Величественный военный парад с участием 7000 бойцов Сил общей мобилизации, выпускников курсов «Наводнение Аль-Аксы», в районе #Джебель_Рас провинции #Аль-Худайда 30.06.1446 | 31.12.2024 #Палестина_наш_первый_выпуск #Wechallenge_the_Israeli_enemy 🔹t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 तस्वीरें | जनरल मोबिलाइजेशन फोर्सेज के 7,000 लड़ाकों, अल-होदेदाह गवर्नरेट के जबल रास जिले में "अल-अक्सा फ्लड" पाठ्यक्रम के स्नातकों के साथ एक शानदार सैन्य परेड 06-30-1446 | 12-31-2024 #फिलिस्तीन_हमारा_पहला_कारण_है #हम_इज़रायली_दुश्मन_को_चुनौती_देते_हैं 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 Photos | Un majestueux défilé militaire avec 7 000 combattants des Forces de mobilisation générale, diplômés des cours « Inondation d'Al-Aqsa », dans le district de #Jabal_Ras du gouvernorat d'#Al-Hudaydah 30/06/1446 | 31/12/2024 #Palestine_our_first_issue #Wechallenge_the_Israeli_enemy 🔹t.me/AMC_Midan See More
📷 صور | عرض عسكري مهيب بعدد 7 ألف مقاتل من قوات التعبئة العامة خريجي دورات "طوفان الأقصى" في مديرية #جبل_رأس بمحافظة #الحديدة 30-06-1446 | 31-12-2024 #فلسطين_قضيتنا_الأولى #نتحدى_العدو_الإسرائيلي 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 Fotos | Eine majestätische Militärparade mit 7.000 Kämpfern der Allgemeinen Mobilisierungskräfte, Absolventen der „Al-Aqsa-Flut“-Kurse, im Bezirk #Jabal_Ras des Gouvernements #Al-Hudaydah 30.06.1446 | 31.12.2024 #Palestine_our_first_issue #Wechallenge_the_Israeli_enemy 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 Foto | Una magnifica parata militare con 7.000 combattenti delle Forze di Mobilitazione Generale, diplomati dei corsi "Al-Aqsa Flood" nel distretto di Jabal Ras nel governatorato di Al-Hodeidah 30-06-1446 | 12-31-2024 #La_Palestina_è_la_nostra_prima_causa #Sfidiamo_il_nemico_israeliano 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 写真 | 1446年6月30日 #アル・フダイダ県 #ジャバル・ラス地区で行われた、「アル・アクサ洪水」コースの卒業生である総動員軍の7,000人の戦闘員による壮大な軍事パレード | 2024 年 12 月 31 日 #パレスチナ_私たちの_最初_の問題 #イスラエルの敵に挑戦しよう 🔹t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 Foto's | Een majestueuze militaire parade met 7.000 strijders van de General Mobilization Forces, afgestudeerden van de “Al-Aqsa Flood”-cursussen, in het #Jabal_Ras-district van het #Al-Hudaydah-gouvernement 30-06-1446 | 31-12-2024 #Palestina_onze_eerste_kwestie #Wechallenge_the_Israëlische_vijand 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan
📷 Φωτογραφίες | Μια μεγαλειώδης στρατιωτική παρέλαση με 7.000 μαχητές από τις Δυνάμεις της Γενικής Κινητοποίησης, απόφοιτους των μαθημάτων «Al-Aqsa Flood», στην περιοχή #Jabal_Ras του Κυβερνείου #Al-Hudaydah 30-06-1446 | 31-12-2024 #Παλαιστίνη_το_πρώτο_μάς_θέμα #Προκαλούμε_τον_ισραηλινό_εχθρό 🔹 t.me/AMC_Midan

12/31/2024, 2:48:30 PM
Lebanese sources: Renewed enemy artillery shelling of the town of Shebaa in southern Lebanon
12/31/2024, 3:02:14 PM
🔶 Why didn’t each one of us think of exposing himself to the Qur’an? Let us have mercy on ourselves here in this world, have mercy on ourselves here in this world before we find no one to have mercy on us in the Hereafter, so we hear those verses that Allah the Almighty tells us in response to those who turn away from mentioning Him, even those who cling to others who are arrogant on earth, who see themselves as honorable by being loyal to them, clinging to them, and following them, and who see for themselves a high position in this world, they must return to the Holy Quran to know through it how their state will be on the day they meet Allah the Almighty, the day when those who served them in this world disown them, and devoted themselves to serving them, and to implementing their plans, when they disown them {When those who were followed disown those who followed, and they see the punishment, and their ties are severed, and they say: Those who followed, “If only we could have another turn, we would disown them as they disowned us.” Thus will God show them their deeds as regrets for them, and they will not emerge from the Fire. (Al-Baqarah: 167) You disavow them in this world before they disavow you in the Hereafter. If the Day of Judgment, the Day of Resurrection, is the day when the truths will be revealed more clearly and plainly, and they are the same truths that were represented in this world but we are the ones who turn away from them, you will see yourself in intense regret {Oh, how I regretted that I was more lenient in my duty to Allah} (Az-Zumar: 56). Then when you are led to Hell and it is said to you: {Did not your messengers come to you with clear proofs?} (Ghafir: 50), your answer will be the answer of all the people of Hell: {Yes}. There was no negligence, there was no negligence on the part of Allah, the Most High, nor on the part of His messengers, nor on the part of those who warned Him, the Most High, from among His friends. So you will see yourself as worthy of being tormented in Hell. And you see yourself as deserving of Hell {Yes} you testify against yourself. Why don't you find out the facts here while you are in this world? Why don't we try to know the facts while we are here in this world? So that we won't be among those who say: {Oh, how I regret that I neglected my duty to Allah, and that I was among the scoffers.} (Az-Zumar: from verse 56). #Martyr_Leader Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran - Buy a small price with the verses of Allah @ansarollah1
12/31/2024, 3:24:27 PM
WHO Director: More than 45,000 people were killed in Gaza, 60% of them women and children, and this is reason enough to stop the war
12/31/2024, 3:34:44 PM
Palestinian sources: A seriously wounded person, shot by the enemy, arrives at the Hebron Governmental Hospital
12/31/2024, 3:40:52 PM
🔶 They were chanting [Death to America, Death to Israel..] and we were mocking them, they were gathering in gatherings saying that they wanted to know what they should do for the sake of Allah, and in the face of His enemies, so we were mocking them. The mockers in this world, whoever mocks with his tongue, or whoever mocks the situation he is in, sees that it is a situation that means nothing, a situation that is not needed, a situation that may be similar to children's games. For believers, everything is important, disobedience to Allah Almighty, no matter how simple it is, it matters to them, a good deed in which there is the pleasure of Allah Almighty, no matter how small it is, they consider it important, something from the guidance of Allah Almighty, no matter how people turn away from it and do not understand it or do not appreciate it properly, they see it as important. #Martyr_Leader Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran - They bought with the verses of Allah a small price @ansarollah1