🚫 The Times reported that the source of your security is a Zionist regime: I am not aware of the complete progress of your journey with the help of its people.
What's wrong with you?
🚫تایمز به نقل از یک منبع امنیتی رژیم صهیونیستی: ما اکنون به طور کامل درگیر جنگ با حوثیها (یمن)هستیم.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🚫 O Times informou que a fonte de sua segurança é um regime sionista: não tenho conhecimento do progresso completo de sua jornada com a ajuda de seu povo.
O que você tem?
🚫Según una fuente de seguridad, un régimen sionista: Estamos en guerra total con los hutíes (Yemen).
Cyber España Pasdaran 👇🏻
🚫 The Times сообщила, что источником вашей безопасности является сионистский режим: мне неизвестен полный ход вашего путешествия с помощью его народа.
Что с тобой не так?
🚫 टाइम्स ने बताया कि आपकी सुरक्षा का स्रोत ज़ायोनी शासन है: मुझे इसके लोगों की मदद से आपकी यात्रा की पूरी प्रगति की जानकारी नहीं है।
तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है?
🚫 Le Times a rapporté que la source de votre sécurité est un régime sioniste : je ne suis pas au courant du déroulement complet de votre voyage avec l'aide de son peuple.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
🚫تایمز به نقل از یک منبع امنیتی رژیم صهیونیستی: ما اکنون به طور کامل درگیر جنگ با حوثیها (یمن)هستیم.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🚫 Die Times berichtete, dass die Quelle Ihrer Sicherheit ein zionistisches Regime ist: Ich bin mir nicht über den vollständigen Fortschritt Ihrer Reise mit Hilfe seines Volkes im Klaren.
Was ist los mit dir?
🚫 Il Times ha riferito che la fonte della vostra sicurezza è un regime sionista: non sono a conoscenza del progresso completo del vostro viaggio con l'aiuto del suo popolo.
Cos'hai che non va?
🚫 The Times meldde dat de bron van uw veiligheid een zionistisch regime is: ik ben niet op de hoogte van de volledige voortgang van uw reis met de hulp van zijn bevolking.
Wat is er mis met jou?
🚫 Οι Times ανέφεραν ότι η πηγή της ασφάλειάς σας είναι ένα σιωνιστικό καθεστώς: Δεν γνωρίζω την πλήρη πρόοδο του ταξιδιού σας με τη βοήθεια του λαού του.
Τι σου συμβαίνει;
12/30/2024, 1:09:56 PM
You are a Zionist who has been accused of being a spy against Iran
Bliss and Suzman are an internal Zionist regime in the statement of a joint plaintiff named “Alexander Granovsky” who lives in the month of “Petach Tekoa” and is accused of being a spy. Iran Dastgir Kordhand.
In this statement, I claim that this is the month of Zionism that the “Bani Gantz” betrayed the Minister of Jung, who preceded the Kurdish regime’s depiction of the Kurdish people. We have created a logo for the next day.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 2:55:59 PM
🔴A Zionist regime has been informed about new goals, including the need for resistance against the spread of the Kurds.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 2:56:25 PM
🔴Deputy Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Committee in Lebanon, who has invaded the country in southern Lebanon, and how much news there is in it.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 3:22:16 PM
🔥 A Palestinian revolution on the morning of Imruz Taqnon, the successful completion of operations in the Gaza Strip, 2 Zionist regimes that have lost their support and 4 other regimes that have lost momentum.
What's wrong with you?
12/30/2024, 3:25:23 PM
🔴 Al-Qassam Gardens: The Zionist regime is in ruins, with Yassin 105, near Beit Hanoun, in the north of Gaza.
What's wrong with you?