Israeli Army Spokesperson: A rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip towards the envelope.
المتحدث باسم جيش العدو الإسرائيلي: رصد إطلاق صاروخ من قطاع غزة اتجاه الغلاف.
Porta-voz do exército inimigo israelense: Um míssil foi lançado da Faixa de Gaza em direção à cobertura.
Portavoz del ejército enemigo israelí: Se lanzó un misil desde la Franja de Gaza hacia la cobertura.
Представитель вражеской израильской армии: Ракета была запущена из сектора Газа в сторону укрытия.
इजरायली दुश्मन सेना के प्रवक्ता: गाजा पट्टी से कवर की ओर एक मिसाइल लॉन्च की गई थी।
Porte-parole de l'armée ennemie israélienne : Un missile a été lancé depuis la bande de Gaza vers la couverture.
المتحدث باسم جيش العدو الإسرائيلي: رصد إطلاق صاروخ من قطاع غزة اتجاه الغلاف.
Sprecher der feindlichen israelischen Armee: Eine Rakete wurde vom Gazastreifen auf die Deckung abgefeuert.
Portavoce dell'esercito nemico israeliano: Un razzo è stato lanciato dalla Striscia di Gaza verso l'area.
Woordvoerder van het Israëlische vijandelijke leger: Er werd een raket gelanceerd vanuit de Gazastrook richting de dekking.
Εκπρόσωπος του Ισραηλινού εχθρικού στρατού: Ένας πύραυλος εκτοξεύτηκε από τη Λωρίδα της Γάζας προς την κάλυψη.
12/29/2024, 4:36:34 PM
Israeli Army Spokesperson:
An Israeli soldier from the 9th Battalion of the 401st Brigade was killed during a battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
In another incident, a soldier from the 931st Battalion of the Nahal Brigade was seriously wounded during a battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
12/29/2024, 4:40:32 PM
Israeli Army Radio Correspondent: The number of Israeli army casualties since the start of the military operation last October in the northern Gaza Strip has risen to 40.
12/29/2024, 5:04:18 PM
Saraya Al-Quds: We destroyed a Zionist military vehicle of the type (Merkava) by detonating a (Thaqib) explosive device prepared in advance during its incursion into Al-Sikka Street, west of Beit Hanoun.
12/29/2024, 6:39:37 PM
Saraya Al-Quds: We clashed with a Zionist force and lured them into a house - which we had previously booby-trapped - on Al-Wad Street, west of Beit Hanoun, and killed and wounded its members by blowing up the house as they fortified themselves inside.
12/29/2024, 7:24:35 PM
Israel Today Hebrew newspaper: The Chief of Staff is scheduled to be presented with the results of the investigation into the ambush set up by Hezbollah elements for a group of Israeli army officers and soldiers in southern Lebanon, where the researcher in the Land of Israel, Zeev Reich, and another soldier were killed in the ambush, and two officers were injured in the operation, one of whom was the Chief of Staff of the Golani Brigade.