Urgent | Resistance fighters target occupation vehicles with an explosive device in the town of Anabta, east of Tulkarm.
عاجل | مقاومون يستهدفون آليات الاحتلال بعبوة ناسفة في بلدة عنبتا شرق طولكرم.
Urgente | Os resistentes têm como alvo veículos de ocupação com um dispositivo explosivo na cidade de Anabta, a leste de Tulkarm.
Urgente | Los resistentes atacan vehículos de ocupación con un artefacto explosivo en la ciudad de Anabta, al este de Tulkarm.
Срочно | Боевики атаковали оккупационные машины взрывным устройством в городе Анабта, к востоку от Тулькарма.
अत्यावश्यक | टुल्कर्म के पूर्व में अनाब्ता शहर में विरोधियों ने विस्फोटक उपकरण से कब्जे वाले वाहनों को निशाना बनाया।
Urgent | Les résistants ciblent les véhicules d'occupation avec un engin explosif dans la ville d'Anabta, à l'est de Tulkarem.
عاجل | مقاومون يستهدفون آليات الاحتلال بعبوة ناسفة في بلدة عنبتا شرق طولكرم.
Dringend | In der Stadt Anabta, östlich von Tulkarm, zielen Widerstandskämpfer mit einem Sprengsatz auf Besatzungsfahrzeuge ab.
Urgente | I resistenti prendono di mira i veicoli dell'occupazione con un ordigno esplosivo nella città di Anabta, a est di Tulkarem.
緊急 |トゥルカムの東にあるアナブタの町で、レジスタンスが爆発物を使って占領車両を狙う。
Dringend | Verzetsstrijders richten hun pijlen op bezettingsvoertuigen met een explosief in de stad Anabta, ten oosten van Tulkarm.
Επείγον | Οι αντισταστικοί στοχεύουν κατοχικά οχήματα με εκρηκτικό μηχανισμό στην πόλη Anabta, ανατολικά του Tulkarm.
1/7/2025, 6:01:19 AM
Quds Translation | A photo taken on the beach of Rafah city during the summer, celebrating the genocide..
- Soldier "Eitan Shkenazi" and the occupation army announced his death on January 6, 2025, north of the Gaza Strip
- Officer "Daniel Tawaf" and the occupation army announced his death on September 17, 2024
1/7/2025, 6:13:53 AM
Urgent | The occupation army officially announces the killing of a company commander in the "932" battalion in the "Nahal" brigade during the battles in northern Gaza
1/7/2025, 6:39:55 AM
Occupation bulldozers continue to destroy infrastructure in the town of Tamoun
1/7/2025, 6:45:04 AM
Urgent | Local sources: Renewed clashes between resistance groups and occupation forces in the town of Tamoun near Tubas
1/7/2025, 6:45:49 AM
Urgent | Local sources: Occupation vehicles open fire north of Abasan al-Kabira town, east of Khan Yunis