

Real time military news

Published date: 12/30/2024, 4:11:33 PM
12/30/2024, 4:11:33 PM
IDF Spokesperson: Following the alert issued in Kisufim at 18:02, one launch was detected from the center of the Gaza Strip and fell in an open area. No casualties.
דובר צה"ל: בהמשך להתרעה שהופעלה בכיסופים בשעה 18:02, זוהה שיגור אחד ממרכז רצועת עזה שנפל בשטח פתוח. אין נפגעים.
以色列国防军发言人: 继下午 6 点 02 分抽奖活动启动警报后,在加沙地带中心检测到一枚发射,落在空旷区域。 目前没有人员伤亡。
Porta-voz da IDF: Na sequência do alerta que foi ativado no sorteio às 18h02, foi detetado um lançamento proveniente do centro da Faixa de Gaza que caiu numa área aberta. Não há vítimas.
Portavoz de las FDI: Tras la alerta emitida en Kisufim a las 18:02 horas, se detectó un lanzamiento desde el centro de la Franja de Gaza, que cayó en una zona abierta. No hay heridos.
Представитель ЦАХАЛа: В дополнение к тревоге, которая была активирована в розыгрыше в 18:02, был зафиксирован один пуск из центра сектора Газа, который упал на открытой местности. Пострадавших нет.
आईडीएफ प्रवक्ता: शाम 6:02 बजे स्वीपस्टेक्स में सक्रिय किए गए अलर्ट के अलावा, गाजा पट्टी के केंद्र से एक प्रक्षेपण का पता चला जो एक खुले क्षेत्र में गिरा। कोई हताहत नहीं हुआ है.
Porte-parole de Tsahal : Suite à l'alerte déclenchée lors du tirage au sort à 18h02, un tir a été détecté depuis le centre de la bande de Gaza, tombant dans une zone dégagée. Il n'y a pas de victimes.
المتحدث باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي: إلحاقاً للتنبيه الذي تم تفعيله في اليانصيب عند الساعة 6:02 مساءً، تم رصد إطلاق نار من وسط قطاع غزة وسقط في منطقة مفتوحة. لا يوجد ضحايا.
IDF-Sprecher: Nach der um 18:02 Uhr in Kisufim herausgegebenen Warnung wurde ein Raketenstart aus dem Zentrum des Gazastreifens registriert, der in offenem Gebiet einschlug. Keine Verletzungen.
Portavoce dell'IDF: In seguito all'allarme attivato durante la lotteria delle 18:02, è stato rilevato un lancio dal centro della Striscia di Gaza che è caduto in un'area aperta. Non ci sono vittime.
IDFスポークスマン: 午後6時2分に懸賞で発動された警報に加えて、ガザ地区の中心部から1発の発射が検知され、それが空き地に落ちた。 死傷者はいない。
IDF-woordvoerder: Naar aanleiding van het alarm dat om 18.02 uur bij de loterij werd geactiveerd, werd één lancering gedetecteerd vanuit het centrum van de Gazastrook die in een open gebied viel. Er zijn geen slachtoffers.
Εκπρόσωπος του IDF: Σε συνέχεια του συναγερμού που ενεργοποιήθηκε στην κλήρωση στις 6:02 μ.μ., εντοπίστηκε μία εκτόξευση από το κέντρο της Λωρίδας της Γάζας που έπεσε σε ανοιχτή περιοχή. Δεν υπάρχουν θύματα.

12/26/2024, 2:42:04 AM
IDF Spokesperson: Air Force aircraft attacked during the night, in a targeted manner and with intelligence guidance from the Military Intelligence and Southern Command, a vehicle containing a squad of terrorists from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in the Nusirat area. Prior to the attack, many steps were taken to reduce the chance of harming civilians, including the use of precision weapons, aerial observations and additional intelligence information. The IDF will continue to act with strength and determination against the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.
12/26/2024, 5:33:02 AM
IDF Spokesperson: The IDF continues to operate and train in several areas in the north of the country, including: the firing areas at the Elyakim Air Base, the Golani Air Base, and the Hermon area. The IDF asks the public not to enter the prohibited areas and to allow the security forces to continue carrying out their missions. We emphasize that entry into these areas is prohibited, harms the activities of the forces, and poses a danger to life.
12/26/2024, 5:53:00 AM
Joint statement from the IDF and Shin Bet spokespersons: *Security forces complete counterterrorism operation in Tulkarm: Seven terrorists were eliminated, including a senior operative in the terrorist organization in Tulkarm* IDF forces from the Harub Patrol and Duvdevan Unit, Shin Bet and Border Guard completed a counterterrorism operation in Tulkarm, in the Menashe Brigade, that lasted about two days. During the operation, Air Force aircraft attacked several armed terrorist squads. In addition, IDF fighters eliminated two additional terrorists in hand-to-hand combat, destroyed dozens of explosive devices planted on roads, arrested several suspects and confiscated weapons. Among the terrorists eliminated: Katzi Amin Ibrahim Akasha, a senior operative in the terrorist organization in Tulkarm, who replaced the terrorist Tarek Dosh who was eliminated in a joint IDF and Shin Bet airstrike last week. Along with him, the terrorists Juma Salem Abid and Imran Harun, another senior operative in the terrorist organization, were eliminated. The security forces will continue to operate in attack and defense to maintain the security of the citizens of the State of Israel. Attached is documentation of the explosions of explosives planted on the roads: https://bit.ly/4guN942 Attached are photos of the confiscated weapons: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/ANC25122024824784 Attached are photos of the forces' operations: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/ANC251220243769345
12/26/2024, 6:54:20 AM
IDF Spokesperson: In recent days, Air Force aircraft have targeted and killed, and with intelligence guidance from the Military Intelligence Service, the Shin Bet and the Southern Command, the terrorist Muhammad Jamil Salman Basus, a senior officer in the Gaza City Brigade Engineering Division of the Hamas terrorist organization, and the terrorist Muhammad Kamal Muhammad al-Hajj, commander of the Nahba Company in the Zeitoun Brigade. The terrorist Muhammad Basus, a senior officer in the Gaza City Brigade Engineering Division of the Hamas terrorist organization, was involved in supplying explosives to terrorists and stored explosives in his home. In addition, the terrorist Muhammad al-Hajj, who served as the commander of the Nahba Company and in charge of the Reserve Company in the Zeitoun Battalion, was eliminated. The terrorist promoted and carried out sniping plans against our forces for the Hamas terrorist organization. The attack also killed Basus' brother, the terrorist Mahmoud Jamil Salman Basus, who served as a platoon commander in the Shajaiyah Battalion of the Hamas terrorist organization. Prior to the attack, many steps were taken to reduce the chance of harming civilians, including the use of precision weapons, aerial observations, and additional intelligence information. The IDF will continue to act with force and determination against the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.
12/26/2024, 9:15:01 AM
Attached is a statement from the IDF spokesperson regarding the name of the IDF martyr whose family was notified: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/ANC2612202432675 A link to the IDF website, where the details and photos of the martyrs are published and updated, is attached: https://www.idf.il/59780