O discurso da derrota e da submissão: Como é que a consciência palestiniana é remodelada para criminalizar a resistência?
os detalhes:
El discurso de la derrota y la sumisión: ¿Cómo se remodela la conciencia palestina para criminalizar la resistencia?
los detalles:
Дискурс поражения и подчинения: как палестинское сознание трансформируется в криминализацию сопротивления?
हार और समर्पण का विमर्श: प्रतिरोध को अपराधीकृत करने के लिए फ़िलिस्तीनी चेतना को कैसे नया रूप दिया गया है?
Le discours de la défaite et de la soumission : Comment la conscience palestinienne est-elle remodelée pour criminaliser la résistance ?
les détails:
Der Diskurs von Niederlage und Unterwerfung: Wie wird das palästinensische Bewusstsein umgestaltet, um Widerstand zu kriminalisieren?
die Details:
Il discorso della sconfitta e della sottomissione: come viene rimodellata la coscienza palestinese per criminalizzare la resistenza?
i dettagli:
Het discours van nederlaag en onderwerping: hoe wordt het Palestijnse bewustzijn hervormd om het verzet te criminaliseren?
de details:
Λόγος ήττας και υποταγής: Πώς αναδιαμορφώνεται η παλαιστινιακή συνείδηση για να ποινικοποιήσει την αντίσταση;
οι λεπτομέρειες:
12/26/2024, 8:26:59 AM
Amidst sadness and tears... Colleagues, relatives and friends of the five martyred journalists killed by the occupation perform the funeral prayer for them before their burial in the middle of the Gaza Strip.
12/26/2024, 8:29:41 AM
Press sources: The occupation forces arrested the Palestinian refugee Khalil Aref al-Aref from his home in the town of Abdeen in the western countryside of Daraa, southern Syria, as they infiltrated the region.
12/26/2024, 8:32:16 AM
Urgent | Quds translation: The settlement of "Shomriya" in the occupied Negev announces the death of the soldier "Amit Levi" in clashes with the resistance in the Gaza Strip.
12/26/2024, 8:34:57 AM
Ben Gvir leads the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque under security protection, and Hamas calls on the West Bank, Jerusalem and the occupied interior to a general mobilization and solidarity
12/26/2024, 8:46:27 AM
Urgent | Lebanese National News Agency: A force from the enemy army kidnapped, during its incursion into Wadi al-Hujayr, citizen Hussam Fawaz from the town of Tebnin, while he was heading to his workplace at the Indonesian battalion center affiliated with UNIFIL in the town of Adshit al-Qusayr, Marjeyoun District.