Enemy media: The number of wounded soldiers rose to 8 during the battles in the Gaza Strip
إعلام العدو: ارتفاع عدد جرحى الجنود إلى 8 خلال معارك قطاع غزة
Mídia inimiga: O número de soldados feridos aumentou para 8 durante as batalhas na Faixa de Gaza
Medios enemigos: el número de soldados heridos aumentó a 8 durante los combates en la Franja de Gaza
Вражеские СМИ: Число раненых солдат в боях в секторе Газа выросло до 8
शत्रु मीडिया: गाजा पट्टी में लड़ाई के दौरान घायल सैनिकों की संख्या बढ़कर 8 हो गई
Médias ennemis : Le nombre de soldats blessés s'élève à 8 lors des combats dans la bande de Gaza
إعلام العدو: ارتفاع عدد جرحى الجنود إلى 8 خلال معارك قطاع غزة
Feindliche Medien: Die Zahl der verwundeten Soldaten stieg bei den Kämpfen im Gazastreifen auf 8
Media nemici: Il numero dei soldati feriti è salito a 8 durante i combattimenti nella Striscia di Gaza
Vijandelijke media: Het aantal gewonde soldaten steeg tot 8 tijdens de gevechten in de Gazastrook
Εχθρικά ΜΜΕ: Ο αριθμός των στρατιωτών που τραυματίστηκαν ανέβηκε στους 8 κατά τη διάρκεια των μαχών στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας
2/9/2025, 5:11:27 PM
A. Ahmed Al -Rahwi for the march: There is a guarantee for the owners of capital that they will have privileges if they invest in the country
2/17/2025, 1:10:06 PM
The Media Committee in Tulkarm Camp: The Israeli enemy turned the camp into a closed military area, and targeting every mobile in it
2/17/2025, 1:10:08 PM
The Media Committee in Tulkarm camp: The enemy prevents ambulance crews from reaching patients and wounded and rejects any attempts to introduce aid to the people
2/17/2025, 1:10:13 PM
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: We welcome the decisions issued by the African Summit supporting Palestine and its invitation to cut ties with the Zionist entity
2/9/2025, 5:20:06 PM
A. Ahmed Al -Rahwi for the march: We discovered a lot of financial and administrative imbalances in state institutions