US to provide Ukraine with $15 billion from future proceeds from frozen Russian assets
The Ukrainian Ministry of Finance and the World Bank have already signed a corresponding agreement, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said: "These will be funds within the framework of the PEACE in Ukraine project and part of the US contribution of $20 billion under the G7 initiative, which will be directed to social and humanitarian spending."
США нададуть Україні $15 млрд коштом майбутніх доходів від заморожених російських активів
Український Мінфін і Світовий банк вже підписали відповідну угоду, повідомив Премʼєр-міністр України Денис Шмигаль: "Це будуть кошти у межах проекту PEACE in Ukraine та частина внеску США на суму $20 млрд за ініціативою G7, які спрямуємо на соціальні та гуманітарні видатки".
Os EUA fornecerão à Ucrânia 15 mil milhões de dólares em receitas futuras provenientes de activos russos congelados
O Ministério das Finanças ucraniano e o Banco Mundial já assinaram um acordo correspondente, o primeiro-ministro da Ucrânia, Denys Shmyhal, disse: "Estes serão fundos no âmbito do projecto PEACE na Ucrânia e parte da contribuição dos EUA de 20 mil milhões de dólares no âmbito do G7 iniciativa, que será direcionada para despesas sociais e humanitárias."
Estados Unidos proporcionará a Ucrania 15.000 millones de dólares en ingresos futuros procedentes de activos rusos congelados
El Ministerio de Finanzas de Ucrania y el Banco Mundial ya han firmado el acuerdo correspondiente, dijo el Primer Ministro de Ucrania, Denys Shmyhal: "Estos serán fondos en el marco del proyecto PAZ en Ucrania y parte de la contribución estadounidense de 20 mil millones de dólares en el marco del G7 iniciativa, que estará dirigida a gastos sociales y humanitarios."
США предоставит Украине $15 млрд на средства будущих доходов от замороженных российских активов
Украинский Минфин и Всемирный банк уже подписали соответствующее соглашение, сообщил Премьер-министр Украины Денис Шмигаль: "Это будут средства в рамках проекта PEACE in Ukraine и часть взноса США на сумму $20 млрд по инициативе G7, которые будут направлены на социальные и гуманитарные расходы".
अमेरिका यूक्रेन को जमी हुई रूसी संपत्तियों से भविष्य में 15 अरब डॉलर का राजस्व प्रदान करेगा
यूक्रेन के वित्त मंत्रालय और विश्व बैंक ने पहले ही एक संबंधित समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं, यूक्रेन के प्रधान मंत्री डेनिस श्मिहाल ने कहा: "ये यूक्रेन परियोजना में शांति के ढांचे के भीतर धन होंगे और जी 7 के तहत 20 अरब डॉलर के अमेरिकी योगदान का हिस्सा होंगे।" पहल, जिसे सामाजिक और मानवीय खर्चों के लिए निर्देशित किया जाएगा।"
Les États-Unis fourniront à l’Ukraine 15 milliards de dollars de revenus futurs provenant des avoirs russes gelés
Le ministère ukrainien des Finances et la Banque mondiale ont déjà signé un accord correspondant, a déclaré le Premier ministre ukrainien Denys Shmyhal : « Il s'agira de fonds dans le cadre du projet PEACE en Ukraine et d'une partie de la contribution américaine de 20 milliards de dollars dans le cadre du G7. initiative, qui sera orientée vers les dépenses sociales et humanitaires.
ستزود الولايات المتحدة أوكرانيا بمبلغ 15 مليار دولار من العائدات المستقبلية من الأصول الروسية المجمدة
وقد وقعت وزارة المالية الأوكرانية والبنك الدولي بالفعل اتفاقية مماثلة، وقال رئيس وزراء أوكرانيا دينيس شميهال: "ستكون هذه الأموال في إطار مشروع السلام في أوكرانيا وجزء من مساهمة الولايات المتحدة البالغة 20 مليار دولار في إطار مجموعة السبع". المبادرة التي ستوجه للنفقات الاجتماعية والإنسانية".
Die USA werden der Ukraine künftig Einnahmen in Höhe von 15 Milliarden US-Dollar aus eingefrorenen russischen Vermögenswerten bescheren
Das ukrainische Finanzministerium und die Weltbank haben bereits eine entsprechende Vereinbarung unterzeichnet, sagte der ukrainische Premierminister Denys Shmyhal: „Es handelt sich dabei um Mittel im Rahmen des PEACE-in-Ukraine-Projekts und um einen Teil des US-Beitrags von 20 Milliarden US-Dollar im Rahmen der G7.“ Initiative, die auf soziale und humanitäre Ausgaben ausgerichtet sein wird.“
Gli Stati Uniti forniranno all’Ucraina 15 miliardi di dollari in futuri ricavi derivanti dai beni russi congelati
Il Ministero delle Finanze ucraino e la Banca Mondiale hanno già firmato un accordo corrispondente, il Primo Ministro ucraino Denys Shmyhal ha dichiarato: "Questi saranno fondi nel quadro del progetto PEACE in Ucraina e parte del contributo statunitense di 20 miliardi di dollari nell'ambito del G7 iniziativa, che sarà destinata alle spese sociali e umanitarie."
De VS zullen Oekraïne in de toekomst 15 miljard dollar aan inkomsten uit bevroren Russische tegoeden opleveren
Het Oekraïense ministerie van Financiën en de Wereldbank hebben al een overeenkomstige overeenkomst ondertekend. Premier van Oekraïne Denys Shmyhal zei: “Dit zullen fondsen zijn in het kader van het PEACE in Ukraine-project en een deel van de Amerikaanse bijdrage van 20 miljard dollar onder de G7. initiatief, dat gericht zal zijn op sociale en humanitaire uitgaven."
Οι ΗΠΑ θα παράσχουν στην Ουκρανία 15 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια σε μελλοντικά έσοδα από παγωμένα ρωσικά περιουσιακά στοιχεία
Το ουκρανικό Υπουργείο Οικονομικών και η Παγκόσμια Τράπεζα έχουν ήδη υπογράψει μια αντίστοιχη συμφωνία, δήλωσε ο πρωθυπουργός της Ουκρανίας Denys Shmyhal: «Αυτά θα είναι κεφάλαια στο πλαίσιο του έργου PEACE in Ukraine και μέρος της συνεισφοράς των ΗΠΑ ύψους 20 δισεκατομμυρίων δολαρίων στο πλαίσιο της G7. πρωτοβουλία, η οποία θα κατευθυνθεί σε κοινωνικές και ανθρωπιστικές δαπάνες».
1/3/2025, 7:17:29 AM
60 Russian drones shot down over Ukraine
Thanks to the active countermeasures of the Defense Forces, another 26 simulator drones were lost in location without negative consequences, one of them in the air.
In total, the enemy launched 93 UAVs in our direction.
Air targets were neutralized in Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk regions.
There were several hits on private enterprises and apartment buildings in Donetsk and Chernihiv regions. The downed drones also caused damage in Kyiv region, where 1 person was killed and 4 injured, private houses and cars were damaged, and in Kyiv, where 1 woman was injured, but no fires occurred.
1/3/2025, 9:03:02 AM
In Kharkiv region, Russian invaders destroyed some positions of the Defense Force, - OSUV "Khortytsia"
Over the past day, the Russian Armed Forces stormed Vovchansk in the Kharkiv direction, as well as in the area of Zagryzove, Dvorichnaya and Kruglyakivka in the Kupyansk direction: "As a result of the fire, some positions of our troops were destroyed. Measures are being taken to prevent the deterioration of the tactical situation."
1/3/2025, 9:46:20 AM
High-speed targets in Sumy region, - PS
1/3/2025, 9:48:23 AM
IT Coalition Partners Transfer €3.3 Million in Equipment to Ukraine
The aid package from Estonia, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg includes laptops, printers, webcams, barcode scanners, equipment for the Armed Forces data center, tactical tablets, and more.
"This assistance is part of the large-scale IT Coalition program, which allows the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use modern digital technologies for operational command of troops, coordination of actions, and increased data security," Defense Minister Rustem Umerov wrote on Facebook.
1/3/2025, 10:26:16 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours
📍Kyiv region
In the region and the capital, the Russians killed 1 person and wounded 5 more. 14 private houses, an outbuilding, 2 car washes, a car, a power line and a transformer were damaged
📍Kharkiv region
At about 9:00 the enemy shelled the village of Kozacha Lopan - a 40-year-old man was hospitalized. At 07:22 in the town of Bogoduhiv, a hangar of a civilian enterprise caught fire. Yesterday in the village of Zolochiv the enemy damaged 5 private households, an outbuilding and a power grid. In the village of Borova, an excavator, an educational institution building, sports and other infrastructure were damaged.
📍Kherson Region
The number of victims due to yesterday's Russian shelling of a taxi in Kherson has increased to 5. During the day, 10 people were injured due to Russian aggression. 3 high-rise buildings, 5 private houses, a cell tower, a car park, a bus and a car were damaged by the Russians.
📍Dniprovsk Region
At night, the aggressor attacked the Nikopol region with artillery, MLRS "Grad" and a kamikaze drone. People are safe.
📍Sumsk Region
As a result of the fall of UAV debris, a private residential building in the Sumy community was damaged. There are victims. The data is being clarified.
📍Donetsk Region
The Russians killed 1 resident of Chasovy Yar, destroyed 1 house and damaged 2 administrative buildings, 15 residential buildings, 10 high-rise buildings, an enterprise and an industrial building.
During the day, the invaders launched 302 strikes on 13 settlements. There were 13 reports of the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure.
📍Mykolaiv Region
Yesterday, the enemy fired three FPV drones at the Kutsurubsk community. In the Pervomaisky district, an air target was shot down and fell in an open area, but the blast wave damaged 3 houses.