

Real time military news

Published date: 12/30/2024, 9:39:29 AM
12/30/2024, 9:39:29 AM
In the Zaporizhia region, an enemy headquarters was liquidated along with the Russian occupiers, - GUR The operation, which resulted in the destruction of the headquarters of the Russian occupiers, "double-killing" 6 invaders and "tripling" 3 more Russian soldiers, was carried out by Ukrainian intelligence and the Tavria Special Operations Command.
На ТОТ Запорізької області ліквідовано ворожий штаб разом з рашистами, - ГУР Операцію, внаслідок якої було знищено штаб російських окупантів, "задвохсочено" 6 загарбників та "затрьохсочено" ще 3 російських вояк, здійснили українська розвідка та ОСУВ "Таврія".
在扎波罗热地区的 TOT,敌人总部与拉什主义者一起被消灭,-GUR 此次行动由乌克兰情报部门和“塔夫里亚”特种作战司令部执行,摧毁了俄罗斯占领者的总部,“摧毁”了6名入侵者,并“摧毁”了另外3名俄罗斯士兵。
No TOT da região de Zaporizhzhia, o quartel-general inimigo foi liquidado juntamente com os Rashistas, - GUR A operação, que resultou na destruição do quartel-general dos ocupantes russos, na "destruição" de 6 invasores e na "destruição" de mais 3 soldados russos, foi realizada pela inteligência ucraniana e pelo Comando de Operações Especiais "Tavria".
En el TOT de la región de Zaporizhzhia, el cuartel general enemigo fue liquidado junto con los Rashistas, - GUR La operación, como resultado de la cual el cuartel general de los ocupantes rusos fue destruido, 6 invasores fueron "destruidos" y 3 soldados rusos más fueron "destruidos", fue llevada a cabo por la inteligencia ucraniana y el Comando de Operaciones Especiales "Tavria".
На ТОТ Запорожской области ликвидирован вражеский штаб вместе с рашистами, - ГУР Операцию, в результате которой был уничтожен штаб российских оккупантов, "задвое сочились" 6 захватчиков и "затрясены" еще 3 российских воина, осуществили украинская разведка и ОСУВ "Таврия".
ज़ापोरीज़िया क्षेत्र के टीओटी में, दुश्मन मुख्यालय को राशिस्टों के साथ मिलकर नष्ट कर दिया गया था, - गुरु ऑपरेशन, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप रूसी कब्जेदारों का मुख्यालय नष्ट हो गया, 6 आक्रमणकारियों को "नष्ट" कर दिया गया और 3 और रूसी सैनिकों को "नष्ट" कर दिया गया, यूक्रेनी खुफिया और "तेवरिया" स्पेशल ऑपरेशंस कमांड द्वारा किया गया था।
Au TOT de la région de Zaporizhzhia, le quartier général de l'ennemi a été liquidé avec les rashistes, - GUR L'opération, à la suite de laquelle le quartier général des occupants russes a été détruit, 6 envahisseurs ont été « détruits » et 3 autres soldats russes ont été « détruits », a été menée par les renseignements ukrainiens et le commandement des opérations spéciales « Tavria ».
في TOT بمنطقة زابوريزهيا، تمت تصفية مقر العدو مع الراشيين - غور العملية التي أسفرت عن تدمير مقر المحتلين الروس و"تدمير" 6 غزاة و"تدمير" 3 جنود روس آخرين، نفذتها المخابرات الأوكرانية وقيادة العمليات الخاصة "تافريا".
Im TOT der Region Saporischschja wurde das feindliche Hauptquartier zusammen mit den Rashisten, der GUR, liquidiert Die Operation, bei der das Hauptquartier der russischen Besatzer zerstört, 6 Invasoren „zerstört“ und 3 weitere russische Soldaten „zerstört“ wurden, wurde vom ukrainischen Geheimdienst und dem Spezialeinsatzkommando „Tavria“ durchgeführt.
Al TOT della regione di Zaporizhzhia, il quartier generale nemico fu liquidato insieme ai Rashisti, - GUR L'operazione, a seguito della quale il quartier generale degli occupanti russi è stato distrutto, 6 invasori sono stati "distrutti" e altri 3 soldati russi sono stati "distrutti", è stata condotta dall'intelligence ucraina e dal Comando delle operazioni speciali "Tavria".
ザポリージャ地域のTOTで、敵の本部はラシストとともに粛清された - GUR この作戦は、ロシア占領軍の司令部が破壊され、6人の侵略者が「破壊」され、さらに3人のロシア兵が「破壊」された結果、ウクライナ諜報機関と「タブリア」特殊作戦司令部によって実行された。
Bij de TOT van de regio Zaporizja werd het vijandelijke hoofdkwartier samen met de Rashisten geliquideerd, - GUR De operatie, als gevolg waarvan het hoofdkwartier van de Russische bezetters werd vernietigd, 6 indringers werden "vernietigd" en nog eens 3 Russische soldaten werden "vernietigd", werd uitgevoerd door de Oekraïense inlichtingendienst en het Special Operations Command "Tavria".
Στο TOT της περιοχής Zaporizhzhia, το αρχηγείο του εχθρού εκκαθαρίστηκε μαζί με τους Ρασιστές, - GUR Η επιχείρηση, με αποτέλεσμα να καταστραφεί το αρχηγείο των Ρώσων κατακτητών, να «καταστραφούν» 6 εισβολείς και να «καταστραφούν» άλλοι 3 Ρώσοι στρατιώτες, πραγματοποιήθηκε από την ουκρανική υπηρεσία πληροφοριών και τη Διοίκηση Ειδικών Επιχειρήσεων «Tavria».

2/21/2025, 6:31:26 AM
In recent months, the US and Russia have been secretly met in Switzerland for unofficial discussions of war in Ukraine - Reuters Such a non -public meeting took place last week during the Munich Security Conference. The purpose of such meetings was to improve communication and put forward ideas rather than develop specific proposals. Whether Ukraine was so, it is unknown. The publication, referring to the sources, also writes that although the participants of these meetings have diplomatic experience and worked in the field of security, they are not state officials. It is unclear or authorized to officially negotiate. After the official and public negotiations of the Russian Federation and the States in Saudi Arabia, these meetings allegedly lost their relevance.
2/21/2025, 6:12:33 AM
Another minus 1280 Russian invaders Rosarmia losses in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 21.02.25: ▪️Pership - 864860 (+1280) ▪️The tank - 10146 (+12) ▪️ Armored Machines - 21130 (+18) ▪️ Artistem - 23462 (+52)   ▪️CRSV - 1295 (+4) ▪️IFA - 1080 (+2) ▪️Lear - 370 ▪️Hegoliple - 331 ▪️BLS - 26156 (+135) ▪️Crimate rockets - 3064 ▪️Dow/boats - 28 ▪️ submarines - 1   ▪️TA vehicles+tanker trucks- 38104 (+143) ▪️ SPECIA - 3753 (+1)
2/21/2025, 7:04:13 AM
Image 2025-02-21T07:04:13
#Heroes #Shchi Anatoly Kukla was the chief master of the state and a sapter driver in the civil protection service. He worked in the Dnipropetrovsk Directorate of the SES. Since 2014, Anatoly has participated in the war in eastern Ukraine, and after the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Russia, he focused on mine. During this time, he disposed of hundreds of dangerous items: shells, bombs and mines. He also checked over 1000 hectares of land for explosives. On September 10, 2024, Anatoly Kukla died in Sumy region during the mine. He was only 36 years old. The relatives created a petition, which is called to give the defender the title "Hero of Ukraine" (posthumously). 🇺🇦The day at 09:00 the whole country is commemorating the memory of the dead as a result of armed aggression of Вати We are in WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
2/21/2025, 7:33:39 AM
Russian propagandists promote "victorious" narratives to the anniversary of the invasion - GUR By February 24, 2025, the Russian Federation plans to declare a "victory" in the war against Ukraine. In addition, the racists may say about the "victory of the Russian Federation over NATO". Other key hostile narratives - "The West betrayed Ukraine", "The opinion of Europeans and Ukrainians is not concerned about Moscow nor Washington", "The United States and Russia have agreed on the back of Ukraine", "Ukrainian authorities are illegitimate", "The Ukrainian army loses on the front "," Corruption in Ukraine will steal billions of dollars of American assistance. " The goals of the new Kremlin techniques are to show Russia allegedly ready for peaceful settlement as the "constructive side of the conflict". Russian special services attack, in particular, European partners of Ukraine, which are increasing the support of our country. For such governments, the Kremlin uses the enemies of peace.
2/21/2025, 9:03:45 AM
US is likely to leave the UN The relevant bill was prepared by the Republicans, as the organization does not promote the interests of Americans. To stop the state membership in the UN and its affiliate authorities, as well as the financing of these groups, Senator Mike Lee offers: "The UN has become a platform for tyrants and a place for attacks against America and its allies. We have to stop paying for it. Now when President Trump is doing Revolution in our foreign policy, putting America in the first place, we have to get out of this fictitious organization and put for priority Real alliances that work for the safety and prosperity of our country. "