🔴 Safa correspondent: The occupation artillery is shelling areas west of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip
🔴 مراسل صفا: مدفعية الاحتلال تقصف مناطق غرب جباليا شمال قطاع غزة
🔴 萨法通讯员:占领军炮轰加沙地带以北贾巴利亚以西地区
🔴 Correspondente de Safa: Artilharia de ocupação bombardeia áreas a oeste de Jabalia, norte da Faixa de Gaza
🔴 Corresponsal de Safa: La artillería de ocupación bombardea zonas al oeste de Jabalia, al norte de la Franja de Gaza
🔴 Корреспондент Safa: Оккупационная артиллерия обстреливает районы к западу от Джабалии, к северу от сектора Газа
🔴 सफा संवाददाता: गाजा पट्टी के उत्तर में जबालिया के पश्चिम में तोपखाने बमबारी वाले क्षेत्रों पर कब्ज़ा
🔴 Correspondant Safa : L'artillerie de l'occupation bombarde les zones à l'ouest de Jabalia, au nord de la bande de Gaza
🔴 مراسل صفا: مدفعية الاحتلال تقصف مناطق غرب جباليا شمال قطاع غزة
🔴 Safa-Korrespondent: Besatzungsartillerie bombardiert Gebiete westlich von Jabalia, nördlich des Gazastreifens
🔴 Corrispondente da Safa: L'artiglieria di occupazione bombarda le aree a ovest di Jabalia, a nord della Striscia di Gaza
🔴 サファ特派員: 占領軍の砲撃がジャバリアの西、ガザ地区の北の地域を砲撃
🔴 Safa-correspondent: Bezettingsartillerie bombardeert gebieden ten westen van Jabalia, ten noorden van de Gazastrook
🔴 Ανταποκριτής Safa: Το κατοχικό πυροβολικό βομβαρδίζει περιοχές δυτικά της Jabalia, βόρεια της Λωρίδας της Γάζας
2/25/2025, 6:42:36 AM
🔴 Follow -up Safa Alarm sirens are called in the occupied Syrian Golan
2/25/2025, 6:44:27 AM
🔴 Follow -up Safa A statement issued by the doctor Saeed Salah, the medical director of the Patient Friends Hospital:
Recently, the nursery department has received eight cases suffering from severe cold known as "Cold Injury", and these cases were introduced to intensive care.
▪️ I died three cases during the hours of entering it, and it was in young ages (one day to two days) and weighed between 1.7 kilograms and 2 kilograms, and there are three cases in a critical position.
▪ ▪ We appeal to the competent authorities to support us in this difficult circumstance by providing caravans, camps and fuel to secure the warmth of people, especially with the advent of a new air depression, to avoid repeating this calamity and protecting children, especially nursery and cheerful children.
2/25/2025, 7:12:13 AM
🔴 Translation of Safa Occupation Army: Launching objectionable missiles and activating the sirens in the atmosphere of southern Golan due to a wrong diagnosis
2/25/2025, 7:15:28 AM
📷 Follow -up Safa The effects of the destruction and ruin caused by the occupation forces in Jabal Al -Zakarneh in the town of Qabatiya, south of Jenin, during the two -day aggression
2/25/2025, 7:17:32 AM
🔵 Follow -up Safa Prisoners' media: The occupation forces arrested the young Saleh Sannar from the town of Tammta, south of Nablus