

Real time military news

Published date: 12/29/2024, 8:30:49 PM
12/29/2024, 8:30:49 PM
Image 2024-12-29T20:30:49
☑️️ The state of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Brazil Farstadah 🔹Kazakhstan is the face of the Kurdish figures, the face of the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the month of Akkata, and the fall of the Kurds, according to the results of investigations conducted by Barzel Farstadeh. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️جعبه سیاه هواپیمای جمهوری آذربایجان به برزیل فرستاده شد 🔹قزاقستان یکشنبه اعلام کرد، جعبه سیاه هواپیمای جمهوری آذربایجان که در نزدیکی شهر آکتائو سقوط کرد، برای انجام تحقیقات به برزیل فرستاده شد ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️阿塞拜疆共和国的国家在巴西非常重要。 🔹根据巴泽尔·法斯塔德的调查结果,哈萨克斯坦是库尔德人的脸面,是阿卡塔月中阿塞拜疆共和国人民的脸面,也是库尔德人的垮台。 ☑️@sepah_pasdaran
☑️️ O estado da República do Azerbaijão, no Brasil, é muito importante. 🔹O Cazaquistão é o rosto das figuras curdas, o rosto do povo da República do Azerbaijão, no mês de Akkata, e da queda dos curdos, de acordo com os resultados das investigações conduzidas por Barzel Farstadeh. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️ El estado de la República de Azerbaiyán, en Brasil, es muy importante. 🔹Kazajstán es el rostro de las figuras kurdas, el rostro del pueblo de la República de Azerbaiyán, en el mes de Akkata y en la caída de los kurdos, según los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas por Barzel Farstadeh. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️Очень важное значение имеет государство Азербайджанская Республика, находящаяся в Бразилии. 🔹Казахстан – лицо курдских деятелей, лицо народа Азербайджанской Республики в месяце Акката и падении курдов, согласно результатам расследований, проведенных Барзелем Фарстаде. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️ ब्राज़ील में अज़रबैजान गणराज्य का राज्य बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। 🔹बार्ज़ेल फ़ार्स्टेडेह द्वारा की गई जांच के परिणामों के अनुसार, कजाकिस्तान कुर्द हस्तियों का चेहरा है, अक्काटा के महीने में अज़रबैजान गणराज्य के लोगों का चेहरा है, और कुर्दों का पतन है। ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️ L'état de la République d'Azerbaïdjan, au Brésil, est très important. 🔹Le Kazakhstan est le visage des figures kurdes, le visage du peuple de la République d'Azerbaïdjan, au mois d'Akkata, et de la chute des Kurdes, selon les résultats de l'enquête menée par Barzel Farstadeh. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️جعبه سیاه هواپیمای جمهوری آذربایجان به برزیل فرستاده شد 🔹قزاقستان یکشنبه اعلام کرد، جعبه سیاه هواپیمای جمهوری آذربایجان که در نزدیکی شهر آکتائو سقوط کرد، برای انجام تحقیقات به برزیل فرستاده شد ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️ Der Staat der Republik Aserbaidschan in Brasilien ist sehr wichtig. 🔹Kasachstan ist das Gesicht der kurdischen Persönlichkeiten, das Gesicht des Volkes der Republik Aserbaidschan im Monat Akkata und im Fall der Kurden, so die Ergebnisse der von Barzel Farstadeh durchgeführten Untersuchungen. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️ Molto importante è lo stato della Repubblica dell'Azerbaigian, in Brasile. 🔹Il Kazakistan è il volto delle figure curde, il volto del popolo della Repubblica dell'Azerbaigian, nel mese di Akkata, e la caduta dei curdi, secondo i risultati delle indagini condotte da Barzel Farstadeh. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️ ブラジルにあるアゼルバイジャン共和国は非常に重要な国家です。 🔹バルゼル・ファルスタデが実施した調査結果によると、カザフスタンはアッカタ月、そしてクルド人の崩壊においてクルド人の顔であり、アゼルバイジャン共和国国民の顔である。 ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ De staat van de Republiek Azerbeidzjan, in Brazilië, is erg belangrijk. 🔹Kazachstan is het gezicht van de Koerdische figuren, het gezicht van het volk van de Republiek Azerbeidzjan, in de maand Akkata en de val van de Koerden, volgens de resultaten van onderzoeken uitgevoerd door Barzel Farstadeh. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️️ Το κράτος της Δημοκρατίας του Αζερμπαϊτζάν, στη Βραζιλία, είναι πολύ σημαντικό. 🔹Το Καζακστάν είναι το πρόσωπο των κουρδικών μορφών, το πρόσωπο του λαού της Δημοκρατίας του Αζερμπαϊτζάν, τον μήνα Akkata και την πτώση των Κούρδων, σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα των ερευνών που διεξήγαγε ο Barzel Farstadeh. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran

12/30/2024, 2:39:13 PM
☑️ Hussein Aqa Jabha, Murid Haj Qasim ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 2:46:46 PM
☑️🔥🔥 It was disturbed by the Israeli regime and its forces, as a result of a strike against the resistance force in Beit Hanoun, in the north of Gaza. 🌹 God is Great, and praise be to God ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 2:47:14 PM
☑️🔥🔥 #Immediate / Jordan Kassam: The Zionist regime in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza has come to the end of Yassin 105 and is now in ruins. Niz Kashta and Zakhmi Shadand. 🌹 God is great and God is great ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 3:34:02 PM
☑️🔥🔥 Kurdish Mujahideen media divisions, where are their guards, in my operations, in Jabalia, in the northern part of Gaza, there is a regular gate in the Zionist occupation area, near the border, and at zero distances, 5 Nizami Israeli on the market. Assuming confirmation of the Kurds of the Mujahideen, these are the tanks that have been placed in them, with a ring attached to them, and there is an Israeli system pocket inside the iPod, with Narangkahai Dasti is the goal of Dadand's decision, so that his concern is that he is busy and his momentum is strong. 🌹 God is Great, and praise be to God ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/29/2025, 5:56:48 PM
Image 2025-01-29T17:56:48
☑️Financial harmony; I have a lot of logos, I made my money With the design of the economic and economic consultations, we will discuss the differences between the countries that created Mali (Porse, Bank and Bank), “financial agreement; “Sarmayeh Milli” has the title of the slogan “This is the heart of the Millennium Election”. Saleh Sepasdar Tehran, Member of the Political Council of Roydad Sanat Mali: Havdahmin Rouydad is among the Iranian financial institutions (Borse, Bank and Bahrain) currently with the participation of economic and financial institutions in the country on the date of 18-21 Khordad 1404 in a permanent place. What is the matter between the Tehran militias and the Ministry of Finance that is seeking to design a strategic and procedural consultation here? “Financial agreement”; “Sarmayeh Milli” has the title of the slogan “This is the heart of the Millennium Election”. In order to improve the financial blackness of all of Mardam and Ashnay with its financial resources and the financial services of its companies and the industries of shores, it conforms to the national program and the image of its room. This is a course in which we have created a financial center and a way to advance financial blackness on the path of the mercenaries. This is a course in high education, specialized conferences, debates and conferences, and this is the transition to the experience of mediation in Peshksotana. I dashed. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran