The Russian military hit a gas station in Dnipropetrovsk region with a drone, three people were injured
A 77-year-old man is hospitalized in an extremely serious condition. Also, a woman was hospitalized with a mine-explosive injury, another man received help at the scene of the impact, OVA reported.
A gas station and two cars were damaged, the attack took place in the Marganets community.
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Військові рф вдарили дроном по АЗС на Дніпропетровщині, троє людей поранені
77-річний чоловік госпіталізований у вкрай тяжкому стані. Також з мінно-вибуховою травмою госпіталізована жінка, ще один чоловік отримав допомогу на місці удару, повідомили в ОВА.
Пошкоджені АЗС і дві легкові автівки, атака сталася у Марганецькій громаді.
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Os militares russos atingiram um posto de gasolina na região de Dnipropetrovsk com um drone, três pessoas ficaram feridas
Um homem de 77 anos está internado em estado gravíssimo. Além disso, uma mulher foi hospitalizada com um ferimento causado por uma mina e outro homem recebeu ajuda no local do impacto, informou a OVA.
Um posto de gasolina e dois carros foram danificados, o ataque ocorreu na comunidade de Marganets.
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Los militares rusos atacaron con un dron una gasolinera en la región de Dnipropetrovsk y tres personas resultaron heridas
Un hombre de 77 años se encuentra hospitalizado en estado de extrema gravedad. Además, una mujer fue hospitalizada con una herida por explosivo de mina, otro hombre recibió ayuda en el lugar del impacto, informó OVA.
Una gasolinera y dos coches resultaron dañados, el ataque tuvo lugar en la comunidad de Marganets.
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Военные России ударили дроном по АЗС на Днепропетровщине, три человека ранены
77-летний мужчина госпитализирован в крайне тяжелом состоянии. Также с минно-взрывной травмой госпитализирована женщина, еще один мужчина получил помощь на месте ушиба, сообщили в ОВА.
Повреждены АЗС и два легковых автомобиля, атака произошла в Марганецкой общине.
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रूसी सेना ने निप्रॉपेट्रोस क्षेत्र में एक गैस स्टेशन पर ड्रोन से हमला किया, तीन लोग घायल हो गए
77 साल का एक व्यक्ति बेहद गंभीर हालत में अस्पताल में भर्ती है। इसके अलावा, एक महिला को खदान-विस्फोटक चोट के कारण अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया था, एक अन्य व्यक्ति को प्रभाव स्थल पर मदद मिली, ओवीए ने बताया।
एक गैस स्टेशन और दो कारें क्षतिग्रस्त हो गईं, हमला मार्गनेट समुदाय में हुआ।
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L'armée russe a frappé une station-service dans la région de Dnipropetrovsk avec un drone, trois personnes ont été blessées
Un homme de 77 ans est hospitalisé dans un état extrêmement grave. En outre, une femme a été hospitalisée suite à une blessure causée par l'explosion d'une mine et un autre homme a reçu de l'aide sur les lieux de l'impact, a rapporté OVA.
Une station-service et deux voitures ont été endommagées, l'attaque a eu lieu dans la communauté de Marganets.
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ضرب الجيش الروسي محطة وقود في منطقة دنيبروبتروفسك بطائرة بدون طيار، مما أدى إلى إصابة ثلاثة أشخاص
رجل يبلغ من العمر 77 عاما يدخل المستشفى في حالة خطيرة للغاية. كما تم نقل امرأة إلى المستشفى بسبب إصابتها بانفجار لغم، وتلقى رجل آخر المساعدة في مكان الاصطدام، حسبما ذكرت وكالة OVA.
ولحقت أضرار بمحطة وقود وسيارتين. ووقع الهجوم في مجتمع مارجانيتس.
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Das russische Militär hat mit einer Drohne eine Tankstelle in der Region Dnipropetrowsk angegriffen, drei Menschen wurden verletzt
Ein 77-jähriger Mann wird in einem äußerst ernsten Zustand ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Außerdem wurde eine Frau mit einer Minenexplosionsverletzung ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, ein weiterer Mann erhielt am Aufprallort Hilfe, berichtete OVA.
Eine Tankstelle und zwei Autos wurden beschädigt, der Angriff ereignete sich in der Gemeinde Marganets.
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L'esercito russo ha colpito con un drone una stazione di servizio nella regione di Dnipropetrovsk, tre persone sono rimaste ferite
Un uomo di 77 anni è ricoverato in ospedale in condizioni estremamente gravi. Inoltre, una donna è stata ricoverata in ospedale con ferite da mina, un altro uomo è stato aiutato sulla scena dell'impatto, ha riferito OVA.
Una stazione di servizio e due auto sono state danneggiate, l'attacco è avvenuto nella comunità di Margaretets.
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Het Russische leger heeft met een drone een benzinestation in de regio Dnjepropetrovsk getroffen, waarbij drie mensen gewond raakten
Een 77-jarige man wordt in zeer ernstige toestand in het ziekenhuis opgenomen. Ook werd een vrouw in het ziekenhuis opgenomen met een mijnexplosief letsel, een andere man kreeg hulp op de plaats van de inslag, meldde OVA.
Een benzinestation en twee auto's raakten beschadigd, de aanval vond plaats in de Marganets-gemeenschap.
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Ο ρωσικός στρατός χτύπησε με drone πρατήριο υγρών καυσίμων στην περιοχή Dnipropetrovsk, τραυματίστηκαν τρία άτομα
Σε εξαιρετικά σοβαρή κατάσταση νοσηλεύεται ένας 77χρονος. Επίσης, μια γυναίκα νοσηλεύτηκε στο νοσοκομείο με τραυματισμό από ναρκοεκρηκτικό, ένας άλλος άνδρας έλαβε βοήθεια στο σημείο της πρόσκρουσης, ανέφερε η OVA.
Ένα βενζινάδικο και δύο αυτοκίνητα υπέστησαν ζημιές, η επίθεση έγινε στην κοινότητα Marganets.
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2/27/2025, 8:19:13 PM
The enemy struck a massive blow to Kharkiv Power System
The air defense forces operate in enhanced protection mode. All profile services are involved in elimination of consequences, OVA reported.
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2/27/2025, 4:37:05 PM
Ministry of Defense: Back with a SPR by a simplified algorithm can be taken before March 1
"The military who left the military unit until November 29, 2024, they still have time to recover from the simplified algorithm through the army+. In this case, payments are returned within 72 hours, and the whole process of renewal in the service will continue to a week. You can move through the army+ to the Ministry of Army."
After March 1, you can also return to the service, but already according to the general procedure, which can take several months.
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2/27/2025, 4:58:10 PM
Bill 28.02-07.03.2025
• Elias space troops veterans
16:00, Vinnitsa, vul. Ostrozky, building. 32
• Ukraine's musical platform
17:30, October Palace, Kyiv
• jazz sting with candles
18:00, Uzhgorod, Sq. Theater, 10
• Freedom Jazz
19:00, Odessa Academic Theater of Music Comedy. M. Water
• Ivasyuk's memory concert
19:30, Lviv National Opera, Svobody Ave., 28
• Standap: Stepanisko, Tymoshenko, Kolomiets
18:30, Kyiv, vul. Zolotovoretskaya, 15
• Standup Nastya boldly
18:30, Chernivtsi, vul. Bukovinskaya, 41
• Dance ensemble. Paul Virsky
19:00, Palace "Ukraine", Kyiv
2/27/2025, 5:12:08 PM
18-year-old Darina with disabilities: "My future is uncertain as ever"
The difficult years of the war were taught Darina to prepare for the worst scenario. A girl originally from the Golden - a miners' town in eastern Ukraine, which in 2014 was on the front line, and after a full -scale invasion became a waste of life. Darina has a disability and congenital disease. She has no parents and is brought up by guardians. And already the difficult life of a girl has been complicating for 10 years.
On the eve of the 3rd anniversary of the large-scale invasion of Russia in Ukraine, we, the editorial board of the Ukraine Now, decided to tell the stories of Ukrainian children published by Unicef Ukraine. You can read the full story at the link.
You can write words for Darina and send us to, and we will definitely give them to it.
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2/27/2025, 5:14:21 PM
Not only foreign soldiers but also planes are needed to ensure peace of Ukraine - the Foreign Ministry
"We believe that if our partners and allies are ready to talk, to discuss the possible sending of these contingents to ensure peace and long -term security of Ukraine, in our opinion it is quite possible to speak about the safety of the sky, the protection, the closure of the Ukrainian sky," - said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs George Tykhy.
According to him, the patrol of Ukraine can be carried out by aircraft of allies and partners.
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