Hamas: We mourn the martyred journalist Shaza Al-Sabbagh, who was directly and deliberately targeted by PA security forces
حماس: ننعى الشهيدة الصحفية شذى الصباغ التي استهدفتها عناصر أجهزة السلطة بشكل مباشر ومتعمد
Hamas: Lamentamos o mártir, o jornalista Shatha Al-Sabbagh, que foi direta e deliberadamente visado por membros das agências da autoridade
Hamás: Lamentamos la muerte del mártir, el periodista Shatha Al-Sabbagh, que fue atacado directa y deliberadamente por miembros de las agencias de la autoridad.
ХАМАС: Мы скорбим по мученику, журналистке Шате аль-Саббах, которая стала прямой и преднамеренной мишенью со стороны представителей органов власти
हमास: हम शहीद पत्रकार शाज़ा अल-सब्बाग के लिए शोक व्यक्त करते हैं, जिन्हें पीए सुरक्षा बलों द्वारा सीधे और जानबूझकर निशाना बनाया गया था
Hamas : Nous pleurons le martyr, le journaliste Shatha Al-Sabbagh, qui a été directement et délibérément pris pour cible par les membres des agences de l'autorité
حماس: ننعى الشهيدة الصحفية شذى الصباغ التي استهدفتها عناصر أجهزة السلطة بشكل مباشر ومتعمد
Hamas: Wir trauern um die Märtyrerin Shaza Al-Sabbagh, die direkt und gezielt von den Sicherheitskräften der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde angegriffen wurde
Hamas: Piangiamo la martire, la giornalista Shatha Al-Sabbagh, che è stata presa di mira direttamente e deliberatamente da membri delle agenzie dell'autorità
Hamas: Wij rouwen om de marteldood van journalist Shaza Al-Sabbagh, die direct en doelbewust het doelwit was van de veiligheidstroepen van de PA
Χαμάς: Θρηνούμε τον μάρτυρα, δημοσιογράφο Shatha Al-Sabbagh, ο οποίος στοχοποιήθηκε άμεσα και σκόπιμα από μέλη των υπηρεσιών της αρχής
12/26/2024, 8:51:04 AM
🔶 And they are the ones who even present in the Arab series - which they call Arab - the woman whose dress is still Arab, she is the maid, she is the servant, don't we see this in the Egyptian series? The woman whose role is a maid, or a servant, or the gateway to her work is a professional job, doesn't she look Arab in her appearance and Arab dress?
But the woman with the important role in the series, the heroine of that story is the one who looks exactly like the European woman; let's say: this is how civilization is. It is not appropriate for her or even to play a decent role except in the European woman's dress, the scandalous dress, the dress that spoils everyone who watches it, and establishes in the minds of our women that those women who still maintain their Arab dress, their Islamic veil, are degenerates, but they are maids and they play the role of the maid, the role of the servant, the role of the cook in this series that they also call [the Arab series], and whose directors say: it is for the purpose of addressing social problems.
Isn't this the one who creates social problems? Isn't this the one who serves the enemies of Allah? Isn't this the one who helps women, who pushes the woman who watches to be immodest?
Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran - A binding to follow the example of the Children of Israel
1/20/2025, 3:25:09 PM
1/20/2025, 3:25:21 PM
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12/26/2024, 9:59:05 AM
Lebanese sources: Israeli enemy forces penetrate Wadi al-Hujayr in southern Lebanon and open fire in the area