Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor: The Zionist enemy's "army" detained dozens of women and girls and subjected them to dangerous practices amounting to sexual harassment
المرصد الأورومتوسطي: "جيش" العدو الصهيوني احتجز عشرات النساء والفتيات وعرّضهن لممارسات خطرة ترقى للتحرش الجنسي
Monitor Euro-Mediterrânico: O “exército” do inimigo sionista deteve dezenas de mulheres e raparigas e submeteu-as a práticas perigosas que equivalem a assédio sexual
Monitor Euromediterráneo: El “ejército” del enemigo sionista detuvo a decenas de mujeres y niñas y las sometió a prácticas peligrosas que equivalían a acoso sexual
Euro-Mediterranean Monitor: «Армия» сионистского врага задержала десятки женщин и девочек и подвергла их опасным практикам, равнозначным сексуальным домогательствам
यूरो-मेडिटेरेनियन मॉनिटर: ज़ायोनी दुश्मन की "सेना" ने दर्जनों महिलाओं और लड़कियों को हिरासत में लिया और उनके साथ यौन उत्पीड़न के समान खतरनाक व्यवहार किया।
Observatoire Euro-Méditerranéen : « l’armée » de l’ennemi sioniste a arrêté des dizaines de femmes et de filles et les a soumises à des pratiques dangereuses équivalant à du harcèlement sexuel
المرصد الأورومتوسطي: "جيش" العدو الصهيوني احتجز عشرات النساء والفتيات وعرّضهن لممارسات خطرة ترقى للتحرش الجنسي
Europa-Mittelmeer-Monitor: Die „Armee“ des zionistischen Feindes hat Dutzende Frauen und Mädchen festgenommen und sie gefährlichen Praktiken ausgesetzt, die sexueller Belästigung gleichkommen
Euro-Mediterranean Monitor: “L’esercito” del nemico sionista ha arrestato decine di donne e ragazze e le ha sottoposte a pratiche pericolose equivalenti a molestie sessuali
Euro-mediterrane Monitor: Het ‘leger’ van de zionistische vijand heeft tientallen vrouwen en meisjes vastgehouden en onderworpen aan gevaarlijke praktijken die neerkomen op seksuele intimidatie
Euro-Mediterranean Monitor: Ο «στρατός» του σιωνιστικού εχθρού συνέλαβε δεκάδες γυναίκες και κορίτσια και τα υπέβαλε σε επικίνδυνες πρακτικές που ισοδυναμούν με σεξουαλική παρενόχληση
3/9/2025, 9:33:02 AM
⭕️ Enemy media: More than 10,000 soldiers have left the active service in the "Israeli army" as a result of the war since October 7, 2023
The enemy media: The "army" suffers from a shortage of manpower, and the main reason is due to its loss of about 12,000 fighters, dead and wounded during the recent war.
3/9/2025, 9:33:11 AM
⭕️ The leader of Hamas, Taher Al -Nono, to Reuters: The movement held several meetings in Doha with the American official in charge of the prisoner of Adam Bouhler
The leader of Hamas Taher Al -Nono told "Reuters": The meetings focused on the release of a dual -national prisoner and we treated positively in the interest of our people
3/9/2025, 9:35:29 AM
When a person is in the wrong direction, and whoever reminds him, and whoever draws his attention, and who alerts him, comes the correct direction of a person who indicates adulthood, indicates fairness, is: to interact positively, to accept.
#Mr. Qaid
#The eighth -eighth lecture
3/9/2025, 11:01:16 AM
Al-Masirah newspaper Sunday, 9 Ramadan 1446- 9 March 2025
3/9/2025, 11:03:11 AM
Palestinian sources: The enemy forces break into the town of Abu Shakhidm, north of Ramallah