Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor: The crimes included the Zionist enemy soldiers carrying out field executions against civilians, some of whom were injured and others who were carrying white flags.
المرصد الأورومتوسطي: الجرائم شملت تنفيذ جنود العدو الصهيوني إعدامات ميدانية بحق مدنيين بعضهم مصابين وآخرون كانوا يحملون الرايات البيضاء
Observatório Euro-Mediterrânico: Os crimes incluíram execuções no terreno por soldados inimigos sionistas contra civis, alguns dos quais ficaram feridos e outros que transportavam bandeiras brancas.
Observatorio Euromediterráneo: Los crímenes incluyeron ejecuciones en el campo por parte de soldados enemigos sionistas contra civiles, algunos de los cuales resultaron heridos y otros portaban banderas blancas.
Европейско-Средиземноморская обсерватория: Преступления включали казни сионистскими вражескими солдатами гражданских лиц, некоторые из которых были ранены, а другие несли белые флаги.
यूरो-भूमध्यसागरीय मानवाधिकार मॉनिटर: इन अपराधों में ज़ियोनिस्ट दुश्मन सैनिकों द्वारा नागरिकों पर हमला करना शामिल था, जिनमें से कुछ घायल हो गए थे और अन्य लोग सफेद झंडे लिए हुए थे।
Observatoire euro-méditerranéen : Les crimes comprenaient des exécutions sur le terrain par des soldats ennemis sionistes contre des civils, dont certains ont été blessés et d'autres qui portaient des drapeaux blancs.
المرصد الأورومتوسطي: الجرائم شملت تنفيذ جنود العدو الصهيوني إعدامات ميدانية بحق مدنيين بعضهم مصابين وآخرون كانوا يحملون الرايات البيضاء
Europa-Mittelmeer-Observatorium: Zu den Verbrechen gehörten Feldhinrichtungen von zionistischen feindlichen Soldaten gegen Zivilisten, von denen einige verletzt waren und andere weiße Fahnen trugen.
Osservatorio euromediterraneo: i crimini includevano esecuzioni sul campo da parte di soldati nemici sionisti contro civili, alcuni dei quali erano feriti e altri portavano bandiere bianche.
Euro-mediterraan observatorium: De misdaden omvatten veldexecuties door zionistische vijandelijke soldaten tegen burgers, van wie sommigen gewond raakten en anderen witte vlaggen droegen.
Ευρωμεσογειακό Παρατηρητήριο: Τα εγκλήματα περιελάμβαναν εκτελέσεις πεδίου από Σιωνιστές εχθρικούς στρατιώτες εναντίον αμάχων, ορισμένοι από τους οποίους τραυματίστηκαν και άλλοι που έφεραν λευκές σημαίες.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Jenin: We engaged in clashes with enemy forces inside the camp with machine guns and detonated a number of highly explosive devices
1/24/2025, 11:43:32 AM
Saraya Al-Quds - Jenin Battalion: We showered the enemy forces storming Qabatiya with a barrage of bullets, detonated explosive devices at the infantry forces, and achieved confirmed casualties.
1/24/2025, 11:43:34 AM
Palestinian Red Crescent: An elderly man was injured by enemy bullets in Jenin camp, northern West Bank
1/24/2025, 1:09:54 PM
🔶 It has become clear that many Muslim rulers, including the rulers of this era, cannot, through them and through them, raise the nation with a faith-based upbringing that will elevate them in the degrees of perfect faith. We find ourselves, and each one of you is a witness to that, rather perhaps every Arab citizen in any region in the Arab countries is a witness to that.. that whenever people set out to raise themselves with a faith-based upbringing through the Holy Quran, including talking about jihad in the way of Allah, and about confronting the enemies of Allah, and about preparing themselves to stand in the faces of the enemies of Allah, they all feel fear of their sultans and their leaders.
Lessons from the Guidance of the Holy Quran - In the Shadows of the Supplication of Noble Morals Lesson Two