

Real time military news

Published date: 12/28/2024, 12:22:41 PM
12/28/2024, 12:22:41 PM
⭕️Urgent | Ministry of Health in Gaza: The Israeli enemy committed two massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 48 martyrs and 52 injuries arriving at hospitals within 24 hours
⭕️عاجل | وزارة الصحة بغزة: العدو الإسرائيلي ارتكب مجزرتين ضد العائلات في قطاع غزة وصل منها للمستشفيات 48 شهيدا و52 إصابة خلال 24 ساعة
⭕️Urgente | Ministério da Saúde em Gaza: O inimigo israelense cometeu dois massacres contra famílias na Faixa de Gaza, incluindo 48 mártires e 52 feridos em hospitais em 24 horas.
⭕️Urgente | Ministerio de Salud en Gaza: El enemigo israelí cometió dos masacres contra familias en la Franja de Gaza, incluidos 48 mártires y 52 heridos en hospitales en 24 horas.
⭕️Срочно | Министерство здравоохранения в секторе Газа: Израильский враг совершил две массовые убийства семей в секторе Газа, в том числе 48 мучеников и 52 человека были ранены в больницы в течение 24 часов.
⭕️अत्यावश्यक | गाजा में स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय: इजरायली दुश्मन ने 24 घंटे के भीतर गाजा पट्टी में परिवारों के खिलाफ दो नरसंहार किए, जिनमें 48 शहीद और 52 घायल हुए।
⭕️Urgent | Ministère de la Santé de Gaza : L'ennemi israélien a commis deux massacres contre des familles dans la bande de Gaza, faisant 48 martyrs et 52 blessés arrivant dans les hôpitaux en 24 heures
⭕️عاجل | وزارة الصحة بغزة: العدو الإسرائيلي ارتكب مجزرتين ضد العائلات في قطاع غزة وصل منها للمستشفيات 48 شهيدا و52 إصابة خلال 24 ساعة
⭕️Dringend | Gesundheitsministerium in Gaza: Der israelische Feind verübte innerhalb von 24 Stunden zwei Massaker an Familien im Gazastreifen, darunter 48 Märtyrer und 52 Verletzte in Krankenhäusern.
⭕️Urgente | Ministero della Sanità a Gaza: Il nemico israeliano ha commesso due massacri contro famiglie nella Striscia di Gaza, inclusi 48 martiri e 52 feriti negli ospedali in 24 ore.
⭕️緊急 |ガザ保健省:敵のイスラエルはガザ地区で家族に対して2件の虐殺を犯し、その中には24時間以内に48人が殉教し、52人が病院で負傷した。
⭕️Dringend | Ministerie van Volksgezondheid in Gaza: De Israëlische vijand pleegde binnen 24 uur twee bloedbaden tegen gezinnen in de Gazastrook, waaronder 48 martelaren en 52 gewonden in ziekenhuizen.
⭕️Επείγοντα | Υπουργείο Υγείας στη Γάζα: Ο ισραηλινός εχθρός διέπραξε δύο σφαγές σε οικογένειες στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας, μεταξύ των οποίων 48 μάρτυρες και 52 τραυματίες σε νοσοκομεία μέσα σε 24 ώρες.

12/28/2024, 3:32:15 PM
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor: The Zionist enemy's "army" committed serious crimes against civilians during its storming of Kamal Adwan Hospital and surrounding areas yesterday, Friday
12/28/2024, 3:32:55 PM
Euro-Mediterranean Observatory: The crimes of the Zionist enemy included premeditated murder, field executions, and sexual and physical assaults on women and girls from medical staff and displaced women
12/23/2024, 8:54:09 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: One martyr and 4 wounded, some seriously, in a Zionist drone strike on a displaced persons' tent in the new camp in Nuseirat, central Gaza Strip
12/23/2024, 8:55:50 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: Enemy aircraft destroys a house on Awni Dhahir Street in the center of Rafah city, south of the Gaza Strip Palestinian sources: Israeli helicopters, artillery and machine guns target Zayed area, north of the Gaza Strip Palestinian sources: One person injured by Zionist "Quadcopter" drone fire in the town of Abasan, east of Khan Yunis, south of the Strip
12/23/2024, 8:56:20 AM
🔶 If you present the religion incompletely, then you are the one who is striking the nation, even if you say for the sake of the nation’s interest, and you are the one who is striking the religion, even if you say to preserve the doctrine and the religion.. Allah does not differentiate, He is the one who guarantees the public interest of His servants, when? Whenever they follow His religion in a complete and correct manner, but if they believe in some and disbelieve in some, has the public interest not been struck in this world and the Hereafter? {For them is disgrace in this world, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment} (Al-Ma’idah: from verse 33) Didn’t He say this? Disgrace in this world is to preserve the public interest?! The great punishment in the Hereafter is to preserve the public interest?! Where did the disgrace come from in this world? And where did the great punishment come from in the Hereafter? It is from believing in some of the Book and disbelieving in some. #Martyr_Leader Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran (To follow the example of the Children of Israel) @ansarollah1