Calendar of events 28.12-02.01.2025
• New Year's Underground Stand-up XXL
18.00, Palace of Ukraine, Kyiv, V. Vasylkivska st., 103
• performance "Shadows"
18:00 Kyiv, Scene 6 (Wild Theater)
• performance "The Squirrel Who Lived 100 Years"
18:00, Kyiv Academic Theater "Golden Gates"
• Jazz Kolo
17:00, Universum Hall
• Malanka will be held in Kyiv to raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The New Year's Malanka will start on December 29 in Shevchenko Park, at 15:30. Those who wish can join and support the group.
• performance "And in the mountain, and... shototam"
19:00, Dramaturgs' Theater
• performance "Premonitions of Mina Mazaila"
18:00, Kyiv Theater on Podil
• Les Podervyansky
18:30, Kyiv, Palace of Culture of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Календар подій 28.12-02.01.2025
• Новорічний Підпільний Стендап XXL
18.00, Палац Україна, Київ, вул. В. Васильківська, 103
• вистава "Тіні"
18:00 Київ, Сцена 6 (Дикий театр)
• вистава "Білка, яка прожила 100 років"
18:00, Київський академічний театр “Золоті ворота”
• Jazz Kolo
17:00, Universum Hall
• У Києві проведуть Маланку, щоб зібрати кошти на ЗСУ
Новорічну Маланку розпочнуть 29 грудня в парку Шевченка, о 15:30. Охочі можуть долучитися й підтримати гурт.
• вистава "І в горі, і… шототам"
19:00, Театр Драматургів
• вистава "Передчуття Мини Мазайла"
18:00, Київський театр на Подолі
• Лесь Подерв`янський
18:30, Київ, Палац культури КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського
Calendário de eventos 28.12-02.01.2025
• Standup Underground XXL de Ano Novo
18h00, Palácio da Ucrânia, Kyiv, st. V. Vasylkivska, 103
• performance “Sombras”
18:00 Kyiv, Cena 6 (Teatro Selvagem)
• performance “O Esquilo que Viveu 100 Anos”
18:00, Teatro Acadêmico de Kyiv “Golden Gates”
• Jazz Kolo
17:00, Salão Universum
• Malanka será realizada em Kiev para arrecadar fundos para as Forças Armadas da Ucrânia
A Malanka de Ano Novo começará em 29 de dezembro no Parque Shevchenko às 15h30. Os interessados podem se juntar e apoiar a banda.
• performance “E nas montanhas, e... nas sombras”
19:00, Teatro dos Dramaturgos
• performance “Premonições de Mina Mazaila”
18:00, Teatro de Kyiv em Podil
• Os Poderviansky
18h30, Kyiv, Palácio da Cultura do Instituto Politécnico de Kyiv. Igor Sikorsky
Calendario de eventos 28.12-02.01.2025
• Standup XXL subterráneo de Año Nuevo
18.00, Palacio Ucrania, Kyiv, str. EN. Vasylkivska, 103
• la actuación "Sombras"
18:00 Kyiv, etapa 6 (Teatro salvaje)
• espectáculo "La ardilla que vivió 100 años"
18:00, Teatro Académico de Kyiv "Golden Gate"
• Jazz Kolo
17:00, Sala Universum
• Malanka se celebrará en Kyiv para recaudar fondos para las Fuerzas Armadas
La Malanka de Año Nuevo comenzará el 29 de diciembre en el parque Shevchenko a las 15:30 horas. Cualquiera puede unirse y apoyar a la banda.
• actuación "Y en el dolor, y... shototam"
19:00, Teatro de los Dramaturgos
• actuación "Premoniciones de Mina Mazail"
18:00, Teatro de Kyiv en Podil
• Los Podervyanskyi
18:30, Kyiv, Palacio de Cultura de KPI que lleva el nombre Ígor Sikorski
Календарь событий 28.12-02.01.2025
• Новогодний Подпольный Стендап XXL
18.00 Дворец Украина, Киев, ул. В. Васильковская, 103
• спектакль "Тени"
18:00 Киев, Сцена 6 (Дикий театр)
• спектакль "Белка, прожившая 100 лет"
18:00, Киевский академический театр "Золотые ворота"
• Jazz Kolo
17:00, Universum Hall
• В Киеве проведут Маланку, чтобы собрать средства на ВСУ
Новогоднюю Маланку начнут 29 декабря в парке Шевченко в 15:30. Желающие могут приобщиться и поддержать группу.
• спектакль "И в горе, и… шототам"
19:00, Театр Драматургов
• спектакль "Предчувствие Мини Мазайла"
18:00, Киевский театр на Подоле
• Лесь Подервянский
18:30, Киев, Дворец культуры КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского
घटनाओं का कैलेंडर 28.12-02.01.2025
• नए साल का अंडरग्राउंड स्टैंडअप XXL
18.00, पैलेस यूक्रेन, कीव, स्ट्रीट। में। वासिलकिव्स्का, 103
• प्रदर्शन "छाया"
18:00 कीव, स्टेज 6 (वाइल्ड थिएटर)
• प्रदर्शन "द स्क्विरेल हू लिव्ड 100 इयर्स"
18:00, कीव अकादमिक थिएटर "गोल्डन गेट"
• जैज़ कोलो
17:00, यूनिवर्सम हॉल
• सशस्त्र बलों के लिए धन जुटाने के लिए मलंका कीव में आयोजित किया जाएगा
नए साल का मलंका 29 दिसंबर को दोपहर 3:30 बजे शेवचेंको पार्क में शुरू होगा। कोई भी इसमें शामिल हो सकता है और बैंड का समर्थन कर सकता है।
• प्रदर्शन "और दुःख में, और... शोतोतम"
19:00, नाटककारों का रंगमंच
• प्रदर्शन "मीना मज़ैल के पूर्वाभास"
18:00, पोडिल पर कीव थिएटर
• लेस पोडेर्व्यंस्की
18:30, कीव, केपीआई के संस्कृति महल के नाम पर इगोर सिकोरस्की
Calendrier des événements 28.12-02.01.2025
• Standup souterrain XXL du Nouvel An
18h00, Palais Ukraine, Kyiv, rue. DANS. Vassylkivska, 103
• la performance "Ombres"
18h00 Kyiv, scène 6 (Théâtre sauvage)
• représentation "L'écureuil qui a vécu 100 ans"
18h00, Théâtre académique de Kyiv "Golden Gate"
• Jazz Kolo
17h00, Salle Universum
• Malanka aura lieu à Kyiv pour collecter des fonds pour les forces armées
La Malanka du Nouvel An débutera le 29 décembre dans le parc Shevchenko à 15h30. Tout le monde peut rejoindre et soutenir le groupe.
• performance "Et dans le chagrin, et... shototam"
19h00, Théâtre des Auteurs Dramatiques
• spectacle "Prémonitions de Mina Mazail"
18h00, Théâtre de Kyiv sur Podil
• Les Podervianskyi
18h30, Kyiv, Palais de la Culture du KPI nommé d'après Igor Sikorski
تقويم الأحداث 28.12-02.01.2025
• الوقوف تحت الأرض للعام الجديد XXL
18.00، قصر أوكرانيا، كييف، شارع. في. فاسيلكيفسكا، 103
• أداء "الظلال"
18:00 كييف، المرحلة 6 (المسرح البري)
• أداء "السنجاب الذي عاش 100 عام"
18:00، مسرح كييف الأكاديمي "البوابة الذهبية"
• جاز كولو
17:00 قاعة يونيفيرسوم
• سيتم عقد مالانكا في كييف لجمع الأموال للقوات المسلحة
ستبدأ Malanka رأس السنة الجديدة في 29 ديسمبر في حديقة شيفتشينكو الساعة 3:30 مساءً. يمكن لأي شخص الانضمام ودعم الفرقة.
• أداء "وفي الحزن و... شوطوتم"
19:00 مسرح المسرحيين
• أداء "هواجس مينا مزايل"
18:00، مسرح كييف في بوديل
• ليه بوديرفيانسكي
18:30، كييف، قصر الثقافة KPI الذي يحمل اسمه ايجور سيكورسكي
Veranstaltungskalender 28.12.-02.01.2025
• Neujahrs-Underground-Standup XXL
18.00 Uhr, Palast Ukraine, Kiew, str. IN. Wassilkiwska, 103
• die Performance „Shadows“
18:00 Kiew, Bühne 6 (Wildes Theater)
• Aufführung „Das Eichhörnchen, das 100 Jahre lebte“
18:00, Kiewer Akademisches Theater „Golden Gate“
• Jazz Kolo
17:00, Universumhalle
• Malanka wird in Kiew festgehalten, um Gelder für die Streitkräfte zu sammeln
Neujahrs-Malanka beginnt am 29. Dezember um 15:30 Uhr im Schewtschenko-Park. Jeder kann der Band beitreten und sie unterstützen.
• Performance „Und in Trauer und... Shototam“
19:00, Theater der Dramatiker
• Performance „Premonitions of Mina Mazail“
18:00 Uhr, Kiewer Theater am Podil
• Les Podervyanskyi
18:30 Uhr, Kiew, Kulturpalast des KPI, benannt nach ihm Igor Sikorsky
Calendario eventi 28.12-02.01.2025
• Standup XXL sotterraneo di Capodanno
18.00, Palazzo Ucraina, Kiev, str. IN. Vasylkivska, 103
• lo spettacolo "Ombre"
18:00 Kiev, Palcoscenico 6 (Teatro selvaggio)
• spettacolo "Lo scoiattolo che visse 100 anni"
18:00, Teatro accademico di Kiev "Golden Gate"
• Jazz Kolo
17:00, Sala Universum
• Malanka si terrà a Kiev per raccogliere fondi per le Forze Armate
Il Malanka di Capodanno inizierà il 29 dicembre nel Parco Shevchenko alle 15:30. Chiunque può unirsi e sostenere la band.
• performance "E nel dolore, e... shototam"
19:00, Teatro dei Drammaturghi
• spettacolo "Premonizioni di Mina Mazail"
18:00, Teatro di Kiev sul Podil
• Les Podervyanskyi
18:30, Kiev, Palazzo della Cultura del KPI da cui prende il nome Igor Sikorsky
Evenementenkalender 28.12-02.01.2025
• Nieuwjaars Underground Standup XXL
18.00 uur, Palace Ukraine, Kiev, str. IN. Vasylkivska, 103
• de voorstelling "Shadows"
18:00 Kiev, fase 6 (wild theater)
• voorstelling "De eekhoorn die 100 jaar leefde"
18:00, Kiev Academisch Theater "Golden Gate"
• Jazz Kolo
17.00 uur, Universumzaal
• Malanka zal in Kiev worden vastgehouden om geld in te zamelen voor de strijdkrachten
Nieuwjaar Malanka begint op 29 december om 15.30 uur in Shevchenko Park. Iedereen kan lid worden en de band steunen.
• voorstelling "En in verdriet, en... shototam"
19.00 uur, Theater van Toneelschrijvers
• voorstelling "Voorgevoelens van Mina Mazail"
18:00 uur, Kiev Theater op Podil
• Les Podervyanskyi
18.30 uur, Kiev, Cultuurpaleis van KPI vernoemd Igor Sikorsky
Ημερολόγιο εκδηλώσεων 28.12-02.01.2025
• Πρωτοχρονιάτικο Underground Standup XXL
18.00, Palace Ukraine, Kyiv, str. ΣΕ. Vasylkivska, 103
• η παράσταση «Σκιές»
18:00 Κίεβο, Σκηνή 6 (Wild Theatre)
• παράσταση «Ο σκίουρος που έζησε 100 χρόνια»
18:00, Ακαδημαϊκό Θέατρο Κιέβου "Golden Gate"
• Jazz Kolo
17:00, Αίθουσα Universum
• Η Malanka θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Κίεβο για τη συγκέντρωση κεφαλαίων για τις Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις
Η πρωτοχρονιάτικη Malanka θα ξεκινήσει στις 29 Δεκεμβρίου στο πάρκο Shevchenko στις 3:30 μ.μ. Οποιοσδήποτε μπορεί να συμμετάσχει και να στηρίξει το συγκρότημα.
• παράσταση «Και στη θλίψη, και... shototam»
19:00, Θέατρο Θεατρικών Συγγραφέων
• παράσταση «Προαισθήματα της Μίνα Μαζαήλ»
18:00, Θέατρο Κιέβου στο Podil
• Les Podervyanskyi
18:30, Κίεβο, Παλάτι Πολιτισμού του KPI που φέρει το όνομά του Ιγκόρ Σικόρσκι
12/14/2024, 2:30:37 PM
Today, there is already preliminary data that the Russians have begun to use soldiers from North Korea in assaults - a significant number. The Russians are including them in consolidated units and using them in operations in the Kursk region. So far, only there. But we have information that they may be used in other parts of the front. Losses in this category are already noticeable.
In fact, Moscow has drawn another state into this war, and drawn it as much as possible. And if this is not escalation, then what is the escalation that many have been talking about? It is Putin who is taking steps that are expanding and prolonging this war. It is he who is pushing back the possibility of peace. And he wants the world to have more problems in Asia. That is why the Russians are teaching North Korea modern warfare.
And it is obvious that Moscow is ignoring the calls of all countries, from China and Brazil to many others, about the need to do everything to de-escalate. If there is no tough reaction from the world, Russia is making the war worse. Always.
We will defend ourselves, including against these North Koreans. We will continue to act in coordination with all our partners to stop this war – stop it reliably, with a guaranteed peace.
Next week we will talk in Europe about working together. Sanctions against Russia, support for our defense, investment in Europe’s common defense, and strong diplomacy for peace are things that must increase every week so that next year, together with our partners, we can achieve our main goal.
1/7/2025, 1:02:02 PM
The Commander of the Ground Forces reacted to the information about desertion in the 155th Brigade
Mykhailo Drapatiy expressed confidence during the telethon that "what was announced will be refuted over time," writes RBC Ukraine.
"A number of facts took place. For my part, I have a negative attitude towards all these manifestations and to the fact that it was possible to correct them on the ground by all levels of management. I mean all commanders, commanders," he said.
Drapatiy says that the success of the personnel depends on the influence of the command. The commander also added that work is currently underway to improve the command.
In a comment to the Public, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that "work on eliminating a number of shortcomings made public in the media continued even before the publications appeared," adding that the 155th Anna Kyivska Brigade in full force continues to perform tasks in the combat zone and has its own defense zone. The brigade's capabilities were also strengthened with UAV units,
1/7/2025, 1:24:40 PM
Poland to provide Ukraine with electricity if Slovakia stops its supply, - Reuters
"Poland will be able to increase electricity sales to Ukraine, but only if Ukraine asks for it. Our operator is ready, the only thing is whether Ukraine wants to, or has to use it. Fico's behavior is directed against Europe," - said the country's Minister of Climate and Environment Paulina Hennig-Kloska.
Recall that last week, the Prime Minister of Slovakia threatened to stop electricity supplies to Ukraine, reduce aid to refugees. Robert Fico also said that he would demand the restoration of gas transit or compensation for losses that Slovakia allegedly suffered as a result of the stoppage of gas transit from the Russian Federation through Ukraine. However, the Slovak energy company SEPS announced its readiness to supply electricity to Ukraine as part of emergency aid, despite Fico's threats.
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1/8/2025, 8:40:02 AM
Launches of guided aerial bombs by enemy tactical aircraft in Sumy region, - PS
1/7/2025, 1:46:18 PM
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry confirms postponement of Trump's special envoy's visit to Kyiv
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiga said that Keith Kellogg's visit will take place "in due time" - the parties are working on determining the timeframe and filling the meeting with maximum content.