Spy equipment found on Russian tanker detained by Finland for damaging submarine cable, - Lloyd's List
The publication reports that the ship's transmitting and receiving devices were used to record all radio frequencies during voyages - this is how the Russians monitored all ships and aircraft of the NATO Naval Forces.
The equipment was operated by Russian, Turkish and Indian radio operators.
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На затриманому Фінляндією за пошкодження підводного кабелю російському танкері виявили шпигунське обладнання, - Lloyd's List
Видання повідомляє, що передавальні та приймальні пристрої на кораблі під час рейсів використовували для запису всіх радіочастот — так росіяни стежили за всіма кораблями та літаками Військово-морських сил НАТО.
Обладнанням керували російські, турецькі та індійські радисти.
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Equipamento de espionagem foi encontrado no navio-tanque russo detido pela Finlândia por danificar um cabo subaquático, - Lloyd's List
A publicação informa que os dispositivos de transmissão e recepção do navio durante os voos foram utilizados para registrar todas as radiofrequências - foi assim que os russos monitoraram todos os navios e aeronaves das Forças Navais da OTAN.
O equipamento era controlado por operadores de rádio russos, turcos e indianos.
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Se encontró equipo de espionaje en el petrolero ruso detenido por Finlandia por dañar un cable submarino - Lloyd's List
La publicación informa que los dispositivos de transmisión y recepción del barco durante los vuelos se utilizaron para registrar todas las frecuencias de radio; así es como los rusos monitorearon todos los barcos y aviones de las Fuerzas Navales de la OTAN.
El equipo estaba controlado por operadores de radio rusos, turcos e indios.
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На задержанном Финляндией за повреждение подводного кабеля российском танкере обнаружили шпионское оборудование, - Lloyd's List
Издание сообщает, что передаточные и приемные устройства на корабле во время рейсов использовали для записи всех радиочастот - так россияне следили за всеми кораблями и самолетами Военно-морских сил НАТО.
Оборудованием управляли русские, турецкие и индийские радисты.
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पानी के अंदर केबल को नुकसान पहुंचाने के आरोप में फिनलैंड द्वारा हिरासत में लिए गए रूसी टैंकर पर जासूसी उपकरण पाए गए - लॉयड्स लिस्ट
प्रकाशन की रिपोर्ट है कि उड़ानों के दौरान जहाज पर संचारण और प्राप्त करने वाले उपकरणों का उपयोग सभी रेडियो आवृत्तियों को रिकॉर्ड करने के लिए किया गया था - इस तरह रूसियों ने नाटो नौसेना बलों के सभी जहाजों और विमानों की निगरानी की।
उपकरण रूसी, तुर्की और भारतीय रेडियो ऑपरेटरों द्वारा नियंत्रित किया गया था।
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Du matériel d'espionnage a été trouvé sur le pétrolier russe arrêté par la Finlande pour avoir endommagé un câble sous-marin, - Lloyd's List
La publication rapporte que les appareils d'émission et de réception du navire pendant les vols ont été utilisés pour enregistrer toutes les fréquences radio - c'est ainsi que les Russes ont surveillé tous les navires et avions des forces navales de l'OTAN.
L'équipement était contrôlé par des opérateurs radio russes, turcs et indiens.
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تم العثور على معدات تجسس على متن الناقلة الروسية التي احتجزتها فنلندا بسبب إتلاف كابل تحت الماء، - قائمة لويدز
يذكر المنشور أن أجهزة الإرسال والاستقبال الموجودة على السفينة أثناء الرحلات الجوية تم استخدامها لتسجيل جميع الترددات اللاسلكية - هكذا راقب الروس جميع السفن والطائرات التابعة للقوات البحرية لحلف شمال الأطلسي.
تم التحكم في المعدات من قبل مشغلي الراديو الروس والأتراك والهنود.
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Auf dem von Finnland wegen Beschädigung eines Unterwasserkabels festgehaltenen russischen Tanker wurde Spionageausrüstung gefunden, - Lloyd's List
Die Veröffentlichung berichtet, dass die Sende- und Empfangsgeräte auf dem Schiff während der Flüge zur Aufzeichnung aller Funkfrequenzen verwendet wurden – auf diese Weise überwachten die Russen alle Schiffe und Flugzeuge der NATO-Seestreitkräfte.
Die Ausrüstung wurde von russischen, türkischen und indischen Funkern gesteuert.
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Equipaggiamento spia è stato trovato sulla petroliera russa sequestrata dalla Finlandia per aver danneggiato un cavo sottomarino, - Lloyd's List
La pubblicazione riporta che i dispositivi di trasmissione e ricezione sulla nave durante i voli sono stati utilizzati per registrare tutte le frequenze radio: è così che i russi monitoravano tutte le navi e gli aerei delle forze navali della NATO.
L'apparecchiatura era controllata da operatori radio russi, turchi e indiani.
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Er werd spionageapparatuur gevonden op de Russische tanker die door Finland werd aangehouden wegens beschadiging van een onderwaterkabel, - Lloyd's List
De publicatie meldt dat de zend- en ontvangstapparatuur op het schip tijdens de vluchten werden gebruikt om alle radiofrequenties op te nemen - zo hielden de Russen alle schepen en vliegtuigen van de NAVO-zeemacht in de gaten.
De apparatuur werd bestuurd door Russische, Turkse en Indiase radio-operators.
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Ο κατασκοπευτικός εξοπλισμός βρέθηκε στο ρωσικό τάνκερ που κρατήθηκε από τη Φινλανδία για ζημιά σε υποβρύχιο καλώδιο, - Lloyd's List
Η δημοσίευση αναφέρει ότι οι συσκευές εκπομπής και λήψης στο πλοίο κατά τη διάρκεια των πτήσεων χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την καταγραφή όλων των ραδιοσυχνοτήτων - έτσι οι Ρώσοι παρακολουθούσαν όλα τα πλοία και τα αεροσκάφη των Ναυτικών Δυνάμεων του ΝΑΤΟ.
Ο εξοπλισμός ελεγχόταν από Ρώσους, Τούρκους και Ινδούς ραδιοτηλεοπτικούς φορείς.
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12/18/2024, 9:20:16 AM
Launch of KAB by enemy tactical aircraft into the Kharkiv region, - PS
12/18/2024, 9:53:03 AM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where alarm has been declared - PS
12/18/2024, 10:00:39 AM
There are heavy losses among the personnel of the DPRK troops - the SBU intercepted telephone conversations of a Russian nurse and her occupier husband
In just a few days, more than 200 wounded North Korean soldiers who were wounded in the Kursk region were brought to a hospital near Moscow, according to the words of an enemy nurse in conversations with her husband, who is fighting against Ukraine in the Kharkiv region.
The woman complains that wards in Russian hospitals are being given to DPRK militants, and wounded Russian occupiers are being treated in worse conditions. She also says that. they are forbidden to communicate with the DPRK military in English.
☝️Meanwhile, The New York Times, citing a statement by a high-ranking Pentagon military official at a closed briefing, also writes about the DPRK's losses in the amount of several hundred soldiers. It is noted that the North Korean army was not battle-hardened, and that Ukraine struck their command posts, as well as infantry positions.
12/18/2024, 10:28:16 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours
📍Chernihiv region
Yesterday, the Russian army struck Semenivka with artillery, killing a person. A house was damaged. During the day, the enemy shelled the region 18 times. There were 40 explosions.
📍Kherson region
A 52-year-old man who came under Russian attack in Avdiivka on December 16 sought medical help. Another 24 hours later, 1 person was killed and 3 were injured due to Russian aggression. The Russian armed forces damaged a high-rise building, 6 private houses, shopping stalls, an outbuilding, a garage and private cars.
📍Kharkiv region
Russians wounded 3 people and damaged a warehouse, 8 private houses and a communal enterprise.
📍Donetsk region
The occupiers killed 1 person in Pokrovsk and wounded 8 more people. Numerous high-rise buildings and residential buildings were damaged.
During the day, the invaders launched 306 strikes on 11 settlements. 5 reports of the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure were received.
📍Mykolaiv region
Yesterday, the enemy carried out artillery shelling on the village of Dmytrivka, Kutsurubsky community: 2 private houses, an outbuilding and a garage were damaged.
📍Sumsky region
At night and in the morning, the invaders carried out 3 attacks (CAB and artillery) on border territories and settlements. There were 6 explosions.
📍Dniprovsky region
The aggressor struck the Nikopol region with heavy artillery and kamikaze drones. Hit the district center and the Marhanets community. 2 private houses and a gas pipeline were destroyed.
12/18/2024, 10:55:14 AM
Head of KRAIL detained for supporting the activities of an online casino owned by Russian citizens in Ukraine - SBI
We are talking about Ivan Rudoy, who was supposed to ensure state regulation of activities in the field of organizing and conducting gambling and lotteries, in particular, to prevent persons associated with Russia from participating in their activities. However, thanks to him, representatives of a commercial structure associated with the Russian Federation received a license to organize gambling on the Internet and helped the Kremlin.
Law enforcement officers claim that the detainee, having received information from a number of state bodies about the commercial structure's ties with the aggressor state, deliberately did not take measures to revoke the relevant license, ensuring the continuation of the online casino's activities.
Searches have already been conducted at his places of residence, work and cars, and flash drives, draft records, other documents, laptops, phones, large amounts of cocaine and money have been seized.
The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.