🔴The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Kurdish media, and the Russian Ministry of Defense, the month of Zaghrizo in the Kharkiv region and the month of Ivanovka in the People's Republic of Donetsk in Azad Kurdand.
What's wrong with you?
🔴وزارت دفاع روسیه اعلام کرد که نیروهای روسی شهرک زاگریزوو در منطقه خارکف و شهرک ایوانوفکا در جمهوری خلق دونتسک را آزاد کردند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴O Ministério da Defesa da Federação Russa, a mídia curda e o Ministério da Defesa da Rússia, o mês de Zaghrizo na região de Kharkiv e o mês de Ivanovka na República Popular de Donetsk em Azad Kurdand.
O que você tem?
🔴El Ministerio de Defensa de la Federación Rusa, los medios de comunicación kurdos y el Ministerio de Defensa ruso, el mes de Zaghrizo en la región de Kharkiv y el mes de Ivanovka en la República Popular de Donetsk en Azad Kurdand.
¿Qué sucede contigo?
🔴Министерство обороны РФ, курдские СМИ и Минобороны России проводят месяц Загризо в Харьковской области и месяц Ивановка в Донецкой Народной Республике в Азад Курдане.
Что с тобой не так?
🔴रूसी संघ के रक्षा मंत्रालय, कुर्द मीडिया और रूसी रक्षा मंत्रालय, खार्किव क्षेत्र में ज़ाग्रिज़ो का महीना और आज़ाद कुर्दंड में पीपुल्स रिपब्लिक ऑफ डोनेट्स्क में इवानोव्का का महीना।
तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है?
🔴Le ministère de la Défense de la Fédération de Russie, les médias kurdes et le ministère russe de la Défense, le mois de Zaghrizo dans la région de Kharkiv et le mois d'Ivanovka dans la République populaire de Donetsk dans l'Azad Kurdand.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
🔴وزارت دفاع روسیه اعلام کرد که نیروهای روسی شهرک زاگریزوو در منطقه خارکف و شهرک ایوانوفکا در جمهوری خلق دونتسک را آزاد کردند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴Das Verteidigungsministerium der Russischen Föderation, kurdische Medien und das russische Verteidigungsministerium, der Monat Zaghrizo in der Region Charkiw und der Monat Iwanowka in der Volksrepublik Donezk in Azad Kurdand.
Was ist los mit dir?
🔴Il Ministero della Difesa della Federazione Russa, i media curdi e il Ministero della Difesa russo, il mese di Zaghrizo nella regione di Kharkiv e il mese di Ivanovka nella Repubblica popolare di Donetsk nell'Azad Kurdand.
Cos'hai che non va?
🔴Het Ministerie van Defensie van de Russische Federatie, de Koerdische media en het Russische Ministerie van Defensie, de maand van Zaghrizo in de regio Charkov en de maand van Ivanovka in de Volksrepubliek Donetsk in Azad Koerdand.
Wat is er mis met jou?
🔴Το Υπουργείο Άμυνας της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας, τα κουρδικά μέσα ενημέρωσης και το ρωσικό υπουργείο Άμυνας, ο μήνας Zaghrizo στην περιοχή Kharkiv και ο μήνας Ivanovka στη Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Ντόνετσκ στο Azad Kurdistand.
Τι σου συμβαίνει;
12/22/2024, 12:18:17 PM
🎥 The first sources and wealth of Syria are mediated by America, Israel and Turkey!
🔶 Dr. Hassan Merhej, a political analysis conducted by the Zionist i24 network regarding the division of Syria in the middle of the Washington Triangle, and widespread denial and denial.
What's wrong with you?
12/22/2024, 12:36:17 PM
🔴Khasham Mardam, Syria, is attacking a Zionist regime in this country.
▪ Here you are attacking by sabotaging its infrastructure, cutting off the Abarsani network, and making its cells look like a wasteland. Leave it in your car if you live in Hanachar or somewhere near it.
What's wrong with you?
1/5/2025, 6:45:59 PM
🚫 Your temporary stay in Iran has evidence of a razmish market on the surface of the country.
There is no data on the device that has a system guide on the external surface of the outside, which causes it to be installed on the screen of Iran's Iranian antenna lines, as they are already installed. You can use, for example, the name of Iraq, and many more information about the name of Iran, whether it is based on the principle or purpose that it is Iran.
What's wrong with you?
12/22/2024, 3:28:25 PM
🔴 Al-Qassam Defense Forces: A powerful Zionist regime is located in the west of the month of Beit Hanoun in the north of Gaza City, next to a powerful explosion, the target of a recent decision.
What's wrong with you?
12/22/2024, 1:21:52 PM
🔴Maqam Moazzam Rahbari: Hezbollah, Palestine Resistance, Hamas and Jihad Zinda Hastand
A Zionist element with Pirouz has no appearance, Adam Pirouz’s fame has no scratches on it, its letter is not loud and strong.
▪ Badakht! How severe is the flu? In Gaza, severe pyrosis? What is the purpose of my goals? This is the first Kurdish flag to be achieved. Where is this Pirouz station?
What is Hamas about Nabud Kurdid? What is the best way to go to Gaza?
What did Hezbollah leaders get from a personal email like Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, even though he was a great martyr, and how did Hezbollah get a personal email?
▪Hezbollah is the leader, the Palestinian resistance is the leader, Hamas is the leader, Jihad is the leader, and what is the best way to do that?
What's wrong with you?