

Real time military news

Published date: 12/26/2024, 2:13:50 PM
12/26/2024, 2:13:50 PM
🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: The Israeli enemy suffers from the intelligence challenge in Yemen and its failure to obtain the necessary information, which means failure in security and information penetration
🔴عاجل | السيد القائد: العدو الإسرائيلي يعاني من التحدي الاستخباراتي في اليمن وعن فشله في الحصول على المعلومات اللازمة، ومعنى ذلك الفشل في الاختراق الأمني والمعلوماتي
🔴Urgente | Senhor Comandante: O inimigo israelense está sofrendo com o desafio da inteligência no Iêmen e com a incapacidade de obter as informações necessárias, o que significa falha na segurança e na penetração da informação.
🔴Urgente | Señor comandante: El enemigo israelí está sufriendo el desafío de la inteligencia en Yemen y su incapacidad para obtener la información necesaria, lo que significa fallas en la seguridad y la penetración de la información.
🔴Срочно | Г-н командующий: Израильский враг страдает от проблем разведки в Йемене и от неспособности получить необходимую информацию, что означает провал в обеспечении безопасности и проникновении информации.
🔴अत्यावश्यक | श्रीमान कमांडर: इजरायली दुश्मन यमन में खुफिया चुनौती और आवश्यक जानकारी प्राप्त करने में विफलता से पीड़ित है, जिसका अर्थ है सुरक्षा और सूचना प्रवेश में विफलता।
🔴Urgent | M. Commandant : L'ennemi israélien souffre du défi du renseignement au Yémen et de son incapacité à obtenir les informations nécessaires, ce qui signifie un échec en matière de sécurité et de pénétration de l'information.
🔴عاجل | السيد القائد: العدو الإسرائيلي يعاني من التحدي الاستخباراتي في اليمن وعن فشله في الحصول على المعلومات اللازمة، ومعنى ذلك الفشل في الاختراق الأمني والمعلوماتي
🔴Dringend | Herr Kommandant: Der israelische Feind leidet unter der nachrichtendienstlichen Herausforderung im Jemen und unter seinem Versäumnis, die notwendigen Informationen zu erhalten, was ein Versagen bei der Sicherheit und der Informationsdurchdringung bedeutet.
🔴Urgente | Signor Comandante: Il nemico israeliano sta soffrendo per la sfida dell'intelligence nello Yemen e per il suo fallimento nell'ottenere le informazioni necessarie, il che significa fallimento nella sicurezza e nella penetrazione delle informazioni.
🔴緊急 |司令官: 敵であるイスラエルはイエメンにおける諜報活動の課題と必要な情報の入手失敗に苦しんでおり、これは安全保障と情報浸透の失敗を意味する。
🔴Dringend | De heer Commandant: De Israëlische vijand lijdt onder de inlichtingenuitdaging in Jemen en onder het onvermogen van het land om de noodzakelijke informatie te verkrijgen, wat betekent dat de veiligheid en de penetratie van informatie mislukt zijn.
🔴Επείγοντα | κ. Διοικητής: Ο ισραηλινός εχθρός υποφέρει από την πρόκληση των πληροφοριών στην Υεμένη και από την αδυναμία του να συγκεντρώσει τις απαραίτητες πληροφορίες, που σημαίνει αποτυχία στην ασφάλεια και τη διείσδυση πληροφοριών.

1/17/2025, 3:05:26 AM
⭕️Urgent | John Kilduff, an official at Again Capital in New York, told Reuters: “The developments on the Houthi front and the ceasefire in Gaza help the region remain calmer, which reduces some of the security premium on oil prices John Kilduff: Investors will remain cautious after Abdulmalik al-Houthi’s statement that they will monitor developments in the remaining days before the implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and will continue their attacks if Israeli strikes continue
1/17/2025, 3:05:47 AM
⭕️Urgent | Amran Governorate: US aggression targets Harf Sufyan District with 5 raids
1/17/2025, 3:05:49 AM
⭕️Urgent | Al-Quds Brigades - Tulkarm Battalion: Our fighters targeted the enemy's infantry forces and vehicles with heavy gunfire in the fighting axes surrounding Tulkarm camp
1/17/2025, 3:05:58 AM
⭕️Urgent | An investigation by the Economist reveals a decline in the number of ships linked to the United States of America in the Red Sea and an increase in the number of Chinese ships An investigation by the Economist magazine: American and British companies face insurance premiums of up to 2% of the value of the ship An investigation by the Economist magazine: Shipping volumes through Bab al-Mandab have decreased by two-thirds and the final nationality of ships has been changed An investigation by the Economist magazine: The cost of Red Sea attacks reached about $ 200 billion in 2024 An investigation by the Economist magazine: "Houthis" are surprisingly sophisticated and are exploring new weapons technology An investigation by the Economist magazine: Some Arab countries have kept their naval forces away from confronting the "Houthis" to avoid appearing to support Israel
1/17/2025, 3:06:26 AM
Image 2025-01-17T03:06:26
🔸 Friday Supplication In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Praise be to Allah, the First before creation and life, and the Last after the annihilation of things, the All-Knowing, who does not forget those who remember Him, nor diminish those who thank Him, nor disappoint those who call upon Him, nor cut off the hope of those who put their hope in Him. O Allah, I bear witness to You, and You are sufficient as a witness, and I bear witness to all Your angels, and the inhabitants of Your heavens, and the bearers of Your Throne, and those You have sent of Your prophets and messengers, and those You have created from the various kinds of Your creation, that I bear witness that You are Allah, there is no god but You, You are alone, You have no partner, and there is no equal, nor a successor to Your word, nor any change, and that Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family, is Your servant and Messenger, who has fulfilled what You have carried it to the servants, and he has striven in the cause of God [the Almighty] with the right striving, and that he has given good tidings of what is true of reward, and warned of what is true of punishment. O Allah, keep me steadfast in Your religion as long as You keep me alive, and do not let my heart deviate after You have guided me, and grant me mercy from Yourself, for You are the Bestower. Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and make me one of his followers and his Shiites, and gather me in his group, and enable me to perform the obligatory Friday prayers, and what You have made obligatory upon me in them of acts of obedience, and what You have apportioned to its people of gifts on the Day of Judgment, for You are You are the Almighty, the Wise. t.me//ansarollah1