Former head of the Operations Division in the enemy army: We have exhausted what we can do in Gaza and I do not know why we are there
الرئيس السابق لشعبة العمليات في جيش العدو: استنفدنا ما يمكن أن نفعله بغزة ولا أعرف لماذا نحن هناك
Ex-chefe da Divisão de Operações do exército inimigo: Esgotámos o que podemos fazer em Gaza e não sei porque estamos lá
Exjefe de la División de Operaciones del ejército enemigo: Hemos agotado todo lo que podemos hacer en Gaza y no sé por qué estamos allí
Бывший глава оперативного отдела вражеской армии: Мы исчерпали все, что могли сделать в Газе, и я не знаю, зачем мы там находимся
दुश्मन सेना में ऑपरेशंस डिवीजन के पूर्व प्रमुख: हम गाजा में जो कर सकते थे वह समाप्त हो चुका है, और मुझे नहीं पता कि हम वहां क्यों हैं
Ancien chef de la Division des opérations de l'armée ennemie : Nous avons épuisé ce que nous pouvons faire à Gaza et je ne sais pas pourquoi nous y sommes
الرئيس السابق لشعبة العمليات في جيش العدو: استنفدنا ما يمكن أن نفعله بغزة ولا أعرف لماذا نحن هناك
Ehemaliger Leiter der Operationsabteilung der feindlichen Armee: Wir haben unsere Möglichkeiten in Gaza ausgeschöpft und ich weiß nicht, warum wir dort sind
Ex capo della divisione operativa dell'esercito nemico: abbiamo esaurito ciò che potevamo fare a Gaza e non so perché siamo lì
Voormalig hoofd van de afdeling Operaties in het vijandelijke leger: We hebben uitgeput wat we in Gaza kunnen doen, en ik weet niet waarom we daar zijn
Πρώην επικεφαλής του τμήματος επιχειρήσεων στον εχθρικό στρατό: Έχουμε εξαντλήσει ό,τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε στη Γάζα και δεν ξέρω γιατί είμαστε εκεί
12/21/2024, 5:50:12 PM
After the repeated Yemeni bombing of occupied Jaffa "Tel Aviv", the mayor of "Holon" in the enemy entity announces the opening of shelters for the Zionist usurpers
12/21/2024, 5:50:15 PM
Former enemy war minister Avigdor Lieberman: Yemen's infrastructure must be attacked and contact must be made with the "government in Aden"
12/21/2024, 5:56:08 PM
Palestinian sources: 4 martyrs and a number of wounded in the enemy's bombing of a house and damage to neighboring houses in the new camp in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip
12/19/2024, 12:57:43 PM
Palestinian sources: 10 martyrs in new toll from enemy aircraft bombing of citizens opposite Al-Ahrar headquarters in Al-Shati camp west of Gaza City
12/26/2024, 2:13:50 PM
🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: The Israeli enemy suffers from the intelligence challenge in Yemen and its failure to obtain the necessary information, which means failure in security and information penetration