Civil Defense in Gaza: Two martyrs and a number of wounded in the enemy's air force bombing of the Hamada family home in the Jaffa Street area in the Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza City
الدفاع المدني بغزة: شهيدان وعدد من الجرحى في قصف طيران العدو لمنزل عائلة حمادة بمنطقة شارع يافا في حي التفاح شرقي مدينة غزة
加沙民防:加沙城东部图法街区雅法街的哈马达家遭到敌军空军轰炸,造成 2 人死亡,多人受伤
Defesa Civil de Gaza: Dois mártires e vários feridos no bombardeio de aviões inimigos contra a casa da família Hamada na área da Rua Jaffa, no bairro de Al-Tuffah, a leste da Cidade de Gaza.
Defensa Civil de Gaza: Dos mártires y varios heridos en el bombardeo de aviones enemigos contra la casa de la familia Hamada en el área de la calle Jaffa en el barrio de Al-Tuffah, al este de la ciudad de Gaza.
Гражданская оборона Газы: двое мучеников и несколько раненых в результате бомбардировки вражеской авиацией дома семьи Хамада в районе улицы Яффо в районе Аль-Туффа, к востоку от города Газа.
गाजा नागरिक सुरक्षा: गाजा शहर के पूर्व में अल-तफ़ा पड़ोस में जाफ़ा स्ट्रीट क्षेत्र में हमादा परिवार के घर पर दुश्मन के विमान द्वारा बमबारी में दो शहीद और कई घायल हुए।
Défense civile de Gaza : Deux martyrs et plusieurs blessés dans le bombardement par des avions ennemis de la maison de la famille Hamada dans le quartier de la rue Jaffa, dans le quartier d'Al-Tuffah, à l'est de la ville de Gaza.
الدفاع المدني بغزة: شهيدان وعدد من الجرحى في قصف طيران العدو لمنزل عائلة حمادة بمنطقة شارع يافا في حي التفاح شرقي مدينة غزة
Gaza-Zivilschutz: Zwei Märtyrer und eine Reihe von Verletzten bei einem Bombenanschlag feindlicher Flugzeuge auf das Haus der Familie Hamada in der Gegend der Jaffa-Straße im Viertel Al-Tuffah, östlich von Gaza-Stadt.
Protezione civile a Gaza: due martiri e diversi feriti nel bombardamento dell'aviazione nemica sulla casa della famiglia Hamada nella zona di Jaffa Street nel quartiere Tuffah, a est di Gaza City
Civiele verdediging van Gaza: twee martelaren en een aantal gewonden bij vijandelijke vliegtuigbombardementen op het huis van de familie Hamada in de wijk Jaffa Street in de wijk Al-Tuffah, ten oosten van Gaza-stad.
Πολιτική άμυνα της Γάζας: Δύο μάρτυρες και αρκετοί τραυματίες σε βομβαρδισμό εχθρικών αεροσκαφών στο σπίτι της οικογένειας Hamada στην περιοχή Jaffa Street στη συνοικία Al-Tuffah, ανατολικά της πόλης της Γάζας.
12/28/2024, 3:32:15 PM
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor: The Zionist enemy's "army" committed serious crimes against civilians during its storming of Kamal Adwan Hospital and surrounding areas yesterday, Friday
12/28/2024, 3:32:55 PM
Euro-Mediterranean Observatory: The crimes of the Zionist enemy included premeditated murder, field executions, and sexual and physical assaults on women and girls from medical staff and displaced women
12/23/2024, 8:54:09 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: One martyr and 4 wounded, some seriously, in a Zionist drone strike on a displaced persons' tent in the new camp in Nuseirat, central Gaza Strip
12/23/2024, 8:55:50 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: Enemy aircraft destroys a house on Awni Dhahir Street in the center of Rafah city, south of the Gaza Strip
Palestinian sources: Israeli helicopters, artillery and machine guns target Zayed area, north of the Gaza Strip
Palestinian sources: One person injured by Zionist "Quadcopter" drone fire in the town of Abasan, east of Khan Yunis, south of the Strip
12/23/2024, 8:56:20 AM
🔶 If you present the religion incompletely, then you are the one who is striking the nation, even if you say for the sake of the nation’s interest, and you are the one who is striking the religion, even if you say to preserve the doctrine and the religion.. Allah does not differentiate, He is the one who guarantees the public interest of His servants, when? Whenever they follow His religion in a complete and correct manner, but if they believe in some and disbelieve in some, has the public interest not been struck in this world and the Hereafter? {For them is disgrace in this world, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment} (Al-Ma’idah: from verse 33) Didn’t He say this? Disgrace in this world is to preserve the public interest?! The great punishment in the Hereafter is to preserve the public interest?! Where did the disgrace come from in this world? And where did the great punishment come from in the Hereafter? It is from believing in some of the Book and disbelieving in some.
Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran (To follow the example of the Children of Israel)