🔴 Safa translation | Hebrew sources: Captain "Amit Halevy" killed in the battles of the Gaza Strip
🔴 ترجمة صفا| مصادر عبرية: مقتل النقيب "عميت هليفي" في معارك قطاع غزة
🔴 Traduzido por Safa| Fontes hebraicas: O capitão Amit Halevy foi morto nas batalhas na Faixa de Gaza
🔴 Traducido por Safa| Fuentes hebreas: el capitán Amit Halevy murió en las batallas en la Franja de Gaza
🔴 Перевод Сафа| Еврейские источники: Капитан Амит Халеви погиб в боях в секторе Газа
🔴 सफ़ा द्वारा अनुवादित| हिब्रू स्रोत: कैप्टन अमित हेलेवी गाजा पट्टी में लड़ाई में मारे गए थे
🔴 Traduit par Safa | Sources hébraïques : le capitaine Amit Halevy a été tué dans les combats dans la bande de Gaza
🔴 ترجمة صفا| مصادر عبرية: مقتل النقيب "عميت هليفي" في معارك قطاع غزة
🔴 Übersetzt von Safa| Hebräische Quellen: Kapitän Amit Halevy wurde bei den Kämpfen im Gazastreifen getötet
🔴 Tradotto da Safa| Fonti ebraiche: Il capitano Amit Halevy è stato ucciso nelle battaglie nella Striscia di Gaza
🔴 サファによる翻訳|ヘブライ語情報源: アミット・ハレヴィ大尉はガザ地区の戦闘で死亡
🔴 Vertaald door Safa| Hebreeuwse bronnen: Kapitein Amit Halevy werd gedood tijdens de gevechten in de Gazastrook
🔴 Μετάφραση Safa| Εβραϊκές πηγές: Ο λοχαγός Amit Halevy σκοτώθηκε στις μάχες στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας
2/22/2025, 10:29:15 AM
🔴 Safa correspondent: Civil defense crews are chasing the remains of an unidentified martyr near the Helmy Saqr Mosque, northwest of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
2/22/2025, 10:32:33 PM
🔴 Follow -up Safa Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority: We are now preparing to receive the bus that transports the released Palestinian prisoners
2/22/2025, 9:44:16 AM
🔴 Follow -up Safa Sources of the island: The Israeli prisoner, Hisham El -Sayed, will be delivered in Gaza City without a ceremony
2/22/2025, 9:47:46 AM
🔵 Follow -up Safa The Prisoners' Information: We note that the lists circulated through social media about the prisoners scheduled to be released today are inaccurate and that the official lists will be published on the office platforms
2/22/2025, 9:59:31 AM
🔴 Safa correspondent: an intense shooting of the Israeli occupation forces towards the homes of citizens in Al -Salam and Brazil neighborhoods, south of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip