⭕️ Urgent | Statement by the Yemeni Armed Forces at 9:00 PM
⭕️ عاجل | بيان للقوات المسلحة اليمنية عند الـ 9:00م
⭕️紧急|也门武装部队晚上 9:00 发表的声明
⭕️ Urgente | Declaração das Forças Armadas do Iêmen às 21h
⭕️ Urgente | Declaración de las Fuerzas Armadas de Yemen a las 21.00 horas
⭕️ Срочно | Заявление вооруженных сил Йемена в 21:00.
⭕️ अत्यावश्यक | रात 9:00 बजे यमनी सशस्त्र बलों का बयान
⭕️ Urgent | Déclaration des forces armées yéménites à 21h00
⭕️ عاجل | بيان للقوات المسلحة اليمنية عند الـ 9:00م
⭕️ Dringend | Erklärung der jemenitischen Streitkräfte um 21:00 Uhr
⭕️Urgente | Dichiarazione delle forze armate yemenite alle 21:00
⭕️緊急 |イエメン軍による午後9時の声明
⭕️Dringend | Verklaring van de Jemenitische strijdkrachten om 21.00 uur
⭕️ Επείγον | Δήλωση των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων της Υεμένης στις 9:00 μ.μ
3/4/2025, 6:42:10 PM
🔶 That the basis in the march of human society is the monotheism of God Almighty, believing in Him, and adhering to its approach, because human society has not left since the beginning of its existence without guidance from God Almighty,
Mr. Leader Abdul -Malik Badruddin Al -Houthi
#Mr. Qaid
#And purify them
3/4/2025, 6:44:41 PM
🔶 Many writers, and the style in Western society in research and studies, depicts the situation as if the human society was from the beginning a primitive society in its religion, primitive in the matter of religion to the point of complete ignorance of God, and to the degree of complete disguise of the principle of monotheism, and makes the basis in the reality of human society is polytheism, it is disbelief, it is deviation, it is dependence on the principle of polytheism that is the multiplicity of gods
Mr. Leader Abdul -Malik Badruddin Al -Houthi
#Mr. Qaid
#And purify them
2/18/2025, 1:56:24 PM
2/18/2025, 2:07:34 PM
Palestinian sources: A citizen was seriously wounded by enemy bullets in Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip
2/18/2025, 2:07:39 PM
Palestinian sources: The enemy forces burn a house in Nour Shams camp, east of Tulkarm