

Real time military news

Published date: 12/25/2024, 12:24:30 PM
12/25/2024, 12:24:30 PM
⭕️ Urgent | Security services reveal at 4 pm the details of thwarting intelligence activities of the American Central Intelligence Agency "CIA" and the Israeli Intelligence Agency "Mossad"
⭕️ عاجل | الأجهزة الأمنية تكشف الـ4 عصرا تفاصيل إحباط أنشطة استخباراتية لوكالة المخابرات الأمريكية "CIA" وجهاز المخابرات الإسرائيلية "الموساد"
⭕️紧急|下午 4 点,安全部门公布了中央情报局和以色列情报部门摩萨德阻挠情报活动的细节。
⭕️ Urgente | Às 16h00, os serviços de segurança revelam detalhes do impedimento das atividades de inteligência da CIA e do serviço de inteligência israelense, Mossad.
⭕️ Urgente | A las 16.00 horas, los servicios de seguridad revelan detalles de las actividades de inteligencia frustradas por parte de la CIA y el servicio de inteligencia israelí Mossad.
⭕️ Срочно | В 16:00 службы безопасности раскрывают подробности пресечения разведывательной деятельности ЦРУ и израильской разведки Моссад.
⭕️ अत्यावश्यक | शाम 4 बजे, सुरक्षा सेवाएं सीआईए और इजरायली खुफिया सेवा, मोसाद द्वारा खुफिया गतिविधियों को विफल करने का विवरण प्रकट करती हैं।
⭕️ Urgent | A 16 heures, les services de sécurité révèlent les détails des activités de renseignement déjouées par la CIA et le service de renseignement israélien, le Mossad.
⭕️ عاجل | الأجهزة الأمنية تكشف الـ4 عصرا تفاصيل إحباط أنشطة استخباراتية لوكالة المخابرات الأمريكية "CIA" وجهاز المخابرات الإسرائيلية "الموساد"
⭕️ Dringend | Um 16 Uhr enthüllen die Sicherheitsdienste Einzelheiten über die Verhinderung nachrichtendienstlicher Aktivitäten der CIA und des israelischen Geheimdienstes Mossad.
⭕️Urgente | Alle 16 i servizi di sicurezza rivelano i dettagli delle attività di intelligence sventate dalla CIA e dal servizio segreto israeliano Mossad.
⭕️緊急 |午後4時、治安当局はCIAとイスラエル諜報機関モサドによる諜報活動阻止の詳細を明らかにする。
⭕️Dringend | Om 16.00 uur onthullen de veiligheidsdiensten details over het dwarsbomen van inlichtingenactiviteiten door de CIA en de Israëlische inlichtingendienst Mossad.
⭕️ Επείγον | Στις 4 μ.μ., οι υπηρεσίες ασφαλείας αποκαλύπτουν λεπτομέρειες για την αναχαίτιση δραστηριοτήτων πληροφοριών από τη CIA και την ισραηλινή υπηρεσία πληροφοριών, Μοσάντ.

1/13/2025, 2:39:37 PM
🔶 If we still need someone to guide us, someone to push us to have in our souls an atom of the spirit of jihad, which is one of the greatest deeds of the believers that the Holy Quran has addressed, then we need someone to push us, encourage us, educate us and understand us, and we need each other. Doesn't this indicate that we are still very low? Where are we from the point where this is a taken-for-granted issue for us? We who go to others, we go to them to make them carry the spirit that we carry? Are we not still far from this? How many of us are apprehensive about those who have not reached the point of making an obligation upon themselves to educate themselves with the culture of the Quran, including carrying the spirit of jihad that the Quran wants them to carry! I - one of you - cannot say for sure that we have reached this state. #Martyr_Leader Lessons from the Guidance of the Holy Quran - In the Shadows of the Supplication of Noble Morals - Lesson One @ansarollah1
1/13/2025, 3:29:02 PM
Enemy media: 5 soldiers from the "Sayeret Nahal" battalion killed in the northern Gaza Strip
1/13/2025, 4:51:02 PM
Al-Qassam Brigades: In a complex operation, we targeted a Zionist force of 25 soldiers who had taken refuge in a building in Al-Najili in the middle of Rafah, and we killed and wounded its members.
1/13/2025, 4:51:08 PM
Al-Qassam Brigades: We detonated a minefield in two troop carriers when a force arrived to rescue the soldiers holed up in the building in Al-Najili in central Rafah. The clash is still ongoing.
1/13/2025, 3:16:06 PM
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