Turkish-Syrian negotiations to "demarcate maritime borders" in the Mediterranean.. and the Turkish Minister of Transport says that the move will expand the influence of the two countries in energy exploration
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مفاوضات تركية سورية لـ"ترسيم الحدود البحرية" بالبحر المتوسط.. ووزير النقل التركي يقول إن الخطوة ستوسع نفوذ البلدين في استكشاف الطاقة
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🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Negociações turco-sírias para "demarcar as fronteiras marítimas" no Mar Mediterrâneo... e o Ministro dos Transportes turco diz que o passo irá expandir a influência dos dois países na exploração energética
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Negociaciones turco-sirias para "demarcar las fronteras marítimas" en el mar Mediterráneo... y el ministro turco de Transporte dice que el paso ampliará la influencia de los dos países en la exploración energética
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Турецко-сирийские переговоры по «демаркации морских границ» в Средиземном море... и министр транспорта Турции заявляет, что этот шаг расширит влияние двух стран в освоении энергетических ресурсов
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भूमध्य सागर में "समुद्री सीमाओं का सीमांकन" करने के लिए तुर्की-सीरियाई वार्ता... और तुर्की के परिवहन मंत्री का कहना है कि इस कदम से ऊर्जा अन्वेषण में दोनों देशों के प्रभाव का विस्तार होगा
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🚨अर्जेंट_इवेंट टेलीग्राम @alhdth_now
Négociations turco-syriennes pour "délimiter les frontières maritimes" en mer Méditerranée... et le ministre turc des Transports affirme que cette étape élargira l'influence des deux pays dans l'exploration énergétique
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مفاوضات تركية سورية لـ"ترسيم الحدود البحرية" بالبحر المتوسط.. ووزير النقل التركي يقول إن الخطوة ستوسع نفوذ البلدين في استكشاف الطاقة
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🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Türkisch-syrische Verhandlungen zur „Abgrenzung der Seegrenzen“ im Mittelmeer... und der türkische Verkehrsminister sagt, dass dieser Schritt den Einfluss der beiden Länder bei der Energieexploration erweitern wird
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Negoziati turco-siriani per "delimitare i confini marittimi" nel Mar Mediterraneo... e il ministro dei Trasporti turco afferma che il passo amplierà l'influenza dei due paesi nell'esplorazione energetica
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🚨Urgent_event Telegramma @alhdth_now
Turks-Syrische onderhandelingen om “de maritieme grenzen af te bakenen” in de Middellandse Zee … en de Turkse minister van Transport zegt dat deze stap de invloed van de twee landen op het gebied van energie-exploratie zal vergroten
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Τουρκοσυριακές διαπραγματεύσεις για «οριοθέτηση των θαλάσσιων συνόρων» στη Μεσόγειο Θάλασσα... και ο Τούρκος υπουργός Μεταφορών λέει ότι το βήμα θα διευρύνει την επιρροή των δύο χωρών στην ενεργειακή εξερεύνηση
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12/30/2024, 1:19:17 PM
Journalist Safaa Makna: The Israeli army expelled employees from government departments in the Quneitra countryside in southern Syria under the pretext of inspection
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1/12/2025, 11:10:26 AM
A "semi-ready" deal is approaching Gaza.. and the Israeli army is preparing for a "rapid withdrawal" from the Strip
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1/12/2025, 11:12:21 AM
After the army took control of it for the first time since December 2023.. "The map" reveals the importance of Wad Madani in Sudan
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12/30/2024, 3:32:33 PM
UN Assistant Secretary-General for Near East Affairs Khaled Khiari: Exchange of attacks between the Houthis and Israel threatens greater escalation in the region
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12/30/2024, 2:59:52 PM
We transmitted the events from the front line and were often the only "Ain Al Arab" .. Harvest 2024 for "Al-Hadath" coverage of the developments of the Russian-Ukrainian war
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