Palestinian sources: Israeli enemy aircraft bombed a house in the "Al-Sha'af" area, east of Gaza City
مصادر فلسطينية: طيران العدو الإسرائيلي يقصف منزلاً في منطقة "الشعف" شرق مدينة غزة
Fontes palestinas: Aviões inimigos israelenses bombardearam uma casa na área “Al-Sha’af”, a leste da Cidade de Gaza
Fuentes palestinas: aviones enemigos israelíes bombardearon una casa en la zona de “Al-Sha’af”, al este de la ciudad de Gaza
Палестинские источники: Израильский вражеский самолет разбомбил дом в районе «Аш-Шаф» к востоку от города Газа
फिलिस्तीनी स्रोत: इजरायली दुश्मन के विमानों ने गाजा शहर के पूर्व में "अल-शाफ" क्षेत्र में एक घर पर बमबारी की
Sources palestiniennes : des avions de l’ennemi israélien ont bombardé une maison dans la zone « Al-Sha’af », à l’est de la ville de Gaza
مصادر فلسطينية: طيران العدو الإسرائيلي يقصف منزلاً في منطقة "الشعف" شرق مدينة غزة
Palästinensische Quellen: Israelische feindliche Flugzeuge bombardierten ein Haus im Gebiet „Al-Sha’af“, östlich von Gaza-Stadt
Fonti palestinesi: Aerei nemici israeliani hanno bombardato una casa nella zona di “Al-Sha’af”, a est di Gaza City
Palestijnse bronnen: Israëlische vijandelijke vliegtuigen bombardeerden een huis in het “Al-Sha’af”-gebied, ten oosten van Gaza-stad
Παλαιστινιακές πηγές: Ισραηλινά εχθρικά αεροσκάφη βομβάρδισαν σπίτι στην περιοχή "Al-Sha'af", ανατολικά της πόλης της Γάζας
2/11/2025, 6:36:10 AM
The Follow -up Committee for the National and Islamic Forces in Gaza: The Arab countries should assume their responsibilities to stop any implicit or public collusion with enemy projects
2/20/2025, 5:48:27 PM
"Whoever wrapped his mother's handkerchief as a turban on his head, to a UN captain and guide."
About the father who preceded his love, Karima Al -Sayed, Zainab Hassan #Nasrallah, speaks in a special dialogue within the coverage of "The Nation", comes to you Thursday 21:00 Jerusalem time on the Al -Mayadeen screen.
#Martyr_ Islam and Humanity
2/10/2025, 3:44:25 PM
🔴 The Ministry of Health in Gaza:
#Flood_Al -Aqsa
#You are not alone
🔶 This is something that a person should think of; Because in this world this happens, from adults to the poor, everyone wants to get close to that, the officer wants to get close to the minister, and the minister wants to get closer to the president, and the president wants to get closer, there is still closers and ending to the White House, relatives, everyone tries to get close, Near, get close, the poor that ordinary person tries to get close to that merchant, and the merchant sees him trying to get close to that, and that officer, and that. People are all in this world, all trying to be close to so and so, but here I compare to be close to so -and -so and enter into the falsehood of this is a big mistake.
There is no objection to being close to so -and -so, that is, so and so see me close to him. Although in the places of good deeds, in good deeds themselves, this field is not allowed, is considered a mirror of your work, if I start in good deeds for what? So and so get closer to him! This is hypocrisy, what accepts this, never accepts.
#Martyr_ Leader
Lessons from the guidance of the Noble Qur’an - verses from Surat Al -Waqi’ah