

Real time military news

Published date: 12/22/2024, 6:03:04 AM
12/22/2024, 6:03:04 AM
The pilots were able to parachute safely.. An American fighter jet crashed into the Red Sea due to friendly fire #America #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
الطياران تمكنا من القفز بالمظلات بسلام.. سقوط مقاتلة أميركية في البحر الأحمر بنيران صديقة #أميركا #قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
两名飞行员得以安全跳伞,一架美国战斗机因友军火力坠入红海。 #美国 #Al-Hadath_Channel...手机上的 Al-Hadath 应用程序📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event 电报@alhdth_now
Os dois pilotos conseguiram saltar de pára-quedas com segurança. Um caça a jato americano caiu no Mar Vermelho devido a fogo amigo. #América #Al-Hadath_Channel... Aplicativo Al-Hadath no seu telefone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Telegrama Urgent_event @alhdth_now
Los dos pilotos pudieron lanzarse en paracaídas de forma segura. Un avión de combate estadounidense se estrelló en el Mar Rojo debido a fuego amigo. #América #Al-Hadath_Channel... Aplicación Al-Hadath en tu teléfono📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegrama @alhdth_now
Двум пилотам удалось благополучно спрыгнуть с парашютом. Американский истребитель упал в Красное море из-за дружественного огня. #Америка #Al-Hadath_Channel...Приложение Al-Hadath на вашем телефоне📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now
दोनों पायलट सुरक्षित रूप से पैराशूट से बाहर निकलने में सक्षम थे। एक अमेरिकी लड़ाकू जेट दोस्ताना गोलीबारी के कारण लाल सागर में दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया #अमेरिका #अल-हदथ_चैनल...अल-हदथ एप्लिकेशन आपके फोन पर t.me/alarabia_alhadath1 🚨अर्जेंट_इवेंट टेलीग्राम @alhdth_now
Les deux pilotes ont pu sauter en parachute en toute sécurité. Un avion de combat américain s'est écrasé dans la mer Rouge à cause d'un tir ami. #Amérique #Al-Hadath_Channel...L'application Al-Hadath sur votre téléphone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Télégramme Urgent_event @alhdth_now
الطياران تمكنا من القفز بالمظلات بسلام.. سقوط مقاتلة أميركية في البحر الأحمر بنيران صديقة #أميركا #قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Die beiden Piloten konnten mit dem Fallschirm sicher abspringen. Ein amerikanischer Kampfjet stürzte aufgrund von Eigenfeuer ins Rote Meer #Amerika #Al-Hadath_Channel...Al-Hadath-Anwendung auf Ihrem Telefon📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now
I due piloti sono riusciti a lanciarsi con il paracadute in sicurezza. Un aereo da caccia americano si è schiantato nel Mar Rosso a causa del fuoco amico #America #Al-Hadath_Channel...applicazione Al-Hadath sul tuo telefono📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegramma @alhdth_now
パイロット2人は無事にパラシュートで降下することができたが、米戦闘機は同士討ちにより紅海に墜落した。 #アメリカ #Al-Hadath_Channel...携帯電話のアルハダス アプリケーション📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨緊急イベント電報 @alhdth_now
De twee piloten konden veilig met hun parachute naar buiten springen. Een Amerikaans straaljager stortte door eigen vuur neer in de Rode Zee #Amerika #Al-Hadath_Channel...Al-Hadath-applicatie op je telefoon📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now
Οι δύο πιλότοι κατάφεραν να πετάξουν με αλεξίπτωτο ένα αμερικανικό μαχητικό αεροσκάφος συνετρίβη στην Ερυθρά Θάλασσα λόγω φίλων πυρών #Αμερική #Al-Hadath_Channel...Εφαρμογή Al-Hadath στο τηλέφωνό σας📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now

12/14/2024, 4:45:35 PM
Blinken: Washington was in direct contact with the group that overthrew Assad... Al-Hadath application on your phone 📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/14/2024, 4:45:47 PM
Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Naim Qassem: 🔴 We do not hope that the new authorities in Syria will normalize relations with Israel 🔴 We hope that the new rulers of Syria will see Israel as an enemy 🔴 We have lost our supply routes in Syria #Hezbollah #Lebanon #Syria #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/14/2024, 4:46:01 PM
Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein: Dialogue and elections are the best solution to reach a political system that includes all parties and components in Syria #Iraq #Syria #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/14/2024, 4:46:14 PM
Kiev student asks to calm the pride of "difference and superiority".. Medvedev threatens: #Ukraine has two options.. Either "be with #Russia" or "disappear completely from the world map" #Al-Hadath ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/14/2024, 4:46:52 PM
Director of #AlHadath office in #Jordan, Imad Al-Adayleh: The US and Turkish foreign ministers participate in the #Amman meetings regarding developments in #Syria #AlHadath Channel ... AlHadath application on your phone 📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨AlHadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now