Germany to deliver 1 more IRIS-T SLM anti-aircraft missile system to Ukraine
The German Aid to Ukraine monitoring project writes about this on the X network, referring to the words of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz after the European Council meeting: "Currently, 1 more IRIS-T system is being delivered, I think today, as well as Gepard SPAAG, which we continue to deliver along with all the ammunition, the production of which we have resumed."
The project notes that "this corresponds to previous announcements that the sixth IRIS-T SLM firing system, as well as 2 additional IRIS-T SLS launchers promised by Germany, will be delivered to Ukraine by the end of the year."
Німеччина поставить в Україну ще 1 зенітно-ракетний комплекс IRIS-T SLM
Про це пише моніторинговий проект German Aid to Ukraine у мережі Х, посилаючись на слова канцлера Німеччини Олафа Шольца після засідання Євроради: "Наразі постачається ще 1 система IRIS-T, я думаю, сьогодні, а також Gepard SPAAG, які ми продовжуємо постачати разом з усіма боєприпасами, виробництво яких ми відновили".
Проект зазначає, що "це відповідає попереднім оголошенням про те, що шоста вогнева установка IRIS-T SLM, а також 2 додаткові пускові установки IRIS-T SLS, обіцяні Німеччиною, будуть доставлені в Україну до кінця року".
A Alemanha entregará mais 1 sistema de mísseis antiaéreos IRIS-T SLM à Ucrânia
O projeto de monitoramento Ajuda Alemã à Ucrânia na rede X escreve sobre isso, referindo-se às palavras do Chanceler alemão Olaf Scholz após a reunião do Conselho Europeu: "Atualmente, mais 1 sistema IRIS-T foi entregue, acho que hoje também como Gepard SPAAG, que continuamos a entregar juntamente com todas as munições, cuja produção retomamos."
O projeto observa que “isto está de acordo com anúncios anteriores de que o sexto lançador IRIS-T SLM, bem como 2 lançadores IRIS-T SLS adicionais prometidos pela Alemanha, serão entregues à Ucrânia até o final do ano”.
Alemania entregará 1 sistema de misiles antiaéreos IRIS-T SLM más a Ucrania
Sobre esto escribe el proyecto de seguimiento de la Ayuda Alemana a Ucrania en la red X, refiriéndose a las palabras del Canciller alemán Olaf Scholz después de la reunión del Consejo Europeo: "Actualmente se ha entregado otro sistema IRIS-T, creo que hoy también como Gepard SPAAG, que seguimos suministrando junto con todas las municiones cuya producción hemos reanudado".
En el proyecto se señala que "esto está en consonancia con anuncios anteriores de que el sexto lanzador IRIS-T SLM, así como dos lanzadores IRIS-T SLS adicionales prometidos por Alemania, serán entregados a Ucrania a finales de año".
Германия поставит в Украину еще 1 зенитно-ракетный комплекс IRIS-T SLM
Об этом пишет мониторинговый проект German Aid to Ukraine в сети Х, ссылаясь на слова канцлера Германии Олафа Шольца после заседания Евросовета: "Сейчас поставляется еще 1 система IRIS-T, я думаю, сегодня, а также Gepard SPAAG, которые мы продолжаем поставлять вместе с всеми боеприпасами, производство которых мы возобновили.
Проект отмечает, что "это соответствует предварительным объявлениям о том, что шестая огневая установка IRIS-T SLM, а также две дополнительные пусковые установки IRIS-T SLS, обещанные Германией, будут доставлены в Украину до конца года".
जर्मनी यूक्रेन को 1 और IRIS-T SLM एंटी-एयरक्राफ्ट मिसाइल सिस्टम देगा
एक्स नेटवर्क पर मॉनिटरिंग प्रोजेक्ट जर्मन एड टू यूक्रेन इस बारे में लिखता है, जो यूरोपीय परिषद की बैठक के बाद जर्मन चांसलर ओलाफ स्कोल्ज़ के शब्दों का जिक्र करता है: "वर्तमान में, 1 और आईआरआईएस-टी प्रणाली वितरित की गई है, मुझे लगता है कि आज भी गेपर्ड SPAAG के रूप में, जिसे हम सभी गोला-बारूद के साथ वितरित करना जारी रखते हैं, जिसका उत्पादन हमने फिर से शुरू किया है।"
प्रोजेक्ट नोट करता है कि "यह पिछली घोषणाओं के अनुरूप है कि छठे आईआरआईएस-टी एसएलएम लॉन्चर, साथ ही जर्मनी द्वारा वादा किए गए 2 अतिरिक्त आईआरआईएस-टी एसएलएस लॉन्चर, वर्ष के अंत तक यूक्रेन को वितरित किए जाएंगे।"
L'Allemagne livrera 1 système de missile anti-aérien IRIS-T SLM supplémentaire à l'Ukraine
Le projet de surveillance de l'Aide allemande à l'Ukraine sur le réseau X écrit à ce sujet, se référant aux propos du chancelier allemand Olaf Scholz après la réunion du Conseil européen : « Actuellement, 1 système IRIS-T supplémentaire est livré, je pense qu'aujourd'hui également. comme Gepard SPAAG, que nous continuons à livrer avec toutes les munitions dont nous avons repris la production."
Le projet note que "cela est conforme aux annonces précédentes selon lesquelles le sixième lanceur IRIS-T SLM, ainsi que 2 lanceurs IRIS-T SLS supplémentaires promis par l'Allemagne, seront livrés à l'Ukraine d'ici la fin de l'année".
ستقوم ألمانيا بتسليم نظام صاروخي آخر مضاد للطائرات IRIS-T SLM إلى أوكرانيا
يكتب مشروع مراقبة المساعدات الألمانية لأوكرانيا على شبكة X عن هذا الأمر، مشيرًا إلى كلمات المستشار الألماني أولاف شولتز بعد اجتماع المجلس الأوروبي: "في الوقت الحالي، يتم تسليم نظام IRIS-T آخر، على ما أعتقد اليوم أيضًا مثل Gepard SPAAG، والتي نواصل تسليمها مع جميع الذخيرة التي استأنفنا إنتاجها."
ويشير المشروع إلى أن "هذا يتماشى مع الإعلانات السابقة التي تفيد بأن قاذفة IRIS-T SLM السادسة، بالإضافة إلى قاذفتي IRIS-T SLS الإضافيتين اللتين وعدت بهما ألمانيا، سيتم تسليمهما إلى أوكرانيا بحلول نهاية العام".
Deutschland wird ein weiteres Flugabwehrraketensystem IRIS-T SLM an die Ukraine liefern
Das Monitoring-Projekt Deutsche Ukraine-Hilfe im Netzwerk als Gepard SPAAG, die wir zusammen mit sämtlicher Munition, deren Produktion wir wieder aufgenommen haben, weiterhin liefern.“
Das Projekt stellt fest, dass „dies im Einklang mit früheren Ankündigungen steht, dass die sechste IRIS-T SLM-Trägerrakete sowie zwei weitere von Deutschland versprochene IRIS-T SLS-Trägerraketen bis Ende des Jahres an die Ukraine geliefert werden.“
La Germania consegnerà un altro sistema missilistico antiaereo IRIS-T SLM all'Ucraina
Lo scrive il progetto di monitoraggio German Aid to Ukraine sulla rete X, riferendosi alle parole del cancelliere tedesco Olaf Scholz dopo la riunione del Consiglio europeo: "Attualmente, penso che oggi venga consegnato anche un altro sistema IRIS-T come Gepard SPAAG, che continuiamo a consegnare insieme a tutte le munizioni, di cui abbiamo ripreso la produzione."
Il progetto rileva che "questo è in linea con i precedenti annunci secondo cui il sesto lanciatore IRIS-T SLM, così come altri 2 lanciatori IRIS-T SLS promessi dalla Germania, saranno consegnati all'Ucraina entro la fine dell'anno".
Duitsland levert nog eens 1 IRIS-T SLM luchtafweerraketsysteem aan Oekraïne
Dat meldt het monitoringproject Duitse hulp aan Oekraïne op het X-netwerk, verwijzend naar de woorden van de Duitse bondskanselier Olaf Scholz na de bijeenkomst van de Europese Raad: "Op dit moment wordt er nog een IRIS-T-systeem geleverd, ik denk vandaag, en ook zoals Gepard SPAAG, die we blijven leveren samen met "alle munitie waarvan we de productie hebben hervat."
Het project merkt op dat "dit in overeenstemming is met eerdere aankondigingen dat de zesde IRIS-T SLM-raket, evenals twee extra IRIS-T SLS-raketlanceerders die door Duitsland zijn beloofd, tegen het einde van het jaar aan Oekraïne zullen worden geleverd."
Η Γερμανία θα παραδώσει 1 ακόμη αντιαεροπορικό πυραυλικό σύστημα IRIS-T SLM στην Ουκρανία
Αυτό αναφέρεται από το έργο παρακολούθησης German Aid to Ukraine στο δίκτυο X, αναφερόμενο στα λόγια του γερμανού καγκελαρίου Olaf Scholz μετά τη συνεδρίαση του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου: «Αυτή τη στιγμή, παραδίδεται 1 ακόμη σύστημα IRIS-T, νομίζω και σήμερα. ως Gepard SPAAG, την οποία συνεχίζουμε να παραδίδουμε μαζί με «με όλα τα πυρομαχικά, των οποίων η παραγωγή έχουμε ξαναρχίσει».
Το έργο σημειώνει ότι «αυτό είναι σύμφωνο με προηγούμενες ανακοινώσεις ότι ο έκτος εκτοξευτής IRIS-T SLM, καθώς και 2 επιπλέον εκτοξευτές IRIS-T SLS που υποσχέθηκε η Γερμανία, θα παραδοθούν στην Ουκρανία μέχρι το τέλος του έτους».
1/5/2025, 10:47:45 AM
Ukraine under fire - the situation in the regions for the day
A 43-year-old man died in Nikopol due to enemy artillery fire. A 40-year-old woman was also injured. Five-story buildings, garages and cars were damaged in the city.
📍 Chernihiv region
As a result of yesterday's attack by the Russian Federation on Semenivka, there are 9 victims, among them 2 children. Administrative buildings, a hospital, private houses, 2 five-story buildings and infrastructure facilities were mutilated.
📍Kherson region
Today, 4 people were injured at the hands of the Russians in Kherson: a 56-year-old woman was hospitalized, and two men, 65 and 67 years old, and a 49-year-old man went to the hospital himself. During the day, 9 more people were injured due to Russian aggression. 2 residential buildings, a gas pipeline and a garage were gutted by the Russian Federation.
📍 Kharkiv region
Rashists killed 1 person in the village. Kivsharivka, and also injured 3 people in the village. Krasnokutsk 4 private houses and a fence were damaged.
the Russians partially destroyed 5 residential buildings, 2 high-rise buildings and 3 non-residential premises.
📍 Zaporozhye
During the day, the occupiers made 370 strikes on 10 settlements. 8 reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities.
At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 9 shellings of border areas and settlements. 35 explosions were recorded. In the Yampil community, 3 private houses were damaged as a result of the KAB strike.
📍 Mykolaiv region
In the morning, the Russian army shelled the village. Parutine, mutilating the house and outbuildings. Yesterday, the enemy attacked the Kutsurub community with an FPV drone: in the village of The truck of the enterprise, which is engaged in the production of bakery products, was damaged by salt shakers.
1/5/2025, 12:09:20 PM
The Defense Forces attacked more than 54,000 enemy targets with drones in December 2024, - Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
"Almost half of this result - 49% - was provided by kamikaze drones," - said Oleksandr Syrskyi and noted that the dynamics of the effectiveness and survivability indicators of our UAV systems are increasing.
According to him, the Ukrainian military has begun to use FPV drones on fiber optics, which expands the possibilities for defeating and destroying Russian military equipment and personnel. However, the Russian Armed Forces have increased the share of using strike UAVs with a fiber-optic control channel, which poses a threat to military equipment during its movement.
1/5/2025, 12:37:15 PM
Launches of guided aerial bombs by enemy tactical aircraft on Sumy and Zaporizhia regions, - PS
1/5/2025, 12:40:15 PM
Launches of KAB by enemy tactical aircraft in the direction of Orikhiv, Zaporizhia region, - PS
1/5/2025, 12:54:11 PM
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are attacking the enemy in Kursk Region
This was stated by the head of the Central Defense Directorate of the National Security and Defense Council Andriy Kovalenko: "The Russians are very worried in Kursk Region, because they were attacked in several directions and this came as a surprise to them. The defense forces are working."
The head of the Defense and Security Forces Andriy Yermak also wrote about this direction today: "Kursk Region, good news, Russia is getting what it deserves."
This is probably a new offensive by the Ukrainian army in the Kursk region. However, this has not been officially reported anywhere yet and there are no details yet.