President Abbas: Despite the challenges we face, we give the youth and women sectors their role in promoting the economy and community development
الرئيس عباس: رغم ما نواجهه من تحديات فإننا نولي قطاعي الشباب والمرأة دورهما في النهوض بالاقتصاد والتنمية المجتمعية
Presidente Abbas: Apesar dos desafios que enfrentamos, atribuímos aos sectores dos jovens e das mulheres o seu papel no avanço da economia e no desenvolvimento comunitário.
Presidente Abbas: A pesar de los desafíos que enfrentamos, damos a los sectores de jóvenes y mujeres su papel en el avance de la economía y el desarrollo comunitario.
Президент Аббас: Несмотря на проблемы, с которыми мы сталкиваемся, мы даем молодежному и женскому секторам их роль в продвижении экономики и общественного развития.
राष्ट्रपति अब्बास: हमारे सामने आने वाली चुनौतियों के बावजूद, हम युवाओं और महिला क्षेत्रों को अर्थव्यवस्था और सामुदायिक विकास को आगे बढ़ाने में उनकी भूमिका देते हैं।
Président Abbas : Malgré les défis auxquels nous sommes confrontés, nous donnons aux secteurs de la jeunesse et des femmes leur rôle dans le développement de l’économie et du développement communautaire.
الرئيس عباس: رغم ما نواجهه من تحديات فإننا نولي قطاعي الشباب والمرأة دورهما في النهوض بالاقتصاد والتنمية المجتمعية
Präsident Abbas: Trotz der Herausforderungen, vor denen wir stehen, geben wir dem Jugend- und Frauensektor seine Rolle bei der Förderung der Wirtschaft und der Gemeindeentwicklung.
Presidente Abbas: Nonostante le sfide che affrontiamo, diamo ai settori giovanile e femminile il loro ruolo nel far avanzare l’economia e lo sviluppo della comunità.
President Abbas: Ondanks de uitdagingen waarmee we worden geconfronteerd, geven we de jeugd- en vrouwensector hun rol bij het bevorderen van de economie en de gemeenschapsontwikkeling.
Πρόεδρος Abbas: Παρά τις προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζουμε, δίνουμε στους τομείς της νεολαίας και των γυναικών το ρόλο τους στην προώθηση της οικονομίας και της κοινοτικής ανάπτυξης.
2/26/2025, 11:27:00 AM
In light of the continuation of the siege and the prevention of the entry of mobile homes .. 7 children infused the age of flowers, they died as a result of the severe cold in the Gaza Strip.
2/26/2025, 11:29:31 AM
Hamas: The release of the seventh batch of prisoners will be in conjunction with the delivery of the bodies of the Israelis
2/26/2025, 11:29:51 AM
Urgent Lebanese sources: an Israeli military mechanism turned off while infiltrating the town of Kafrkla to carry out bulldozing and destroying homes.
2/26/2025, 11:33:23 AM
Doctor Issam Abu Ajwa from the Gaza Strip recounts the "Guardian" newspaper as part of the torture he was subjected to during his arrest in the occupation prisons:
The prisoner forced us to sleep on the floor covered with small and sharp stones.
- Raid our hands, feet, and eyes are covered, and they pour cold water on you, run the fans, then put strong air conditioners.
Investigators and prisoners used loud music to torture us 24 hours.
- In the investigation rooms, the place was dark, hands and feet.
- The investigators forced me to stand on the tips of my fingers for two or three hours, then they met me on the floor and sprayed me with water. Then, three or four jailers beat me.
- After months of detention, they transferred me to the Negev prison, it was very hot and we detained the occupation inside the closed tents.
We had to ask for permission to use the bathroom and patients, they were not allowed to go.
We were injured by scabies because we did not wash or change our clothes for six months. My body was as if it were burning, but the occupation did not give us any treatment.
We used to drink hot water from the tubes only once a day.
We were deprived of shoes and the prisoner forced us to stand on the barefoot asphalt for two or three hours at 37 ° C.
Food is just yogurt and a little rice and lost half of my weight.
- I was not charged and I was unable to see a lawyer for seven months of arrest.