Deputy Commander of Joint Operations in Iraq Qais Al-Muhammadawi: We have started counting the Syrian soldiers who took refuge in our country after the fall of Bashar Al-Assad's regime
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نائب قائد العمليات المشتركة في العراق قيس المحمداوي: بدأنا بإحصاء الجنود السوريين الذين لجأوا إلى بلادنا بعد سقوط نظام بشار الأسد
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Vice-Comandante de Operações Conjuntas no Iraque, Qais al-Muhammadawi: Começámos a contar os soldados sírios que se refugiaram no nosso país após a queda do regime de Bashar al-Assad.
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Subcomandante de Operaciones Conjuntas en Irak, Qais al-Muhammadawi: Empezamos a contar los soldados sirios que se refugiaron en nuestro país tras la caída del régimen de Bashar al-Assad.
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Заместитель командующего объединенными операциями в Ираке Кайс аль-Мухаммадави: Мы начали подсчитывать сирийских солдат, укрывшихся в нашей стране после падения режима Башара Асада.
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इराक में संयुक्त अभियानों के उप कमांडर क़ैस अल-मुहम्मदवी: हमने उन सीरियाई सैनिकों की गिनती शुरू कर दी जिन्होंने बशर अल-असद के शासन के पतन के बाद हमारे देश में शरण ली थी।
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Commandant adjoint des opérations conjointes en Irak, Qais al-Muhammadawi : Nous avons commencé à compter les soldats syriens réfugiés dans notre pays après la chute du régime de Bachar al-Assad.
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نائب قائد العمليات المشتركة في العراق قيس المحمداوي: بدأنا بإحصاء الجنود السوريين الذين لجأوا إلى بلادنا بعد سقوط نظام بشار الأسد
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🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Stellvertretender Befehlshaber der gemeinsamen Operationen im Irak, Qais al-Muhammadawi: Wir haben mit der Zählung der syrischen Soldaten begonnen, die nach dem Sturz des Regimes von Baschar al-Assad in unserem Land Zuflucht gesucht haben.
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Vice comandante delle operazioni congiunte in Iraq, Qais al-Muhammadawi: Abbiamo iniziato a contare i soldati siriani che si sono rifugiati nel nostro Paese dopo la caduta del regime di Bashar al-Assad.
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Plaatsvervangend commandant van gezamenlijke operaties in Irak Qais Al-Muhammadawi: We zijn begonnen met het tellen van de Syrische soldaten die hun toevlucht zochten in ons land na de val van het regime van Bashar Al-Assad
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Αναπληρωτής Διοικητής των Κοινών Επιχειρήσεων στο Ιράκ, Qais al-Muhammadawi: Αρχίσαμε να μετράμε τους Σύρους στρατιώτες που κατέφυγαν στη χώρα μας μετά την πτώση του καθεστώτος του Μπασάρ αλ Άσαντ.
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1/6/2025, 7:14:54 AM
Event correspondent: Saudi land bridge relief convoys begin entering Syria
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1/6/2025, 7:15:15 AM
Most notably, discussing the ceasefire agreement in Lebanon.. Journalist Ibrahim Rayhan reveals the agenda of US envoy Amos Hochstein during his visit to Beirut
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1/5/2025, 2:05:53 PM
For the first time on mobile phones👆👆
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1/5/2025, 3:33:30 PM
Live from #AlHadath Channel | Following developments in #Syria.. and an expected truce in #Gaza
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1/5/2025, 3:34:29 PM
13 people were victims of Houthi mines last month in Hodeidah
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