Minister of Education Naeem Al-Aboudi: Iraq is the pioneer in proposing the establishment of the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils
وزير التعليم نعيم العبودي: العراق صاحب الريادة باقتراح تأسيس اتحاد مجالس البحث العلمي العربية
Ministro da Educação Naeem Al-Aboudi: O Iraque é o líder na proposta de criação da União dos Conselhos Árabes de Pesquisa Científica
Ministro de Educación Naeem Al-Aboudi: Irak es el líder en proponer el establecimiento de la Unión de Consejos Árabes de Investigación Científica
Министр образования Наим Аль-Абуди: Ирак является лидером, предлагающим создать Союз арабских научно-исследовательских советов
शिक्षा मंत्री नईम अल-अबौदी: अरब वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान परिषद संघ की स्थापना के प्रस्ताव में इराक अग्रणी है
Ministre de l'Éducation Naeem Al-Aboudi : L'Irak est le leader en proposant la création de l'Union des conseils arabes de la recherche scientifique
وزير التعليم نعيم العبودي: العراق صاحب الريادة باقتراح تأسيس اتحاد مجالس البحث العلمي العربية
Bildungsminister Naeem Al-Aboudi: Der Irak ist Vorreiter bei der Gründung der Föderation der Arabischen Wissenschaftlichen Forschungsräte
Ministro dell'Istruzione Naeem Al-Aboudi: l'Iraq è il leader nel proporre la creazione dell'Unione dei consigli arabi di ricerca scientifica
Minister van Onderwijs Naeem Al-Aboudi: Irak is de leider in het voorstellen van de oprichting van de Unie van Arabische Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksraden
Υπουργός Παιδείας Naeem Al-Aboudi: Το Ιράκ είναι ο ηγέτης στην πρόταση για την ίδρυση της Ένωσης Αραβικών Συμβουλίων Επιστημονικής Έρευνας
1/12/2025, 10:23:04 AM
The Palestine Committee of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly holds its meeting in the capital, Baghdad, and calls for an immediate end to the aggression on Gaza
12/30/2024, 1:20:35 PM
Counter-Terrorism Service: 7 ISIS members killed and 22 guest houses destroyed on the borders between Salah al-Din, Kirkuk and Diyala
The Council of Ministers approves the authorization of the Minister of Finance or her authorized representative to sign the loan agreement to finance the implementation of combined cycle projects for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity, for the Kirkuk Gas Station.