Published date: 12/16/2024, 11:26:54 AM
🗒Safa Report | "Icon of Loss" .. Grandfather Khaled Nabhan joins the "Spirit of the Spirit" as a martyr
🗒Relatório Safa| “Ícone da perda”.. Avô Khaled Nabhan junta-se ao “espírito da alma” como mártir
🗒 Informe Safa| “Icono de la pérdida”.. El abuelo Khaled Nabhan se une al “espíritu del alma” como mártir
🗒सफा रिपोर्ट| "नुकसान का प्रतीक"।.दादा खालिद नभान एक शहीद के रूप में "आत्मा की भावना" में शामिल हुए
🗒Rapport Safa| « Icône de perte ». Le grand-père Khaled Nabhan rejoint « l’esprit de l’âme » en tant que martyr
🗒 Safa-Bericht| „Ikone des Verlustes“. Großvater Khaled Nabhan schließt sich als Märtyrer dem „Geist der Seele“ an
🗒 Rapporto Safa| “Icona della perdita”. Il nonno Khaled Nabhan si unisce allo “spirito dell'anima” come martire
🗒 Safa-rapport| “Icoon van verlies”. Grootvader Khaled Nabhan sluit zich als martelaar aan bij de “geest van de ziel”
🗒 Αναφορά Safa| «Εικόνα της απώλειας». Ο παππούς Khaled Nabhan εντάσσεται στο «πνεύμα της ψυχής» ως μάρτυρας
🔴 Follow -up Safa Shooting targeting the occupation forces in the old town of Nablus
📱 *moment by moment *.. developments in Gaza from here 👇🏻
🔴 Follow -up Safa Local sources: The occupation forces storm the area of the neighbor in the city of Hebron
🔴 Follow -up Safa Local sources: The occupation forces storm the village of Jafna, north of Ramallah
🔴 Follow -up Safa Local sources: The occupation forces storm the Jalazoun camp, north of Ramallah