

Real time military news

Published date: 12/15/2024, 7:07:50 AM
12/15/2024, 7:07:50 AM
Enemy forces launch a campaign of raids and arrests in the West Bank https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
قوات العدو تشن حملة اقتحامات واعتقالات في الضفة الغربية https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
敌军在西岸发起袭击和逮捕行动 https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
Forças inimigas lançam uma campanha de ataques e prisões na Cisjordânia https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
Las fuerzas enemigas lanzan una campaña de redadas y detenciones en Cisjordania https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
Вражеские силы начали кампанию рейдов и арестов на Западном берегу https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
शत्रु सेना ने वेस्ट बैंक में छापेमारी और गिरफ़्तारी का अभियान चलाया https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
Les forces ennemies lancent une campagne de raids et d'arrestations en Cisjordanie https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
قوات العدو تشن حملة اقتحامات واعتقالات في الضفة الغربية https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
Feindliche Streitkräfte starten eine Kampagne mit Razzien und Verhaftungen im Westjordanland https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
Le forze nemiche lanciano una campagna di incursioni e arresti in Cisgiordania Italiano: https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
Vijandelijke troepen lanceren een campagne van invallen en arrestaties op de Westelijke Jordaanoever https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958
Οι εχθρικές δυνάμεις ξεκινούν μια εκστρατεία επιδρομών και συλλήψεων στη Δυτική Όχθη https://t.me/iv?url=https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/?p=747958&rhash=ea43228d377d64 https://www.ansarollah.com.ye/archives/747958

12/1/2024, 12:02:30 PM
12/1/2024, 12:03:02 PM
Statement issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful God Almighty said: {O you who have believed, if you support God, He will support you and plant firmly your feet} God Almighty is true In victory for the oppression of the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen and in response to the crimes of the Israeli enemy against our brothers in the Gaza Strip. The missile force of the Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of God Almighty, carried out a targeting operation for a vital target in the occupied Jaffa area with a hypersonic missile, type Palestine 2. The missile successfully hit its target, thanks to God. The Yemeni Armed Forces, in light of the continued crimes of the enemy in the Gaza Strip, will double its military operations with missiles and drones as part of its religious, moral and humanitarian duty, in support of and assistance to the Mujahideen in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces will not stop until the aggression on the Gaza Strip is stopped and the siege is lifted. Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs, the best Master and the best Supporter Long live Yemen, free, honorable and independent And victory to Yemen and to all the free people of the nation Sana'a, 29 Jumada al-Ula 1446 AH Corresponding to December 1, 2024 AD Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces
12/1/2024, 12:03:40 PM
11/26/2024, 9:13:47 PM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon: We targeted the settlement of Kiryat Shmona with a salvo of rockets The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon: We targeted the settlement of "Katzrin" with a salvo of rockets
11/26/2024, 9:15:45 PM
Statement issued by the Islamic Resistance (22): In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful ﴿Permission to fight is given to those who are being fought, because they have been wronged. And indeed, God is able to give them victory.﴾ God Almighty’s truth In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, and in defense of Lebanon and its people, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted at 22:00 today, Tuesday 26-11-2024, a gathering of the forces of the Israeli enemy army in the settlement of Shtula, with a rocket salvo. {And victory comes only from Allah, the Almighty, the Wise.} Tuesday, November 26, 2024 AD 23 Jumada al-Ula 1446 AH