Urgent | Press sources: Occupation tanks surround shelter schools in Beit Hanoun estate, north of Gaza
عاجل| مصادر صحفية: دبابات الاحتلال تحاصر مدارس الإيواء في عزبة بيت حانون شمال غزة
紧急|媒体来源:占领坦克包围了加沙北部 Izbet Beit Hanoun 的避难所学校
Urgente | Fontes da imprensa: Tanques de ocupação cercam escolas de abrigo em Beit Hanoun, ao norte de Gaza
Urgente| Fuentes de prensa: Tanques de ocupación rodean escuelas refugio en Izbet Beit Hanoun, al norte de Gaza
Срочно| Источники в прессе: Оккупационные танки окружили школы-убежища в Избет-Бейт-Хануне, к северу от сектора Газа
अत्यावश्यक| प्रेस सूत्र: कब्जे वाले टैंकों ने गाजा के उत्तर में इज़बेट बेत हनौन में आश्रय स्कूलों को घेर लिया है
Urgent| Sources de presse : Les chars d'occupation encerclent les écoles abritées à Izbet Beit Hanoun, au nord de Gaza
عاجل| مصادر صحفية: دبابات الاحتلال تحاصر مدارس الإيواء في عزبة بيت حانون شمال غزة
Dringend | Pressequellen: Besatzungspanzer belagern Schutzschulen in Beit Hanoun, nördlich von Gaza
Urgente | Fonti stampa: I carri armati dell'occupazione assediano le scuole rifugio a Beit Hanoun, a nord di Gaza
緊急 |報道筋:占領軍の戦車がガザ北部ベイト・ハヌーンの避難所学校を包囲
Dringend| Persbronnen: Bezettingstanks omsingelen opvangscholen in Izbet Beit Hanoun, ten noorden van Gaza
Επείγον| Πηγές Τύπου: Τα τανκς κατοχής περικυκλώνουν σχολεία καταφυγίων στο Izbet Beit Hanoun, βόρεια της Γάζας
12/17/2024, 1:24:13 PM
Between the beginning and end of the year... Today's martyr Diaa Salmi joins his brother, the martyr Mohammed Salmi, who ascended in January of this year
12/17/2024, 1:17:49 PM
Urgent | Resistance Committees in Palestine:
- The painful scenes showing stray dogs gnawing at the bodies of martyrs in northern Gaza in front of the eyes of the criminal Zionist soldiers confirm that we are facing a fascist enemy that has no connection to humanity in any way
- These horrific and horrific scenes reveal the extent of the Zionist crime that is being carried out with American and Western support
- The horrific scenes call for a human revolution and a shake-up of the dead global conscience to move to stop the Zionist holocaust
12/17/2024, 1:19:14 PM
Part of the occupation forces storming the town of Beita, south of Nablus, and firing tear gas bombs at young men
12/17/2024, 1:29:38 PM
Turkish President Erdogan mourns Sheikh Khaled Al-Nabhan, owner of the phrase "Spirit of the Spirit", who was killed in an Israeli bombing yesterday
12/17/2024, 1:33:54 PM
They were shot near the separation wall.. The occupation forces executed the two martyrs, Muhammad Ashqar and Diaa Salmi, in the city of Qalqilya