

Real time military news

Published date: 12/14/2024, 3:00:23 PM
12/14/2024, 3:00:23 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | The military spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida: ▪️The occupation army recently bombed a place where some enemy prisoners were located, and repeated the bombing to ensure their death ▪️We have intelligence information confirming that the enemy deliberately bombed the place with the aim of killing the prisoners and their guards ▪️Our Mujahideen made attempts to retrieve the enemy prisoners, and succeeded in retrieving one of them, and his fate is unknown ▪️We hold the war criminal Netanyahu, his government and his army fully responsible for this event and for the lives of their prisoners
🔴 متابعة صفا| الناطق العسكري باسم كتائب القسام أبو عبيدة: ▪️قام جيش الاحتلال مؤخراً بقصف مكان يتواجد فيه بعض أسرى العدو، وكرر القصف للتأكد من مقتلهم ▪️لدينا معلومات استخبارية تؤكد بأن العدو تعمّد قصف المكان بهدف قتل الأسرى وحراسهم ▪️قام مجاهدونا بمحاولات لانتشال أسرى العدو، ونجحوا في انتشال أحدهم ومصيره غير معروف ▪️نحمل مجرم الحرب نتنياهو وحكومته وجيشه المسئولية الكاملة عن هذا الحدث وعن حياة أسراهم
🔴关注萨法|卡萨姆旅军事发言人阿布·乌拜达: ▪️占领军最近轰炸了一些敌方囚犯所在的地方,并反复轰炸以确保他们的死亡。 ▪️我们有情报证实,敌人故意轰炸该地点,目的是杀死囚犯及其看守。 ▪️我们的圣战者组织试图营救敌人的囚犯,他们成功营救了其中一名,但其命运未知。 ▪️我们要求战犯内塔尼亚胡、他的政府和军​​队对这一事件及其囚犯的生命负全部责任
🔴 Siga Safa| Porta-voz militar das Brigadas Al-Qassam, Abu Ubaida: ▪️O exército de ocupação bombardeou recentemente um local onde estavam localizados alguns prisioneiros inimigos e repetiu o bombardeamento para garantir a sua morte. ▪️Temos informações de inteligência que confirmam que o inimigo bombardeou deliberadamente o local com o objetivo de matar os prisioneiros e seus guardas. ▪️Nossos Mujahideen fizeram tentativas de extrair os prisioneiros do inimigo e conseguiram extrair um deles, cujo destino é desconhecido. ▪️Nós consideramos o criminoso de guerra Netanyahu, seu governo e seu exército totalmente responsáveis ​​por este evento e pelas vidas de seus prisioneiros
🔴 Sigue a Safa| Portavoz militar de las Brigadas Al-Qassam, Abu Ubaida: ▪️El ejército de ocupación bombardeó recientemente un lugar donde se encontraban algunos prisioneros enemigos y repitió el bombardeo para asegurar su muerte. ▪️Tenemos información de inteligencia que confirma que el enemigo bombardeó deliberadamente el lugar con el objetivo de matar a los prisioneros y sus guardias. ▪️Nuestros muyahidines intentaron sacar a los prisioneros del enemigo y lograron sacar a uno de ellos, cuyo destino se desconoce. ▪️Hacemos plenamente responsables al criminal de guerra Netanyahu, a su gobierno y a su ejército por este suceso y por las vidas de sus prisioneros.
🔴 Следуйте за Сафой| Военный представитель бригад Аль-Кассам Абу Убайда: ▪️Оккупационная армия недавно бомбила место, где находились пленные противника, и повторила бомбардировку, чтобы обеспечить их смерть. ▪️У нас есть разведданные, подтверждающие, что противник умышленно бомбил это место с целью убить заключенных и их охрану. ▪️Наши моджахеды предпринимали попытки извлечь пленных противника, и им удалось извлечь одного из них, судьба которого неизвестна. ▪️Мы возлагаем на военного преступника Нетаньяху, его правительство и его армию полную ответственность за это событие и за жизни их пленных.
🔴 सफा का अनुसरण करें | क़स्साम ब्रिगेड के सैन्य प्रवक्ता अबू ओबैदा: ▪️कब्जे वाली सेना ने हाल ही में एक जगह पर बमबारी की जहां कुछ दुश्मन कैदी थे, और उनकी मौत सुनिश्चित करने के लिए बमबारी दोहराई। ▪️हमारे पास खुफिया जानकारी है जो पुष्टि करती है कि दुश्मन ने जानबूझकर कैदियों और उनके रक्षकों को मारने के उद्देश्य से उस स्थान पर बमबारी की थी। ▪️हमारे मुजाहिद्दीन ने दुश्मन कैदियों को छुड़ाने का प्रयास किया और उनमें से एक को छुड़ाने में सफल भी हुए, लेकिन उसका क्या हुआ, यह अज्ञात है। ▪️हम युद्ध अपराधी नेतन्याहू, उनकी सरकार और उनकी सेना को इस घटना और उनके कैदियों के जीवन के लिए पूरी तरह से जिम्मेदार मानते हैं।
🔴 Suivez Safa | Porte-parole militaire des Brigades Al-Qassam, Abu Ubaida : ▪️L'armée d'occupation a récemment bombardé un endroit où se trouvaient des prisonniers ennemis, et a répété les bombardements pour assurer leur mort. ▪️Nous disposons d'informations des services de renseignement confirmant que l'ennemi a délibérément bombardé les lieux dans le but de tuer les prisonniers et leurs gardiens. ▪️Nos Moudjahidines ont tenté d'extraire les prisonniers ennemis, et ils ont réussi à extraire l'un d'entre eux, dont le sort est inconnu. ▪️Nous tenons le criminel de guerre Netanyahu, son gouvernement et son armée entièrement responsables de cet événement et de la vie de leurs prisonniers.
🔴 متابعة صفا| الناطق العسكري باسم كتائب القسام أبو عبيدة: ▪️قام جيش الاحتلال مؤخراً بقصف مكان يتواجد فيه بعض أسرى العدو، وكرر القصف للتأكد من مقتلهم ▪️لدينا معلومات استخبارية تؤكد بأن العدو تعمّد قصف المكان بهدف قتل الأسرى وحراسهم ▪️قام مجاهدونا بمحاولات لانتشال أسرى العدو، ونجحوا في انتشال أحدهم ومصيره غير معروف ▪️نحمل مجرم الحرب نتنياهو وحكومته وجيشه المسئولية الكاملة عن هذا الحدث وعن حياة أسراهم
🔴 Folgen Sie Safa| Militärsprecher der Al-Qassam-Brigaden, Abu Ubaida: ▪️Die Besatzungsarmee bombardierte kürzlich einen Ort, an dem sich einige feindliche Gefangene befanden, und wiederholte die Bombardierung, um ihren Tod sicherzustellen. ▪️Uns liegen Geheimdienstinformationen vor, die bestätigen, dass der Feind den Ort absichtlich bombardiert hat, mit dem Ziel, die Gefangenen und ihre Wachen zu töten. ▪️Unsere Mudschaheddin haben versucht, die Gefangenen des Feindes zu befreien, und es gelang ihnen, einen von ihnen zu befreien, dessen Schicksal unbekannt ist. ▪️Wir machen den Kriegsverbrecher Netanjahu, seine Regierung und seine Armee für dieses Ereignis und für das Leben ihrer Gefangenen voll verantwortlich
🔴 Segui Safa| Il portavoce militare delle Brigate Al-Qassam, Abu Ubaida: ▪️L'esercito di occupazione ha recentemente bombardato un luogo dove si trovavano alcuni prigionieri nemici, e ha ripetuto il bombardamento per assicurarne la morte. ▪️Abbiamo informazioni di intelligence che confermano che il nemico ha deliberatamente bombardato il luogo con l'obiettivo di uccidere i prigionieri e le loro guardie. ▪️I nostri Mujaheddin hanno tentato di estrarre i prigionieri del nemico, e sono riusciti a estrarne uno, il cui destino è sconosciuto. ▪️Riteniamo il criminale di guerra Netanyahu, il suo governo e il suo esercito pienamente responsabili di questo evento e della vita dei loro prigionieri
🔴 サファをフォロー|アル・カッサム旅団の軍報道官、アブ・ウバイダ氏は次のように述べた。 ▪️占領軍は最近、敵捕虜のいる場所を爆撃し、彼らを確実に死亡させるために爆撃を繰り返した。 ▪️我々は、敵が捕虜とその看守を殺害する目的で意図的にその場所を爆撃したことを裏付ける諜報情報を入手している。 ▪️我がムジャヒディーンは敵の捕虜の救出を試み、そのうちの一人を救出することに成功したが、その消息は不明である。 ▪️我々は、この事件と捕虜の命について、戦争犯罪人ネタニヤフとその政府と軍隊に全責任を負う。
🔴Volg Safa| Militaire woordvoerder van de Al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida: ▪️Het bezettingsleger bombardeerde onlangs een plaats waar enkele vijandelijke gevangenen zich bevonden, en herhaalde de bombardementen om hun dood te verzekeren. ▪️We beschikken over inlichtingen die bevestigen dat de vijand de plaats opzettelijk heeft gebombardeerd met als doel de gevangenen en hun bewakers te doden. ▪️Onze Mujahideen hebben pogingen ondernomen om de gevangenen van de vijand terug te halen, en ze zijn erin geslaagd een van hen te bevrijden, wiens lot onbekend is. ▪️Wij houden oorlogsmisdadiger Netanyahu, zijn regering en zijn leger volledig verantwoordelijk voor deze gebeurtenis en voor de levens van hun gevangenen
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa| Ο στρατιωτικός εκπρόσωπος των Ταξιαρχιών Al-Qassam, Abu Ubaida: ▪️Ο κατοχικός στρατός βομβάρδισε πρόσφατα ένα μέρος όπου βρίσκονταν ορισμένοι εχθρικοί αιχμάλωτοι και επανέλαβε τους βομβαρδισμούς για να εξασφαλίσει τον θάνατό τους. ▪️Έχουμε πληροφορίες πληροφοριών που επιβεβαιώνουν ότι ο εχθρός βομβάρδισε σκόπιμα τον τόπο με σκοπό να σκοτώσει τους αιχμαλώτους και τους φρουρούς τους. ▪️Οι Μουτζαχεντίν μας προσπάθησαν να αποσπάσουν τους αιχμαλώτους του εχθρού και κατάφεραν να εξάγουν έναν από αυτούς, του οποίου η τύχη είναι άγνωστη. ▪️Θεωρούμε τον εγκληματία πολέμου Νετανιάχου, την κυβέρνησή του και τον στρατό του πλήρως υπεύθυνους για αυτό το γεγονός και για τις ζωές των κρατουμένων τους

12/30/2024, 12:59:53 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Press statement issued by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas): ▪️Following the increase in deaths in the Gaza Strip due to the severe cold wave and the low pressure, and the martyrdom of seven of our people, including six infants in dilapidated displacement tents, due to the severe cold and the lack of heating means; We urgently call on the United Nations and Arab and Islamic countries to work to bring in relief supplies and tents to protect hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians from the cold and the catastrophic effects of the ongoing Zionist aggression. ▪️The humanitarian and legal duty of the international community and the United Nations requires urgent action to provide relief to our people in the Gaza Strip, who have been subjected to a Zionist crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing that has been ongoing for about fifteen months, and to work to provide basic needs of shelter, food, water, medicine and heating means, and to oblige the fascist occupation to stop its aggression and lift its siege on more than two million people who are facing ethnic cleansing and inhumane living conditions imposed by the criminal occupation.
12/30/2024, 1:03:43 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades: We bombed, in cooperation with the Qassam Brigades, a concentration of enemy vehicles and soldiers in Abu Sharkh roundabout, west of Jabalia camp, with 80 mm mortar shells
12/30/2024, 1:07:56 PM
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📝 Safa translation | Hebrew sources: "Al-Qassam" took control of a drone and launched it against the Gaza envelope https://safa.ps/p/378619
1/12/2025, 10:24:33 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Nuseirat Municipality: Our services will stop within 48 hours due to the depletion of fuel needed to operate water wells and sewage pumps
12/30/2024, 1:22:15 PM
🔴 Safa Follow-up | Human Rights Protection Center: ▪️We express our shock at the announcement that the number of Palestinian prisoners who died under torture and brutal practices since October 7 has risen to (54) martyrs, including 5 who were martyred during the last 24 hours. ▪️We have monitored, along with many human rights institutions, a long series of violations to which Palestinian prisoners are exposed since the moment of violent and brutal arrest, their use as human shields, torture, abuse, humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced disappearance, deprivation of a fair trial and legal representation, deprivation of the most basic human rights, and their detention in inhumane conditions. ▪️The long series of violations is an inevitable result of the failure of international institutions to play their role, which allowed the Israeli occupation authorities to persist and deepen these violations. ▪️We call on the International Committee of the Red Cross to take a clear position on the ongoing systematic violations of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions alike, and to call on the High Contracting States to convene an extraordinary conference to discuss these violations and the extent of the Israeli government's commitment to its obligations. ▪️We demand that the numbers of Palestinian prisoners and detainees held in Israeli prisons be immediately disclosed, as well as their places of detention and their health status, including medical staff, the latest of whom was the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiyeh. ▪️We call on the International Criminal Court to include in its investigations the violations committed against Palestinian prisoners and detainees as crimes subject to the jurisdiction of the court.